Sarah Cahlan
Sarah Cahlan
🎥 @washingtonpost visual forensics | previously @NBCNews @NAHJ fellow | @ucbsoj alumnaSource
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The crackdown before Trump’s photo op: How law enforcement cleared protesters outside the White House

The crackdown before Trump’s photo op: How law enforcement cleared protesters outside the White House

Investigations What video and other records show about the clearing of protesters outside the White House By Late in the day on June 1, demonstrators gathered near the White House, on the edge of Lafayette Square, to protest police abuse following the death in custody of Minneapolis resident George Floyd. Similar protests had erupted across the country. Many were peaceful, but some included property destruction and clashes with police. Earlier in the day, President Trump berated local and state leaders as “weak” for not doing more to quell unrest, and in a call with governors he pledged...

June 8, 2020
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Analysis | Tracking Trump’s false or misleading coronavirus claims

Analysis | Tracking Trump’s false or misleading coronavirus claims

This article was published more than 3 years agoCommentGift ShareThe global outbreak of the novel coronavirus has confronted President Trump with a public health and economic crisis that requires consistent, accurate messaging to guide Americans. But the president often has played down the threats, offering false, misleading or ignorant statements.We have fact-checked many of these claims and recorded them in . But now we are starting a page to list the most notable coronavirus statements in one place, in chronological order. We intend to keep updating this page as the crisis...

March 14, 2020
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How Shireen Abu Akleh was killed

How Shireen Abu Akleh was killed

“We are now at the doors of the Jenin refugee camp,” Ali al-Samoudi, an Al Jazeera news channel producer, said as he began early on May 11, during an Israeli military operation in the camp. Sounds of gunshots rang out in the distance. “Heavy clashes,” could be heard, Samoudi said in the video, which was recorded shortly after 6 a.m.Less than 30 minutes later, the scene was quiet enough that Samoudi, along with three other journalists, felt safe inching toward a column of Israeli military vehicles that was involved in one of the early morning raids. Among the group was Palestinian American ,...

June 12, 2022
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D.C. Police requested backup at least 17 times in 78 minutes during Capitol riot

D.C. Police requested backup at least 17 times in 78 minutes during Capitol riot

At 1:13 p.m. on Jan. 6, a D.C. police commander facing a swelling crowd of protesters on the west side of the U.S. Capitol made an urgent call for more officers in riot gear. “Hard gear at the Capitol! Hard gear at the Capitol!” Cmdr. Robert Glover shouted into his radio.​​​​​Glover and a team of D.C. police officers had rushed to the besieged complex moments earlier at the behest of Capitol Police. By the time they arrived, the Capitol grounds were already being overrun by a mob intent on overturning President Donald Trump’s electoral defeat.Over the next 78 minutes, Glover requested...

April 15, 2021
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41 minutes of fear: A video timeline from inside the Capitol siege

41 minutes of fear: A video timeline from inside the Capitol siege

Visual Forensics By At 2:12 p.m. on Jan. 6, supporters of President Trump began climbing through a window they had smashed on the northwest side of the U.S. Capitol. “Go! Go! Go!” someone shouted as the rioters, some in military gear, streamed in. It was the start of the most serious attack on the Capitol since the War of 1812. The mob coursed through the building, enraged that Congress was preparing to make Trump’s electoral defeat official. “Drag them out! … Hang them out!” rioters yelled at one point, as they gathered near the House chamber. Officials in the House and Senate secured the...

January 17, 2021
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Military-grade camera shows risks of airborne coronavirus spread

Military-grade camera shows risks of airborne coronavirus spread

Investigations By As winter approaches, the United States is grappling with a jaw-dropping surge in the number of novel coronavirus infections. More than 288,000 Americans have been killed by a virus that public health officials now say can be spread through airborne transmission. The virus spreads most commonly through close contact, scientists say. But under certain conditions, people farther than six feet apart can become infected by exposure to tiny droplets and particles exhaled by an infected person, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . Those droplets and particles can...

December 11, 2020
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Alleged Michigan plotters attended multiple anti-lockdown protests, photos and videos show

Alleged Michigan plotters attended multiple anti-lockdown protests, photos and videos show

By On April 30, outside the Michigan Capitol, protesters gathered to demand that Gov. Gretchen Whitmer end the business closures and other measures she had imposed to slow the transmission of the coronavirus. Speaker after speaker denounced the Democratic governor. One Republican congressional candidate told protesters they were “the tip of the spear” in the fight against tyranny. Another aspiring official said that by supporting conservative candidates they could “slap Gretchen Whitmer right across the face.” In the crowd that day, according to photos and videos, were Adam Fox and at least...

November 2, 2020
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