Sharon Lerner
Sharon Lerner
Reporter covering health & the environment @ProPublica. Formerly @TheIntercept. Tips always welcome : ) DM for Signal. sharon.lerner@propublica.orgSource
Brooklyn, New York
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New Details Emerge About Coronavirus Research at Chinese Lab

New Details Emerge About Coronavirus Research at Chinese Lab

Newly released documents provide details of U.S.-funded research on several types of coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. The Intercept has obtained more than 900 pages of documents detailing the work of EcoHealth Alliance, a U.S.-based health organization that used federal money to fund bat coronavirus research at the Chinese laboratory. The trove of documents includes two previously unpublished grant proposals that were funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, as well as project updates relating to EcoHealth Alliance’s research, which has...

September 7, 2021
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Chemical Industry Lobbyist in Trump EPA Suppressed Evidence of Cancer Risk

Chemical Industry Lobbyist in Trump EPA Suppressed Evidence of Cancer Risk

Trump administration officials withheld information about carcinogenic pollution from Illinois communities, according to a released yesterday by the Environmental Protection Agency’s inspector general. Bill Wehrum, who served as assistant administrator of the office of Air and Radiation until 2019, kept information from residents of Willowbrook, Illinois, about results of air monitoring that showed they had an elevated risk of cancer due to ethylene oxide from a local sterilizing plant, according to the report, “EPA Delayed Risk Communication and Issued Instructions Hindering Region 5’s...

April 16, 2021
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Doctor Who Joined Capitol Attacks Leads a Far-Right Campaign Against Covid-19 Vaccine

Doctor Who Joined Capitol Attacks Leads a Far-Right Campaign Against Covid-19 Vaccine

The day before she entered the Capitol with the throngs of insurrectionists, Dr. Simone Gold gave a speech in which she urged people not to get the coronavirus vaccine. “You must not comply if you do not want to take an experimental biological agent deceptively named a vaccine; you must not allow yourself to be coerced,” Gold shouted at a rally held outside the White House.Gold was spreading her brand of politicized medical misinformation during the siege, too. In the FBI’s  of those most wanted for “violence at the United States Capitol,” Gold, No. 21, is pictured holding a...

January 14, 2021
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PFAS Chemical Associated With Severe Covid-19

PFAS Chemical Associated With Severe Covid-19

Elevated levels of a PFAS compound were associated with more severe forms of Covid-19, according to a Danish now undergoing peer review. The research, which involved 323 patients infected with the coronavirus, found that those who had elevated levels of a chemical called PFBA were more than twice as likely to have a severe form of the disease.PFBA is one of a , often called “forever chemicals,” that has come to contaminate soil, water, and food around the world. It has been presented as relatively safe because it stays in human blood for much less time than some of the other compounds...

December 7, 2020
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Contaminants in New Jersey Soil and Water Are Toxic, Documents Reveal

Contaminants in New Jersey Soil and Water Are Toxic, Documents Reveal

Documents made public by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that PFAS compounds the chemical company Solvay has released in New Jersey are toxic to lab animals and people, stay in the human body for years, and were found in the blood of workers at two of Solvay’s plants.According to a Solvay sent to the EPA, blood monitoring of workers at two of its plants between 2011 and 2019 showed that the compounds were present at high levels and had harmful effects. The same compounds have been found in and near the company’s plant in...

November 25, 2020
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How Trump Gutted OSHA and Workplace Safety Rules

How Trump Gutted OSHA and Workplace Safety Rules

The coronavirus had already begun tearing through the JBS Foods beef processing plant in Greeley, Colorado, when Kim Cordova wrote to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration in late March. Cordova, the president of UFCW Local 7, asked the federal agency to send inspectors to that plant, where 3,000 members of the union work, as well as to five other businesses where members of the local work. Many of the JBS workers, who cut, process, and package the meat from the newly slaughtered animals, had begun to fall sick with Covid-19. Yet JBS hadn’t provided the workers with masks and in...

October 20, 2020
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Texas Voter Suppression Tactics Recall the Jim Crow Era

Texas Voter Suppression Tactics Recall the Jim Crow Era

Pam Johnson Gaskin learned early last week that the election administrator in Fort Bend County, Texas, had decided to add four locations where voters can hand-deliver their absentee ballots, several of which were going to be outside to minimize voters’ chances of being exposed to the coronavirus. “I was like, Oh thank you, Jesus. Protesting does work!” said Gaskin, who lives in the eastern part of the county and had spent the previous several days advocating for the additional drop-off sites.But by Thursday afternoon, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott had invalidated the county’s decision, issuing a...

October 5, 2020
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Despite the Hype, Gilead’s Remdesivir Will Do Nothing to End the Coronavirus Pandemic

Despite the Hype, Gilead’s Remdesivir Will Do Nothing to End the Coronavirus Pandemic

A combination of generic drugs appears to be more effective in fighting the coronavirus than Gilead Sciences’ remdesivir.Gilead Sciences’ remdesivir has been heralded as our in fighting the coronavirus pandemic. Unfortunately, the antiviral drug doesn’t seem of much help to patients with Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. And while the company’s clever rollout has generated excitement among investors, politicians, and the public, a combination of generic drugs that appears to be more effective in fighting the coronavirus has flown under the radar.Desperation for the limited...

May 26, 2020
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The Trump Administration Is Waiving the Public’s Right to Affordable Coronavirus Treatments

The Trump Administration Is Waiving the Public’s Right to Affordable Coronavirus Treatments

The federal government has failed to include intellectual property and pricing protections in at least four contracts for drugs to combat Covid-19. Legal safeguards meant to ensure that products developed with federal funds are affordable and widely available were missing from the contracts, which are worth more than $1 billion and were released along with other documents last week in response to freedom of information requests. The omissions make it more likely that potentially lifesaving treatments and vaccines may be priced out of reach, even as the spiraling financial and health...

July 1, 2020
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