Rick Moran
Rick Moran
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Widely Followed Model for Predicting Virus Deaths Is 'Flawed and Misleading,' Experts Now Say

Widely Followed Model for Predicting Virus Deaths Is 'Flawed and Misleading,' Experts Now Say

How can you speak from authority if the data you rely on is flawed? It’s a problem for policymakers around the world who have been relying on a scientific model that projects the number of dead from the coronavirus. The White House has been relying on the model to formulate policy and develop plans to reopen the economy.But epidemiologists are saying that the model is hopelessly flawed and gives misleading results.“It’s not a model that most of us in the infectious disease epidemiology field think is well suited” to projecting Covid-19 deaths, epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch of the Harvard...

April 17, 2020
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'New York Times' Allowed Biden Team to Edit Story on Sexual Assault Allegation

'New York Times' Allowed Biden Team to Edit Story on Sexual Assault Allegation

The New York Times apparently gave in to pressure from the Biden campaign to edit a story that ran over the weekend detailing the sexual assault allegations by Tara Reade against then-Senator Biden in 1993.which ran Easter Sunday on page A20 of the front section, originally said, “The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden, beyond the hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable.” That sentence was deleted, as was a tweet saying the same thing, and the sentence, “The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden.”Executive...

April 15, 2020
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Lobbyist for Dictator Accused of Cannibalism in Line for Key Biden Administration Post

Lobbyist for Dictator Accused of Cannibalism in Line for Key Biden Administration Post

A lobbyist who once represented the brutal regime in Equatorial Guinea whose dictator, Teodoro Obiang Nguema, has been accused of eating his political rivals, is in line for a position in the Biden administration’s State Department.Amos Hochstein is being considered to lead the administration’s efforts to cut off the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, a project near and dear to Vladimir Putin’s heart, that would connect Germany and Russia. The U.S. has been opposed to the project from the start but so far, Biden has done little to stop it.Hochstein used to work for Cassidy and Associates, a...

November 4, 2021
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Maryland Legislature Overrides Governor's Veto to Repeal Police Bill of Rights

Maryland Legislature Overrides Governor's Veto to Repeal Police Bill of Rights

Maryland’s Police Bill of Rights covers due process for officers accused of misconduct. The state’s Democratic legislature decided that instead of reforming the process, they would repeal it entirely. They are replacing it with a series of measures designed to make it harder for police to do their jobs and measures that, in some cases, would make it more dangerous.GOP Governor Larry Hogan tried to veto the bills, but the legislature overrode him.“Maryland is leading the country in transforming our broken policing system,” Maryland House of Delegates Speaker Adrienne Jones, a Democrat, wrote...

November 4, 2021
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Court Throws Out Global Warming Suit by New York City Against Big Oil Companies

Court Throws Out Global Warming Suit by New York City Against Big Oil Companies

A lawsuit filed by New York City that tried to hold oil companies responsible for global warming was rejected by the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan.The ruling was a victory for BP Plc, Chevron Corp, ConocoPhillips, Exxon Mobil Corp, and Royal Dutch Shell Plc. The court ruled that the case didn’t belong in state court and the problem of greenhouse gas emissions must be addressed at the federal level.The city tried to sue under the state’s “nuisance law” for damages caused by the production and sale of fossil fuels that even the city admitted was perfectly legal.“Global...

January 4, 2021
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Wrong From the Start: A History of Epic Media Failures at the Beginning of the Pandemic

Wrong From the Start: A History of Epic Media Failures at the Beginning of the Pandemic

The WHO declared the coronavirus a pandemic exactly one year old on March 11, which seems like several lifetimes ago. How many lives were lost will be debated for decades to come as arguments rage about who died as a direct result of COVID and who didn’t. I daresay the number will be staggering no matter what they find.Did it have to be this bad? Did it have to be this traumatic? has some thoughts on that.I try not to push the “The national mainstream media does a terrible job and gets far too many things wrong”   but it is hard to overstate just how important it was, during...

October 3, 2021
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Cuomo Aide Walks Back Admission They Withheld Data on Nursing Home Deaths From DOJ

Cuomo Aide Walks Back Admission They Withheld Data on Nursing Home Deaths From DOJ

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s top aide, Melissa DeRosa, who admitted to state Democratic lawmakers that the governor’s administration withheld vital data on nursing home deaths from the U.S. Department of Justice while they were under investigation, now says that they were “comprehensive and transparent” in responding to requests for information from the Justice Department.New York, along with three other states, was under investigation for the excessive number of deaths that occurred in nursing homes during the pandemic. DeRosa said in the call that the withheld data could  “be used against...

December 2, 2021
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Air Traffic Controllers' Frequency Breached with Chilling Threat: 'We Are Flying a Plane into the Capitol'

Air Traffic Controllers' Frequency Breached with Chilling Threat: 'We Are Flying a Plane into the Capitol'

Air traffic controllers in New York received a chilling threat over the frequency used by airline pilots that someone would fly “a plane into the Capitol on Wednesday. Soleimani will be avenged.”The threat refers to Qassem Soleimani, who was assassinated in a drone strike one year ago on January 3. Wednesday is also the day that Congress will vote to certify Joe Biden’s electoral college victory.Authorities don’t believe the threat is credible, but are investigating the breach in airline frequencies.It’s unclear who sent the threat. While the government does not believe the warning of an...

June 1, 2021
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Report: Israel Has Recording of Late Iran Nuke Chief Discussing 'Building Five Warheads'

Report: Israel Has Recording of Late Iran Nuke Chief Discussing 'Building Five Warheads'

The CIA has been telling American presidents since the Bush administration that Iran was not building a nuclear weapon, that it ended its nuclear weapons program in the late 1990s and was pursuing peaceful uses for nuclear power.Many outside analysts, including Israel’s Mossad, scoffed at that analysis. As it turns out, that may have been the CIA’s second-biggest intelligence blunder in its history, the first being 9/11.Unbeknownst to the CIA, Israel had burrowed deep into the Iranian government and nuclear program. And what they found shows that Iran’s nuclear program was hardly...

May 12, 2020
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German Police Arrest Four in Foiled ISIS Plot to Attack U.S. Military Base

German Police Arrest Four in Foiled ISIS Plot to Attack U.S. Military Base

It’s useful to remember that there are other problems in the world besides the coronavirus and one of them is Islamic terrorism.The fanatics apparently don’t pay much attention to the news and I doubt whether they’re following WHO guidelines on how to stop the spread of the virus. Instead, terrorists are going to do what terrorists do and to hell with the rest of the world.In Germany, four terrorists were arrested after plotting to attack a U.S. military installation and assassinate a critic of Islam.German authorities say police have arrested four suspected members of the Islamic State of...

April 16, 2020

