Quentin Fottrell
Quentin Fottrell
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COVID-19 fatalities hit 500K in the U.S. When will life return to normal? Dr. Fauci cautions, ‘It really depends on what you mean by normality’

COVID-19 fatalities hit 500K in the U.S. When will life return to normal? Dr. Fauci cautions, ‘It really depends on what you mean by normality’

Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said he can’t predict that life will return to how it was before the coronavirus pandemic hit. Dr. Fauci said America’s New Normal after the first round of COVID-19 vaccinations is delivered depends on a number of unknowns. He cautioned against sound bites promising a return to how life was before the coronavirus pandemic.As of Tuesday, 44.1 million people in the U.S. had received their first vaccine dose and 19.4 million doses had been distributed in total, . The U.S. had 28.2 million cases and...

February 23, 2021
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Biden wants Americans to wear masks for 100 days — do they protect against COVID-19 or merely promote healthy behavior?

Biden wants Americans to wear masks for 100 days — do they protect against COVID-19 or merely promote healthy behavior?

President-elect Joe Biden wants Americans to mask up. He will ask Americans to wear a mask for the first 100 days after he takes office and issue a standing order that masks be worn in places where he has jurisdiction, including federal buildings and interstate transportation, . “Just 100 days to mask, not forever: 100 days, and I think we’ll see a significant reduction,” he told CNN’s Jake Tapper.Biden has also asked Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, to be a chief medical advisor and part of his coronavirus response team when his administration begins on Jan....

December 5, 2020
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‘Surge upon a surge’: Dr. Fauci warns of COVID-19 infections that are worse than any previous surge

‘Surge upon a surge’: Dr. Fauci warns of COVID-19 infections that are worse than any previous surge

Dr. Anthony Fauci is concerned about the holidays. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and expert in infectious diseases for four decades, told Gov. Jared Polis (D., Colo.) during a livestream video meeting on Tuesday that the U.S. risks experiencing a “surge upon a surge.”He said that the U.S. was deep in the middle of a public-health crisis. “Now that we’re in the mid- to late fall, merging on into the winter,” Fauci added, “we’ve seen, because a variety of circumstances, a surge that has really surpassed the others.”‘We just need to hang...

December 4, 2020
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Pope Francis takes aim at anti-mask protesters: ‘They are incapable of moving outside of their own little world’

Pope Francis takes aim at anti-mask protesters: ‘They are incapable of moving outside of their own little world’

ROME — Pope Francis does not mince words. In his new book, “,” to be released Dec. 1, the head of the 1.3 billion–member Roman Catholic Church lambastes those who protest the health measures aimed at reducing the spread of COVID-19: “Some groups protested, refusing to keep their distance, marching against travel restrictions — as if measures that governments must impose for the good of their people constitute some kind of political assault on autonomy or personal freedom,” he writes.‘You’ll never find such people protesting the death of George Floyd, or joining a demonstration because there...

November 25, 2020
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Joe Biden’s pandemic plan: Restore Obamacare, mandatory masks, paid sick leave and free COVID-19 tests

Joe Biden’s pandemic plan: Restore Obamacare, mandatory masks, paid sick leave and free COVID-19 tests

Joe Biden has a critical task ahead of him: containing COVID-19. Analysts say there were two issues on the ballot: the economy and coronavirus. The two, of course, are now inevitably, critically intertwined. Biden has reportedly already started working on the transition of power with his team, including coordinating his strategy for COVID-19. Biden’s transition team also announced a new coronavirus task force Monday.“Dealing with the coronavirus pandemic is one of the most important battles our administration will face, and I will be informed by science and by experts,” Biden said in a...

November 11, 2020
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As nation awaits transition of power, Fauci issues timely warning to his fellow scientists

As nation awaits transition of power, Fauci issues timely warning to his fellow scientists

Dr. Anthony Fauci has a word for his industry colleagues. In a conversation with the American Medical Association, Fauci, director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said physicians need to be careful about their public statements. “Stay completely apolitical,” . “Don’t get involved in any of the political aspects, and just focus on what your job is as a scientist and a physician. You do that, you’ll be fine.”‘Don’t get involved in any of the political aspects, and just focus on what your job is as a scientist and a physician. You do that, you’ll be fine.’On Monday,...

November 10, 2020
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Fauci and Biden advocate a federal mask mandate, as new COVID-19 infections surge

Fauci and Biden advocate a federal mask mandate, as new COVID-19 infections surge

Dr. Anthony Fauci wants all Americans to wear a mask and now favors a mask mandate in order to make that happen. The doctor’s comments came just one day before Vice President Mike Pence’s chief of staff, Marc Short, tested positive for the coronavirus Saturday. The news raised further concerns among health professionals about the mask-wearing procedures within the Trump administration.As Fauci, a physician and immunologist and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for the last three decades, told Erin Burnett on CNN’s “OutFront” on Friday evening: “If...

October 24, 2020
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Trump calls Dr. Fauci a ‘disaster’ — Fauci tells Americans: ‘Stay away from the politics’

Trump calls Dr. Fauci a ‘disaster’ — Fauci tells Americans: ‘Stay away from the politics’

President Donald Trump took aim at Dr. Anthony Fauci Monday on a campaign call and on Twitter, calling him a “disaster” in a campaign call and bemoaning his media appearances, but the veteran immunologist told Americans to follow the scientific data, and to stay out of the political fray. “Every time he goes on television there’s always a bomb, but there’s a bigger bomb if you fire him,” Trump said, according to the Associated Press. Trump added, “People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots.” The president, 74, added, “He’s been here for 500 years.”“People are tired of hearing...

October 20, 2020
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Can Trump write off $70K in haircuts? IRS allows tax deductions for highly unusual expenses — including fertility treatment, vasectomies and rehab

Can Trump write off $70K in haircuts? IRS allows tax deductions for highly unusual expenses — including fertility treatment, vasectomies and rehab

The Internal Revenue Service is not as punitive on tax write-offs as some people might think. President Donald Trump paid just $750 in federal taxes in both 2016 and 2017, and no federal income tax in 10 of the previous 15 years due to massive business losses, .The paper said it had acquired more than two decades’ worth of tax-return data from Trump and his business organization, though it does not include his personal tax returns for 2018 and 2019. Among the investigation’s revelations: Trump took tax deductions on expenses “including residences, aircraft and $70,000 in hairstyling for...

September 29, 2020
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My boyfriend earns $230,000. I'm in law school and make nothing. He wants a prenup. Is this a dealbreaker?

My boyfriend earns $230,000. I'm in law school and make nothing. He wants a prenup. Is this a dealbreaker?

HomePersonal FinanceDear Quentin, My boyfriend recently made a jump in his career and makes around $230,000 a year. I am in my last year of law school and make nothing. He recently told me that when we get married he wants a prenuptial agreement. This upset me because I have always felt that a prenup means that he does not want to take care of me, and that he is prefacing our marriage with failure, and that generally he does not want to be part of a partnership, and keep what is his.  Could a prenup be beneficial for a woman in a relationship? Or is my first instinct right — and...

August 6, 2021
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