Samuel Axon
Samuel Axon
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Huawei plans to start charging patent fees to Samsung, Apple for each phone sold

Huawei plans to start charging patent fees to Samsung, Apple for each phone sold

Huawei plans to start charging big smartphone-makers like Samsung and Apple royalties for use of its various 5G-related patents, according to .Huawei is seeking to make up some of the losses it has experienced as a result of the US government's moves to sanction the company and limit its ability to sell products in the American market. The US government says national security concerns have driven the policy.Apple and Samsung would each have to pay up to $2.50 per smartphone sold, with Huawei promising to cap it there and keep rates lower than competitors like Qualcomm or Nokia. For example,...

March 16, 2021
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Zuckerberg responds to Apple’s privacy policies: “We need to inflict pain”

Zuckerberg responds to Apple’s privacy policies: “We need to inflict pain”

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told employees close to him, "we need to inflict pain" on Apple for comments by Apple CEO Tim Cook that Zuckerberg described as "extremely glib."This and other insights into an ongoing rift between the two companies appeared in a report this weekend. The article indicates that based on first-hand reports, Zuckerberg has taken Cook and Apple's public criticisms of Facebook's privacy policies, whether direct or indirect, as personal affronts.For example, Cook publicly to Facebook's 2018 Cambridge Analytica scandal by saying such a scandal would never happen to...

February 15, 2021
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Open source video player VLC will get a new UI this year with 4.0 launch

Open source video player VLC will get a new UI this year with 4.0 launch

News website Protocol ran an on the history and status of the popular open source video player VLC, and the story includes new details about the next major version of the software. Among other things, VLC 4.0 will bring a complete user interface overhaul."We modified the interface to be a bit more modern," VideoLAN foundation President Jean-Baptiste Kempf told the publication. Kempf had previously  of a new interface about two years ago, but it's unclear at this point how much that one resembles the one the team plans to introduce with VLC 4.0.While the article doesn't list every...

February 12, 2021
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Netflix acquires the rights to all 22 Redwall books, plans film and series

Netflix acquires the rights to all 22 Redwall books, plans film and series

Netflix has acquired the rights to all 22 books in Brian Jacques' fantasy series Redwall, marking the first time that rights to the entire series have been purchased by one film or television company. Netflix made a deal for the rights with book publisher Penguin Random House Children, according to .This is a major franchise move even for Netflix, as the books are considered classics by many and have sold more than 30 million copies. The series follows the fantasy adventures of noble and heroic talking animals. Every book in the series was written by author Brian Jacques, who...

February 10, 2021
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Apple hardware chief Dan Riccio stepped down to focus on AR/VR

Apple hardware chief Dan Riccio stepped down to focus on AR/VR

A couple of weeks ago, Apple announced that longtime hardware engineering chief Dan Riccio from his role to focus entirely on a "new project" within the company. According to at Bloomberg based on sources with knowledge of Apple's plans today, the project Riccio has focused his energies on is Apple's upcoming augmented reality, virtual reality, or mixed reality headset.Development of an AR headset at Apple seems to have hit a snag or two under current project lead Mike Rockwell, though the report does not outline exactly which obstacles have emerged. While Rockwell will remain in charge of...

February 8, 2021
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New report on Apple’s VR headset: 8K in each eye, potential $3,000 price tag

New report on Apple’s VR headset: 8K in each eye, potential $3,000 price tag

A new report from The Information an earlier Bloomberg report claiming that Apple is preparing to as early as next year, citing unnamed people with knowledge of the product.Among the new revelations is that the new headset will allegedly feature two (one for each eye) and that Apple has considered a steep $3,000 price point.The headset (which the report says is codenamed N301) will be able to display rich 3D graphics at that resolution, the report says, thanks to an ultrafast M1 chip successor and because Apple will liberally use an already-known VR technique called foveated rendering that...

February 4, 2021
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Facebook makes the case for activity tracking to iOS 14 users in new pop-ups

Facebook makes the case for activity tracking to iOS 14 users in new pop-ups

Today, Facebook began testing prompts to iPhone and iPad users championing the importance of being tracked by the social network for the benefit of small businesses that use its advertising tools.The test is in response to Apple's plan to require user opt-in to IDFA (ID for advertisers) tracking across all iOS, iPadOS, and tvOS apps starting with new software updates expected in the spring.According to , Facebook will pre-empt Apple's required pop-up with its own on affected devices. Facebook's message is meant to persuade users not to opt out of tracking.Apple had already announced that,...

February 1, 2021
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PC sales finally saw big growth in 2020 after years of steady decline

PC sales finally saw big growth in 2020 after years of steady decline

During the Consumer Electronics Show this week, research firm IDC released a report on worldwide traditional PC sales in 2020, and it tells a rosier story than we've been used to in recent years. In the fourth quarter of 2020, PC shipments grew 26.1 percent over the same period last year.That means 13.1 percent year-over-year growth overall, and the best year and quarter for PC sales in quite some time. In total, 91.6 million traditional PCs were shipped in the fourth quarter of 2020. "Traditional PCs" in IDC's report include systems like desktops, laptops, and work stations. For...

January 14, 2021
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The OS Big Sur Launch Might Have Slowed Down Macs Everywhere

The OS Big Sur Launch Might Have Slowed Down Macs Everywhere

experiencing unexpected issues Thursday that included apps taking minutes to launch, stuttering and unresponsiveness throughout macOS, and other problems. The issues seemed to begin close to the time when Apple began rolling out the , Big Sur—but it affected users of other versions of macOS, like Catalina and Mojave.Other services faced slowdowns, outages, and odd behavior, too, including Apple Pay, Messages, and even Apple TV devices.ARS TECHNICAThis story originally appeared on , a trusted source for technology news, tech policy analysis, reviews, and more. Ars is owned by WIRED's parent...

November 14, 2020
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What to expect from Apple’s “Spring Loaded” event on April 20

What to expect from Apple’s “Spring Loaded” event on April 20

It might have taken longer than expected (the event has historically taken place in March), but Apple its spring product unveiling event this week. Executives from the company will take to the stage in a livestream from Apple's Cupertino headquarters, where they'll introduce and discuss new products that Apple plans to ship in the near future.As has become the custom, we'll do our best to outline what you should or shouldn't expect in terms of announcements from the unveiling.While each Apple event's accompanying graphic and name—this one is called "Spring Loaded," and you can see the...

April 14, 2021
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