Sophia Schmidt
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Elected official plans litigation if General Assembly does not change policing laws

Elected official plans litigation if General Assembly does not change policing laws

© 2022 Delaware Public MediaPlay Live Radio0:000:00Available On Air StationsCivil rights advocates want to state laws governing when police are justified in using force against civilians and how they’re investigated afterward.A state task force is working on proposals for policing reform—but critics say it’s Now a New Castle County Councilman is planning a different approach.Councilman Jea Street says if the General Assembly does not repeal the use of force statute and so-called Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights, he’ll challenge them in court. “I have every confidence that...

April 21, 2021
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Wilmington City Council supports legalizing recreational marijuana

Wilmington City Council supports legalizing recreational marijuana

© 2022 Delaware Public MediaPlay Live Radio0:000:00Available On Air StationsWilmington City Council approved a resolution Thursday urging the General Assembly to pass House Bill 150, which currently awaits a hearing in a house committee. “It’s a resolution that’s overdue,” said Councilwoman Zanthia Oliver, who sponsored the measure. “We already know the history: individuals of all different colors being locked up, serving unnecessary time.”Other council members pointed to the disproportionate impact of drug enforcement on communities of color, as well as the potential tax revenue from...

April 20, 2021
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Coronavirus outbreak appears to worsen in Delaware even as vaccinations rise

Coronavirus outbreak appears to worsen in Delaware even as vaccinations rise

© 2022 Delaware Public MediaPlay Live Radio0:000:00Available On Air StationsThis page offers all of Delaware Public Media's ongoing coverage of the COVID-19 outbreak and how it is affecting the First State. Check here regularly for the latest new and information.The nationwide increase in COVID-19 cases is showing up in the First State as well. COVID hospitalizations, new daily cases and percent of people testing positive have all trended upward in Delaware over the past month. “We want all of those measures to go the other way,” Gov. John Carney said Tuesday. “So we need to...

April 20, 2021
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State prosecutions for Capitol riot possible, says Delaware Attorney General

State prosecutions for Capitol riot possible, says Delaware Attorney General

© 2022 Delaware Public MediaPlay Live Radio0:000:00Available On Air StationsArrests are still rolling in for those involved in the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol last week. Delaware’s Attorney General is pushing for full accountability. Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings lays the blame for last week’s violence on President Trump, and others “at the top” who to march on the Capitol. She stopped short this week of indicating whether she thinks they’re criminally liable—but says the public, law enforcement and other officials will see the evidence. “And if the...

January 16, 2021
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Coons, Carper call for added security and intelligence ahead of inauguration

Coons, Carper call for added security and intelligence ahead of inauguration

© 2022 Delaware Public MediaPlay Live Radio0:000:00Available On Air StationsThreats of in the U.S. Capitol and elsewhere next week are circulating. Delaware’s U.S. Senators urge better security—and intelligence—for President-elect Biden’s inauguration.   Apparent failures in intelligence and security allowed a nearly unprecedented breach of the U.S. Capitol by pro-Trump extremists last week.  And with Biden’s inauguration coming up next week, many worry the violence is not over. Sen. Chris Coons (D-Delaware) said last week he was concerned about security at the...

January 13, 2021
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Members of DE Congressional delegation call for Trump removal after insurrection in U.S. Capitol

Members of DE Congressional delegation call for Trump removal after insurrection in U.S. Capitol

© 2022 Delaware Public MediaPlay Live Radio0:000:00Available On Air StationsAll three members of Delaware’s congressional delegation are safe following the breach of the U.S. Capitol by pro-Trump extremists Wednesday afternoon. Two are calling for the President to resign or be removed. Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-Delaware) believes the President should be removed from office "as quickly as possible," according to spokesman Andrew Donnelly.  "She’s long believed he’s unfit for office and now believes he poses a clear and present danger to the country," Donnelly said by...

January 8, 2021
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State constitutional amendment would make it easier to vote absentee

State constitutional amendment would make it easier to vote absentee

© 2022 Delaware Public MediaPlay Live Radio0:000:00Available On Air StationsLegislation already introduced for the upcoming General Assembly session could change how Delawareans vote absentee.   Lawmakers passed an amendment to Delaware’s constitution eliminating limitations on when voters can vote absentee last session. It must pass a second time by a two-thirds majority in this new session to be finalized, like any amendment to the state constitution.  The change would strike the specific excuses currently needed to vote absentee—such as being away on vacation or...

January 8, 2021
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U.S. Supreme Court sides with Delaware in judicial balance requirement case

U.S. Supreme Court sides with Delaware in judicial balance requirement case

© 2022 Delaware Public MediaPlay Live Radio0:000:00Available On Air StationsThe U.S. Supreme Court says Delaware’s judicial balance rule can stand. But the plaintiff is not giving up.The Justices ruled unanimously to uphold Delaware’s constitutional requirement that judges appointed to Chancery Court, Superior Court and the state Supreme Court be a member of one of the two major political parties.The rule also says neither party can hold more than a bare majority of the judgeships.James Adams, a politically independent attorney, sued the state over the requirements, arguing they disqualify...

December 31, 2020
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Early state mandates curbed COVID-19 outbreak in Delaware, study concludes

Early state mandates curbed COVID-19 outbreak in Delaware, study concludes

Delaware Public MediaThe state’s efforts to curtail the coronavirus this spring worked, according to a new study by the CDC.  Listen Listening... 1:08 Listen to this story The study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and several state public health officials came out Friday. It found Delaware’s stay-at-home order, mask mandate and contact tracing prevented deaths—and reduced COVID cases and hospitalizations this spring. These efforts contributed to an 82 percent reduction in COVID-19 incidence, an 88 percent reduction in hospitalizations, and a 100 percent reduction...

November 11, 2020
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