Shawn Langlois
Shawn Langlois
Shawn Langlois is an editor and writer for MarketWatch in Los Angeles. Follow him on Twitter @slangwise.Source
Los Angeles, CA
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Next year looks like it will be 'catastrophic,' U.N. warns

Next year looks like it will be 'catastrophic,' U.N. warns

Looking forward to finally turning the page on 2020 and optimistically embracing an overdue reversal of fortune in the new year? Not so fast, according to the United Nations.‘2021 is literally going to be catastrophic based on what we’re seeing at this stage of the game.’That’s World Food Program chief David Beasley, in front of the 193-member U.N. General Assembly Friday, offering up his grim outlook on the coming year, .He explained to the crowd, which had convened for a special meeting on COVID-19, that 2021 is likely to be “the worst humanitarian crisis year since the beginning of the...

December 6, 2020
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Donald Trump is hatching a plan to 'wreck' Fox News, insiders tell Axios

Donald Trump is hatching a plan to 'wreck' Fox News, insiders tell Axios

Where did the love go? While Donald Trump still enjoys plenty of support from the Fox News prime-time lineup of Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham and Tucker Carlson, his cozy relationship with the network has gotten a bit frosty of late. Look no further than the president’s Twitterfeed:Vengeance is the planned Trump response, so says a Trump insider quoted by Axios:‘He plans to wreck Fox. No doubt about it.’indicates Trump, most recently enraged by , has said he plans to build a rival to steal Fox viewership. He may not be planning to take on Fox as a cable channel, however. Trump is reportedly...

November 12, 2020
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Donald Trump will win re-election, and a revolution is coming, billionaire investor predicts

Donald Trump will win re-election, and a revolution is coming, billionaire investor predicts

‘When I said that I think Trump is going to win in 2016, I also said that, if you think 2016 is weird, just wait for 2020. Well, if you think 2020 is weird, just wait until 2024. You ain’t seen nothing yet.’That’s “Bond King” billionaire and DoubleLine Capital boss Jeffrey Gundlach striking an ominous tone in comments he reportedly made this week at Schwab’s 2020 IMPACT conference, Gundlach was as saying that he expects widening economic inequality to bring about some sort of revolution by 2027, with the 2024 presidential election directly in the path of massive social, economic and...

October 28, 2020
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It's been years since investors have been this fearful of a stock market crash, Nobel-winning economist warns

It's been years since investors have been this fearful of a stock market crash, Nobel-winning economist warns

‘No one knows the future, but given the general lack of investor confidence amid a pandemic and political polarization, there is a chance that a negative, self-fulfilling prophecy will flourish. This highlights the importance of being well diversified in asset classes — including Treasury securities, which are safe — and not overexposed to U.S. equities now.’That’s Robert Shiller, a Nobel Prize-winning economist and Yale professor, urging a cautious approach to investing in the top-heavy stock market in .“The coronavirus crisis and the November election have driven fears of a major market...

October 26, 2020
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Mike Huckabee tweets about filling out dead relatives' absentee ballots, and key Federal Election Commission member doesn't find it funny

Mike Huckabee tweets about filling out dead relatives' absentee ballots, and key Federal Election Commission member doesn't find it funny

In 2017, the magazine Fast Company hailed former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee as “,” spotlighting these kinds of “dad jokes” over the years as evidence:A tweet that he fired off over the weekend — assuming it’s one of his trademark knee-slappers — certainly won’t cost him that Fast Company crown:Joking about committing voter fraud just days ahead of one of the most contentious elections of all time? The reaction from his followers ranged from cringe to anger across social media:Joining the backlash from a noteworthy perch was Ellen L. Weintraub, who serves as a commissioner on the Federal...

October 25, 2020
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President Trump asked a reporter for some advice on how to win tonight's debate — and here's what he got

President Trump asked a reporter for some advice on how to win tonight's debate — and here's what he got

‘Let Joe Biden talk. He’ll do the work for you.’That’s Jason Whitlock, a former Fox Sports and ESPN reporter, giving President Donald Trump some advice in an interview ahead of the final pre-election debate with Democratic rival Joe Biden later Thursday.Aside from that interaction, a jab at either the former vice president’s rhetorical or inspirational capacity even as he, Whitlock also touched on Trump’s appeal to the Black community. “I know I look incredibly young, but I actually have lived long enough to remember back when rappers loved … Donald Trump before he was...

October 22, 2020
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John Fogerty demands the president stop using his music: Donald Trump IS the 'fortunate son'

John Fogerty demands the president stop using his music: Donald Trump IS the 'fortunate son'

‘I wrote this song because, as a veteran, I was disgusted that some people were allowed to be excluded from serving our country because they had access to political and financial privilege. I also wrote about wealthy people not paying their fair share of taxes. Mr. Trump is a prime example of both of these issues.’ That’s rock legend John Fogerty – singer, songwriter and guitar player for Creedence Clearwater Revival – tweeting about his cease-and-desist order against President Donald Trump, who regularly plays the band’s classic anti-war anthem “Fortunate Son” at his rallies.“The fact...

October 19, 2020
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$70,000 in hairstyling expenses? Ocasio-Cortez attacks Republicans over Trump's taxes

$70,000 in hairstyling expenses? Ocasio-Cortez attacks Republicans over Trump's taxes

Last year, New York Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez paid a couple of hundred bucks for a trip to the hair salon, firing up her critics, both across the internet and in the media. The Washington Times, for instance, ran the headline, “” as critics took to Twitterto voice their shock over her huge spend.Fast forward to , which included a mention of a $70,000 deduction to style his hair while he filmed “The Apprentice,” and, well, here’s what AOC had to say about it: She wasn’t the only politician wading into the fray Sunday night on Twitter as the #TrumpTaxes hashtag topped the...

September 28, 2020
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'Vote him out!' President Trump booed during visit to RBG's casket

'Vote him out!' President Trump booed during visit to RBG's casket

One of his adoring rallies this clearly was not. A masked President Donald Trump visited Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s casket at the Supreme Court on Thursday, where he was promptly met with boos and chants of “vote him out” and “honor her wish.”Here’s some of the footage:The “honor her wish” chant was in reference to Trump’s overlooking of the late justice’s reported dying wish to not be replaced before the election.As video of the jeers was passed around social media, the became the top-trending topic on Twitteras the president was hammered by his critics:White House Press Secretary Kayleigh...

September 24, 2020
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Here's the case for Elon Musk, Warren Buffett and the rest of America's billionaires sending $3,000 stimulus checks to everybody

Here's the case for Elon Musk, Warren Buffett and the rest of America's billionaires sending $3,000 stimulus checks to everybody

“The rich get richer” doesn’t even begin to truly capture what’s been happening across the United States during the coronavirus pandemic. According to Americans for Tax Fairness and the Institute for Policy Studies, the 651 U.S. billionaires have seen their collective wealth grow by more than $1 trillion over the past nine months, while the less fortunate struggle to keep their jobs and put food on the table.If the ultrarich were to share their “pandemic profits,” , they could give everybody in the country a one-time $3,000 stimulus check and still be wealthier than they were back in March....

December 10, 2020
