Salvador Rodriguez
Salvador Rodriguez
Salvador Rodriguez is a CNBC technology reporter covering Facebook and social media. He was previously with Reuters, Inc. Magazine, the International Business Times and the Los Angeles Times. He can be reached at or by cell or Signal at 281-409-3516.Source
San Francisco, CA
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Facebook meeting with civil rights groups 'a disappointment,' ad boycott organizers say

Facebook meeting with civil rights groups 'a disappointment,' ad boycott organizers say

Key PointsIn this articleNAACP CEO Derrick Johnson says Facebook's meeting was 'disappointing'A meeting between civil rights leaders and executives apparently did little to quash tensions between groups leading a widespread advertiser boycott and the company. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, COO Sheryl Sandberg and other Facebook leaders met on Tuesday with leaders from the NAACP, the Anti-Defamation League, Color of Change and Free Press, which are four of the groups that have led the call for what is now a of Facebook's platform. In mid-June, they with Sleeping Giants and Common Sense,...

July 7, 2020
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Airbnb to lay off nearly 1,900 people, 25% of company

Airbnb to lay off nearly 1,900 people, 25% of company

Key PointsAirbnb to lay off nearly 25% of its workforce as coronavirus disrupts global travelAirbnb plans to lay off nearly 1,900 employees, or about 25% of the company, a person familiar with the plans confirmed to CNBC.The layoffs were , which reported the news would be broken to employees by CEO Brian Chesky in a call starting around 3pm ET."We are collectively living through the most harrowing crisis of our lifetime, and as it began to unfold, global travel came to a standstill," Chesky told employees . "Airbnb's business has been hit hard, with revenue this year forecasted to be less...

May 5, 2020
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12 attorneys general call on Facebook and Twitter to remove anti-vaxxers from their services

12 attorneys general call on Facebook and Twitter to remove anti-vaxxers from their services

Key PointsA coalition of 12 state attorneys general on and to enforce their community guidelines and rid their services of misinformation being spread by accounts promoting anti-vaccine ideas."Misinformation disseminated via your platforms has increased vaccine hesitancy, which will slow economic recovery and, more importantly, ultimately cause even more unnecessary deaths," the coalition of attorneys general wrote to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.The coalition highlights that just 12 accounts and their associated organizations are responsible for 65% of the...

March 24, 2021
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Facebook is cracking down on groups worldwide to slow the spread of political disinformation

Facebook is cracking down on groups worldwide to slow the spread of political disinformation

Key PointsIn this article on Wednesday announced it will no longer recommend civic and political pages or new groups to all users globally.The policy builds on in October to such recommendations to U.S. users ahead of the 2020 presidential election. The decision was part of the company's efforts to reduce the spread of misinformation on its services. The company these groups from U.S. recommendations in January, following the insurrection at the U.S Capitol on Jan. 6.Facebook won't recommend new groups at all for 21 days, meaning that group administrators will have to manually recruit...

March 17, 2021
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Former Facebook insiders explain why the company is making such a big fuss over Apple's upcoming privacy change

Former Facebook insiders explain why the company is making such a big fuss over Apple's upcoming privacy change

Key PointsFor the past few weeks, has been running an in defense of personalized advertisements, arguing that targeted ads are key to the success of small businesses.The catalyst for the campaign has been an ongoing battle between the social media company and . The battle focuses on a unique device identifier on every iPhone and iPad called the IDFA. Facebook and others that sell mobile advertisements rely on this ID to help target ads to users and estimate how effective they are., apps that want to use IDFA will have to ask users to opt in to tracking when the app is first launched. If...

March 11, 2021
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Facebook will stop recommending political groups permanently

Facebook will stop recommending political groups permanently

IE 11 is not supported. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser.SKIP TO CONTENTBy  CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Wednesday announced that the company will no longer recommend civic and political groups to its users.The change comes in the wake of the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. “This is a continuation of work we’ve been doing for a while to turn down the temperature and discourage divisive conversations,” Zuckerberg said in a call with analysts following the company’s .This comes after the company  these groups to U.S. users in October...

January 28, 2021
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Facebook will stop recommending political groups permanently

Facebook will stop recommending political groups permanently

Key Points CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Wednesday announced that the company will no longer recommend civic and political groups to its users.The change comes in the wake of the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. "This is a continuation of work we've been doing for a while to turn down the temperature and discourage divisive conversations," Zuckerberg said in a call with analysts following the company's .This comes after the company these groups to U.S. users in October in the lead up to the 2020 U.S. elections. Additionally, Zuckerberg said that the company is now considering...

January 27, 2021
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Twitter has suspended 70,000 QAnon accounts since U.S. Capitol riot

Twitter has suspended 70,000 QAnon accounts since U.S. Capitol riot

Key PointsIn this article on Monday evening announced that is has suspended more than 70,000 accounts associated with the far-right QAnon conspiracy theory."These accounts were engaged in sharing harmful QAnon-associated content at scale and were primarily dedicated to the propagation of this conspiracy theory across the service," the company said in .The suspensions come after the company on Friday said that it would . The company on Friday suspended the accounts of Michael Flynn and Sidney Powell, supporters of President Donald Trump.The company's shares closed on Monday. It was the first...

January 12, 2021
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Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and others pause political contributions after U.S. Capitol riot

Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and others pause political contributions after U.S. Capitol riot

Key PointsTech companies including , , and announced Monday they are pausing contributions from their political action committees in the wake of the invasion of the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday by insurgents incited by President Donald Trump. Companies from .Here are the tech and media companies that have announced plans to pause PACs so far.AmazonAmazon late Monday announced it will pause donations from its PAC to lawmakers who voted against the certification of the presidential election results. "We intend to discuss our concerns directly with those Members we have previously supported and...

January 11, 2021
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Coronavirus updates: EU asks U.S. to reconsider cutting ties with WHO as India extends lockdown in 'containment zones'

Coronavirus updates: EU asks U.S. to reconsider cutting ties with WHO as India extends lockdown in 'containment zones'

Dr. Scott Gottlieb on Trump terminating relationship with WHOPresident Donald Trump announced Friday that he is after repeatedly criticizing the group for its response to the coronavirus crisis and accusing the agency of being "China-centric." Trump's strained relationship with the WHO could bring complications as scientists around the world race for a Covid-19 cure and treatment.Before Trump's WHO announcement, French drugmaker Sanofi said it is as a treatment for Covid-19 while the WHO reviews safety data on the Trump-touted drug. Later Friday, Moderna announced that the first...

May 30, 2020

