Shaina Ahluwalia
Shaina Ahluwalia
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France reports 35,879 new coronavirus cases, overtakes Russia

France reports 35,879 new coronavirus cases, overtakes Russia

By , PARIS (Reuters) - France reported 35,879 new coronavirus cases on Wednesday, taking the total to 1.86 million, overtaking Russia and making France the worst affected country in the European region.With a total of 1,865,538 confirmed cases, France is the fourth-worst affected country in the world for novel coronavirus infections, according to a Reuters tally.Italy surpassed the one-million infections mark on Wednesday, leap-frogging Mexico to become one of the top 10 worst-affected countries, while the United Kingdom passed 50,000 deaths in the eight-month long pandemic.France is almost...

November 11, 2020
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Europe COVID death toll tops 300,000 as winter looms and infections surge

Europe COVID death toll tops 300,000 as winter looms and infections surge

By , , (Reuters) - More than 300,000 people have died of COVID-19 across Europe, according to a Reuters tally on Tuesday, and authorities fear that fatalities and infections will continue to rise as the region heads into winter despite hopes for a new vaccine.With just 10% of the world’s population, Europe accounts for almost a quarter of the 1.2 million deaths globally, and even its well-equipped hospitals are feeling the strain.After achieving a measure of control over the pandemic with broad lockdowns earlier this year, case numbers have surged since the summer and governments have...

November 10, 2020
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Global coronavirus cases exceed 50 million after 30-day spike

Global coronavirus cases exceed 50 million after 30-day spike

By , , (Reuters) - Global coronavirus infections exceeded 50 million on Sunday, according to a Reuters tally, with a second wave of the virus in the past 30 days accounting for a quarter of the total.October was the worst month for the pandemic so far, with the United States becoming the first country to report more than 100,000 daily cases. A surge in Europe contributed to the rise.The latest seven-day average shows global daily infections are rising by more than 540,000.More than 1.25 million people have died from the respiratory disease that emerged in China late last year.The pandemic’s...

November 8, 2020
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Europe's COVID-19 cases double in five weeks, total infections surpass 10 million

Europe's COVID-19 cases double in five weeks, total infections surpass 10 million

By , (Reuters) - Europe’s new COVID-19 cases have doubled in five weeks, propelling the region on Sunday across the bleak milestone of 10 million total infections, according to a Reuters tally.Just last month, both Latin America and Asia reported over 10 million total cases in their regions. The United States alone has over 9 million cases with a rapidly accelerating outbreak.While Europe almost took nine months to record its first 5 million COVID-19 cases, the next 5 million cases were reported in slightly over a month, according to a Reuters analysis.With 10% of the world’s population,...

November 1, 2020
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Global coronavirus cases surpass the 40 million milestone

Global coronavirus cases surpass the 40 million milestone

By , (Reuters) - Worldwide coronavirus cases crossed 40 million on Monday, according to a Reuters tally, as the onset of winter in the northern hemisphere fuelled a resurgence in the spread of the disease.The Reuters tally is based on official reporting by individual countries. Experts believe the true numbers of both cases and deaths are likely much higher, given deficiencies in testing and potential under-reporting by some countries.The Reuters data shows the pace of the pandemic continues to pick up. It took just 32 days to go from 30 million global cases to 40 million, compared with the...

October 19, 2020
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U.S. coronavirus cases surpass eight million as infections spike nationwide

U.S. coronavirus cases surpass eight million as infections spike nationwide

By , (Reuters) - U.S. cases of the novel coronavirus crossed 8 million on Thursday, rising by 1 million in less than a month, as another surge in cases hits the nation at the onset of cooler weather.Since the pandemic started, over 217,000 people have died in the United States. (Graphic: )The United States reported 60,000 new infections on Wednesday, the highest since Aug. 14, with rising cases in every region, especially the Midwest.Health experts have long warned that colder temperatures driving people inside could promote the spread of the virus. They have not pinpointed the reason for...

October 15, 2020
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