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UN Ambassador's Acting Chief of Staff Has Her Security Clearance Revoked

UN Ambassador's Acting Chief of Staff Has Her Security Clearance Revoked

In a little-noticed story that broke on Friday night, it was reported that Jennifer Davis, Chief of Staff to UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield (pictured above), has been reassigned because her security .According to the Politico article, Davis is a career foreign service officer, having worked for 18 years in the State Department with previous assignments in Mexico, Turkey, and Colombia.The decision to revoke Davis’s clearance came after a three-year administrative investigation conducted by the State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, which conducts security background...

November 4, 2021
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Regarding Democrats Stealing the House Seat in Iowa -- It's Not Like the Democrats Haven't Stolen an Election This Same Way Before

Regarding Democrats Stealing the House Seat in Iowa -- It's Not Like the Democrats Haven't Stolen an Election This Same Way Before

Following up on by my RedState colleague Bonchie earlier today, readers need to understand that the Democrats have used this very tactic in the past to reverse the certified outcome of an election for a seat in the House of Representatives, and they did so under circumstances where the outcome of that particular race had no impact on the operations of the House in any respect.As Bonchie explained in this story, the dispute over the outcome of the Iowa House race is now pending in the House Committee on Administration.  The Democrat challenger, Rita Hart, made a deliberate decision...

November 3, 2021
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A Step Forward -- Adding "Blue Anon" to the Political Lexicon to Stigmatize Idiot Pundits on the Left

A Step Forward -- Adding "Blue Anon" to the Political Lexicon to Stigmatize Idiot Pundits on the Left

— a lot.Ladies and gentlemen, we did it— Neanderthal Scholar Poso (@JackPosobiec)All conservatives have lived for years with the media stigmatizing every non-Democrat/liberal point of view with being somehow sympathetic to “QAnon” — whatever that might be.Whatever “QAnon” began as — someone with a “Q” level security clearance who began posting provocative conspiracy theories on the internet about the “Deep State” suggesting they had some form of inside information is the best I’ve ever been able to pin down its origins — it was transmogrified by the left-wing media establishment into some...

June 3, 2021
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It Does Not Matter How "Woke" You Are -- It Will Never be Enough For the Aggrieved Race Activists

It Does Not Matter How "Woke" You Are -- It Will Never be Enough For the Aggrieved Race Activists

In 2019-20, 77% of high school seniors took the SAT test as part of the process of applying for admission to colleges and universities.  In 2020-21, fewer than 50% will do so and most colleges are not requiring SAT scores because many of the testing dates were canceled because of COVID.Now the “woke” race activists are demanding that standardized testing be eliminated altogether as part of the college admissions process.  Their reason?  Because lower test scores by minority students (except Asians — pay not attention) is a reflection of racism — the results prove the racism,...

June 3, 2021
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Is Brnovich v. DNC -- Set for Argument Today -- the Reason the Supreme Court Refused to Take up Election Cases?

Is Brnovich v. DNC -- Set for Argument Today -- the Reason the Supreme Court Refused to Take up Election Cases?

The Supreme Court does not, for the most part, pick cases to hear simply because the parties have a dispute that seems worthy of the Court’s consideration.The Supreme Court selects cases that have an impact on the law in a broader sense — they resolve conflicts that have resulted from appeals court outcomes, or the case involves an issue where a majority of the Justices want to shift the law in a specific direction based on a view that lower court decisions are straying away from an acceptable path.To accomplish these goals, the Court takes cases with well-developed factual and legal...

February 3, 2021
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When Minimum Wage to $15 Was Disallowed by Senate Parliamentarian Democrats Attempted a Crazy Alternative

When Minimum Wage to $15 Was Disallowed by Senate Parliamentarian Democrats Attempted a Crazy Alternative

This story has flown under the radar over the weekend while conservative and GOP attention was focused on the events at CPAC in Orlando — Senate Democrats spent the weekend trying to figure out a way to punish US corporations who refuse to pay their workers a minimum wage of $15 an hour — even though such wage is not required by law.Late last week, the Senate Parliamentarian that the hike in the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, passed by the House in its COVID relief bill, is not legislation that can proceed through the Senate as part of the “Budget Reconciliation” process with the...

January 3, 2021
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The Supreme Court's Decision to Block California's Ban on In-Person Worship Will Create Pressure on Dems to Pack the Court

The Supreme Court's Decision to Block California's Ban on In-Person Worship Will Create Pressure on Dems to Pack the Court

As by my RedState colleague Bonchie, late on Friday the Supreme Court handed down an order granting the application for a preliminary injunction by a California church blocking enforcement of the order by California Governor Gavin Newsom that prohibited any indoor gathering for purposes of religious services.was somewhat fractured, as there were multiple parts of the California order under review, and the Court granted the application but denied them as to others. The Justices in the majority – the six conservatives – were not unanimous in their views on each part of the order, enjoining...

June 2, 2021
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Explaining the Twelfth Amendment for Those in the Media Who Seem to Be Reading Impaired

Explaining the Twelfth Amendment for Those in the Media Who Seem to Be Reading Impaired

I have already largely completed an article addressing the question of what Vice President Mike Pence might do in an alternative universe under a certain set of hypothetical circumstances on January 6.But I’ve grown weary from reading articles from online pundits that purport to tell everyone what the Congress is going to do, can do, won’t do, can’t do on Wednesday when it meets in Joint Session.So, before my other article hits the presses, I’m taking a step back and going through — you know — what is actually WRITTEN in the Twelfth Amendment about counting electoral votes.The Twelfth...

May 1, 2021
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Troubling Development as US Attorney for Northern District of Georgia Resigns Today -- Effective Immediately

Troubling Development as US Attorney for Northern District of Georgia Resigns Today -- Effective Immediately

This gives me a bit of heartburn.There are few details known at this time, although the resignation of US Attorney Byung “BJay” Pak is now being reported on widely across various liberal media outlets.Talkingpointsmemo received a copy of an internal email sent to the staff in the US Attorney’s Office, in which Pak cited “unforeseen circumstances” as prompting his immediate resignation.  It was previously reported that he would stay in place through January 20, 2021.Prior to being named as US Attorney, Pak had served six terms as a Georgia statehouse member representing a suburban...

April 1, 2021
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The Drafting of the Indictment Against Roger Stone Shows The Duplicity Of Mueller's Special Counsel Prosecutors

The Drafting of the Indictment Against Roger Stone Shows The Duplicity Of Mueller's Special Counsel Prosecutors

AP Photo/Carolyn KasterEvery day seems to bring another OpEd from left-wing “legal eagles” with idiotic notions about how the commutation of Roger Stone’s sentence is covering up undisclosed criminal activity on the part of Stone and Pres. Trump, and how if given another chance to run DOJ, the left-wingers have great plans to unravel everything the SCO was somehow prevented from doing.  Yesterday it was Andrew Weissman’s turn on the Op-Ed pages of the Washington Post. Originally this story was simply going to be a rebuttal to Weissman’s continued “narrative shaping” claims.  But...

July 15, 2020
