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California and Texas Took Different Routes to Vaccination. Who’s Ahead?

California and Texas Took Different Routes to Vaccination. Who’s Ahead?

California and Texas, the country’s two most populous states, have taken radically different approaches to the pandemic and the vaccination campaign to end it.It can beCalifornia has trumpeted its reliance on science and policies it says are aimed at improving social equity.Texas state officials have emphasized individual rights and protecting the economy, often ignoring public health warnings but encouraging vaccination — while calling it a personal choice.Yet California’s commitment to equity the state ahead of Texas in vaccinating Latinos, who make up roughly 40% of the population in...

April 22, 2021
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Texas Winter Storm Exposes Gaps in Senior Living Oversight

Texas Winter Storm Exposes Gaps in Senior Living Oversight

HOUSTON — When the big, red and extremely loud fire alarm went off in Maria Skladzien’s apartment, the 74-year-old ventured into the hallway with fellow residents of her Houston-area senior living community. The brutal winter storm that swept through Texas had knocked out power, which, in turn, disrupted water to the four-story building. The blaring alarms raised fears of fire.It can beThe building’s elevators were unusable without power. Dependent on her wheelchair, Skladzien went back inside her second-floor apartment. She watched as residents gathered in the subfreezing temperatures...

March 10, 2021
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Firefighters — ‘Health Care Providers on a Truck’ — Signal Pandemic Burnout

Firefighters — ‘Health Care Providers on a Truck’ — Signal Pandemic Burnout

This story also ran on . It can beTim Dupin thought — or at least hoped — that Missouri firefighters, paramedics and other emergency medical services personnel would be among the first to get vaccinated against the coronavirus.After months of feeling overlooked by elected leaders in the distribution of safety equipment and other resources, surely, Dupin thought, their role on the front line of the medical system would be recognized. They had, throughout the pandemic, responded to calls the way they always had: Without regard to whom or what they would encounter at the scene, interacting...

March 5, 2021
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One Ambulance Ride Leads to Another When Packed Hospitals Cannot Handle Non-Covid Patients

One Ambulance Ride Leads to Another When Packed Hospitals Cannot Handle Non-Covid Patients

This story also ran on . It can beKeely Connolly thought she would be safe once the ambulance arrived at Hutchinson Regional Medical Center in Kansas.She was having difficulty breathing because she’d had to miss a kidney dialysis treatment a few days earlier for lack of child care. Her potassium was dangerously high, putting her at risk of a heart attack. But she trusted she would be fine once she was admitted and dialysis was begun.She panicked when a nurse told her that no beds were available and that she would have to be transferred — possibly more than 450 miles away to Denver. She had...

January 11, 2021
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Poor and Minority Children With Food Allergies Overlooked and in Danger

Poor and Minority Children With Food Allergies Overlooked and in Danger

This story also ran on .As Emily Brown stood in a food pantry looking at her options, she felt alone. Up to that point, she had never struggled financially. But there she was, desperate to find safe food for her young daughter with food allergies. What she found was a jar of salsa and some potatoes.“That was all that was available,” said Brown, who lives in Kansas City, Kansas. “It was just a desperate place.”When she became a parent, Brown left her job for lack of child care that would accommodate her daughter’s allergies to peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, wheat and soy. When she and her...

November 5, 2020
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Pandemic-Inspired Food Labeling Raises Alarms for Those With Food Allergies

Pandemic-Inspired Food Labeling Raises Alarms for Those With Food Allergies

This story also ran on .As the mother of a child with food allergies, Heather Sapp was well versed in reading labels and calling manufacturers to verify ingredients. For years, she kept her daughter’s diet free of the peanuts and tree nuts that could kill her.But when a bite of lemon-ginger hummus three years ago sent Sapp herself into life-threatening anaphylactic shock, her dependence on labeling accuracy became more complicated. Testing determined that Sapp, now 43, had developed adult-onset anaphylactic allergies to chickpeas, sesame and cilantro. More recently, Sapp, who lives in...

July 21, 2020
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In Texas, Individual Freedoms Clash With Efforts To Slow The Surge Of COVID Cases

In Texas, Individual Freedoms Clash With Efforts To Slow The Surge Of COVID Cases

[UPDATE: Houston city officials on Wednesday worked with the operator of Houston’s convention center to  for a GOP party convention slated to occur there later this month. Republican officials  in response, and another county’s top leader is offering to host the in-person party meeting.]HOUSTON — The Fourth of July was a little different this year here in Texas’ biggest city. Parades were canceled and some of the region’s beaches were closed. At the city’s biggest fireworks show, “Freedom Over Texas,” fireworks were shot higher in the air to make it easier to...

July 8, 2020
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In The Middle Of The Country, A Hospital And Its Community Prepare For The Surge

In The Middle Of The Country, A Hospital And Its Community Prepare For The Surge

Megan Kampling and her husband were only a few days into a spring break trip with their children when Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly shut down schools in an effort to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus.“We both just looked at each other and said, ‘What are we going to do?’” Kampling recalled.She works in the pharmacy department at hospitals in Wichita and her husband is an officer with the Wichita Police Department, making them both essential workers who could not work remotely. But they have a 2-year-old and a kindergartner.The hospital system where she works came to the rescue: Via Christi...

April 22, 2020
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Economic Blow Of The Coronavirus Hits America’s Already Stressed Farmers

Economic Blow Of The Coronavirus Hits America’s Already Stressed Farmers

Richard Oswald, still mourning the loss of his family’s homestead to flooding along the Missouri River, is planting corn and soybeans into ground that last year was feet deep underwater.It’s probably good, he said, to not have too much time to think.“Diversion therapy is the best treatment for farmers right now,” said the 70-year-old from Atchison County, Missouri. “Being busy helps.”In an industry rocked over the past year by record rates of bankruptcies, suicides and mental health crises spurred by weather extremes, trade wars and faltering economics, COVID-19 has fostered even more...

May 7, 2020
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