Sandee LaMotte
Sandee LaMotte
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Weed is not good for your heart, studies say

Weed is not good for your heart, studies say

Stay Updated on Developing StoriesView in AppBy Sandee LaMotte, CNN(CNN) You may love smoking weed, but it does not love your heart, according to the American Heart Association's new scientific statement on marijuana."The American Heart Association recommends that people not smoke or vape any substance, including cannabis products, because of the potential harm to the heart, lungs and blood vessels," said Dr. Rose Marie Robertson, the deputy chief science and medical officer for the American Heart Association, in a statement.The new scientific statement, examined existing research on the...

August 5, 2020
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Human sperm don't wiggle, but roll like 'playful otters' as they swim, study says

Human sperm don't wiggle, but roll like 'playful otters' as they swim, study says

Stay Updated on Developing StoriesView in AppBy Sandee LaMotte, CNN(CNN) More than 340 years ago, a Dutchman named Antonie van Leeuwenhoek invented a powerful new compound microscope and accidentally discovered the existence of bacteria, a groundbreaking achievement that changed the course of medicine.Not long after, he decided to look at his ejaculate -- definitely not an accident -- and discovered tiny, wiggling creatures with tails he dubbed "animalcules."These creatures "moved forward owing to the motion of their tails like that of a snake or an eel swimming in water," to the secretary...

July 31, 2020
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Stretching, range of motion and aerobic exercise all slow cognitive decline, study says

Stretching, range of motion and aerobic exercise all slow cognitive decline, study says

Cheer up couch potatoes! Regular stretching and balance and range of motion exercises are as good as aerobic exercise in slowing the progression of mild cognitive decline, a new study has found."My worry in the beginning of the study was 'What if only aerobic makes a difference? Good luck getting the majority of Americans to do aerobic exercise on a regular basis!' It's not sustainable," said study author Laura Baker, a professor of gerontology and geriatric medicine at Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, via email."But we found that cognitive...

August 2, 2022
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Vaping marijuana linked to lung injury in teens, study says

Vaping marijuana linked to lung injury in teens, study says

(CNN)Teens are about twice as likely to report "wheezing or whistling" in the chest after vaping marijuana than after smoking cigarettes or using e-cigarettes, a new study has found."This surprised us, we thought we would find more negative respiratory symptoms in both cigarettes and e-cigarettes users," said study author Carol Boyd, co-director of the Center for the Study of Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking & Health at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor."Without a doubt, cigarettes and e-cigarettes are unhealthy and not good for lungs. However, vaping marijuana appears even worse," she...

November 19, 2019
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Chemicals in plastics damage babies' brains and must be banned, expert group says

Chemicals in plastics damage babies' brains and must be banned, expert group says

(CNN)Synthetic chemicals called are damaging children's brain development and therefore must be immediately banned from consumer products, according to a group of scientists and health professionals from .Project TENDR, which stands for Targeting Environmental Neuro-Development Risks, is a group of volunteer scientists, health professionals and child advocates working to study and reduce children's exposure to neurotoxic chemicals and pollutants."What we want to accomplish is to move the public health community, including regulators, toward this goal of elimination of phthalates," said lead...

February 20, 2021
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Leading baby food manufacturers knowingly sold products with high levels of toxic metals, a congressional investigation found

Leading baby food manufacturers knowingly sold products with high levels of toxic metals, a congressional investigation found

(CNN)Four leading baby food manufacturers knowingly sold baby food that contained high levels of toxic heavy metals, according to internal company documents included in a ."Dangerous levels of toxic metals like arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury exist in baby foods at levels that exceed what experts and governing bodies say are permissible," said Democratic Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi of Illinois, chair of the House Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy, which conducted the investigation, .Krishnamoorthi said the spreadsheets provided by manufacturers are "shocking" because they show...

February 4, 2021
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Does Covid-19 impact male fertility? Experts urge caution about new evidence

Does Covid-19 impact male fertility? Experts urge caution about new evidence

(CNN)Severe cases of Covid-19 might impact the quality of a man's sperm, thus possibly impacting his fertility, according to a new study published Thursday in the journal Reproduction."This report provides the first direct evidence to date that COVID-19 infection impairs semen quality and male reproductive potential," the study said.However, experts not involved in the study were immediately skeptical about the report's conclusion and urged caution in overgeneralizing the research findings."I need to raise a strong note of caution in their interpretation of this data. For example, the...

January 29, 2021
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Toxins in marijuana smoke may be harmful to health, study finds | CNN

Toxins in marijuana smoke may be harmful to health, study finds | CNN

By , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Smoking weed may expose you to the same type of toxic chemicals found in tobacco smoke, a new study finds.People who only smoked marijuana had higher blood and urine levels of several smoke-related toxins such as naphthalene, acrylamide and acrylonitrile than nonsmokers, according to the study published Monday in the journal associated with anemia, liver and neurological damage, while andhave been associated with cancer and other health issues.“Marijuana use is on the rise in the United States with a growing number of states...

January 11, 2021
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Valuing male dominance may predict support for Trump, study says | CNN

Valuing male dominance may predict support for Trump, study says | CNN

By , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Men and women who endorse “hegemonic masculinity” – an idealized form of manhood where White, heterosexual men have power, status and dominance over women, gay men, men with disabilities, racial or religious minorities and other groups – are more likely to be supporters for US President Donald Trump than those who don’t embrace dominant masculinity, according to new research.“What this work shows is that masculinity is not just an ideology that men strive to achieve. It’s something we value as a culture,” said lead author Theresa Vescio, a...

January 9, 2021
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Best diet for 2024 goes to a science-backed style of eating | CNN

Best diet for 2024 goes to a science-backed style of eating | CNN

Sign up for CNN’s Eat, But Better: Mediterranean Style. Our eight-part guide shows you a delicious expert-backed eating lifestyle that will boost your health for life. CNN  —  For the seventh year in a row, the Mediterranean style of eating earned the title of best overall diet, according to 2024 ratings that U.S. News & World Report announced Wednesday. The Mediterranean diet also ranked first in the categories of easiest diet to follow, best family-friendly diet, best diet for healthy eating and...

Jan 3
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