Shasta Darlington
Shasta Darlington
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Timeline: What Bolsonaro said as Brazil's coronavirus cases climbed

Timeline: What Bolsonaro said as Brazil's coronavirus cases climbed

(CNN)saw warning signs would be a dramatic understatement. As Covid-19 raced across Europe, knocked the UK Prime Minister flat, and throttled New York City earlier this year, Brazil had plenty of notice that a catastrophe was on its way. But was some of the danger drowned out by the megaphone of its bombastic President Jair Bolsonaro, who has repeatedly dismissed the virus as a "little flu"? Brazil has now claimed the grim title of most Covid-19 cases globally after the US. More than 25,000 people in Brazil have died, and some experts say by August. and alike are being stretched to their...

May 26, 2020
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Brazilian president's press secretary tests positive for coronavirus, days after meeting Trump | CNN

Brazilian president's press secretary tests positive for coronavirus, days after meeting Trump | CNN

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Fabio Wajngarten, the press secretary for Brazilian President, tested positive for on Thursday, two sources have told CNN. Bolsonaro’s health is being monitored.It comes just days after Wajngarten met US President Donald Trump in Florida.Trump was in close physical proximity with the Wajngarten Saturday night, two people familiar tell CNN.The Brazilian press secretary attended the dinner Trump hosted at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, took a photo with the US President and later stood feet away from Trump as he spoke during Kimberly...

March 12, 2020
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Political turbulence in Brazil overshadows Covid-19 crisis | CNN

Political turbulence in Brazil overshadows Covid-19 crisis | CNN

Analysis by , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Brazil reported yet another record number of deaths on Tuesday as a cripples hospitals across the country. But it’s the rocking the government that grabbed headlines on Wednesday.A day after the biggest Cabinet reshuffle since took office, the three commanders of Brazil’s armed forces were squeezed out, fueling speculation that Bolsonaro is losing the support of the military and seeking to assert control, amid growing criticism over his handling of the pandemic.“The Military Refuses Political Affiliation and Bolsonaro Replaces the Heads...

March 26, 2021
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Brazil resumes CoronaVac trial after pause over 'adverse event' | CNN

Brazil resumes CoronaVac trial after pause over 'adverse event' | CNN

By and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Brazilian trials of the CoronaVac will resume, after due to a “serious adverse event” in one of the volunteers.According to a police report, a volunteer in the study died by suicide, CNN confirmed Tuesday, resulting in an investigation into the cause of death and a pending toxicology report.Brazil’s National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) said on Wednesday that clinical trials of CoronaVac, developed by Chinese drug maker Sinovac, would be allowed to restart.Phase 3 of the trials have been suspended since Monday, following what Anvisa...

November 11, 2020
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Brazil registers most Amazon fires for the month of June since 2007

Brazil registers most Amazon fires for the month of June since 2007

(CNN)Brazilian researchers detected 2,248 fires in the Amazon last month -- the highest number of fires recorded in the month of June since 2007, according to Brazil's National Institute for Space Research (INPE).The burning season in the Amazon occurs most heavily in July, August, and September. Last year, the caused by fires in the Amazon caused scientists to warn of potentially devastating effects on the global climate.Last June, INPE detected 1,880 fires using satellite imagery. This year, environmental activists say that illegal loggers and ranchers have taken advantage of limited...

July 2, 2020
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Brazil President Bolsonaro replaces health minister

Brazil President Bolsonaro replaces health minister

(CNN)Brazil's president has fired his health minister after weeks of over the country's coronavirus strategy."I just heard from President Jair Bolsonaro the notification of my discharge as Health Minister," the outgoing minister Luiz Henrique Mandetta tweeted Thursday, thanking his colleagues and wishing success for his replacement.He will be replaced by Nelson Teich, an oncologist who supported Bolsonaro's presidential campaign.Mandetta was one of Brazil's biggest proponents of social distancing, supporting governors' decisions to shut down schools and businesses. But his approach put him...

April 11, 2020
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Coronavirus fears grow for Brazil's indigenous groups

Coronavirus fears grow for Brazil's indigenous groups

Sao Paulo (CNN)Fears are growing that the coronavirus could ravage Brazil's indigenous communities, following in the Amazon region. A member of the Yanomami people, the 15-year-old boy from the village of Rehebe in northern Brazil had been studying in a nearby town, before returning to his ancestral village where he began to feel symptoms and was transferred to a hospital. He died on Friday from complications related to COVID-19, according to the Health Ministry. "We have to be extremely careful with indigenous communities," Health Minister Luiz Henrique Mandetta said after the Yanomami boy...

April 13, 2020
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Brazil now has the second-highest number of coronavirus cases in the world after US | CNN

Brazil now has the second-highest number of coronavirus cases in the world after US | CNN

By and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Brazil has become the country with the second most coronavirus cases worldwide after theThe country’s health ministry reported 20,803 new cases on Friday, bringing the total to 330,890 confirmed cases.Brazil’s cases have surpassed the number in Russia, where health officials more recently reported 326,448 cases.More than 1.5 million cases have been reported in the US, according to a tally byLast week, Sao Paulo’s mayor warned that its health system could be overwhelmed very soon if residents don’t follow social distancing guidelines. Officials...

May 23, 2020
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Report: Brazil's indigenous people are dying at an alarming rate from Covid-19

Report: Brazil's indigenous people are dying at an alarming rate from Covid-19

Sao Paulo (CNN)Far from hospitals and often lacking basic infrastructure, Brazil's indigenous people are dying at an alarming rate from Covid-19 with little help in sight. The mortality rate is double that of the rest of population, according to advocacy group Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB) which tracks the number of cases and deaths among the country's 900,000 indigenous people.APIB has recorded more than 980 officially confirmed cases of coronavirus and at least 125 deaths, which suggests a mortality rate of 12.6 percent -- compared to the national rate of 6.4...

May 24, 2020
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