Pranav Baskar
Pranav Baskar
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Coronavirus FAQs: Is There A Polite Way To Remind Someone To Follow Pandemic Rules?

Coronavirus FAQs: Is There A Polite Way To Remind Someone To Follow Pandemic Rules?

How Do You Politely Tell Someone To Follow Pandemic Rules? : Goats and Soda Also, if you're headed back to a physical workplace, how do you keep safe? And do you need to have a mask on all the time at work?Pranav BaskarEach week, we answer "frequently asked questions" about life during the coronavirus crisis. If you have a question you'd like us to consider for a future post, email us at with the subject line: "Weekly Coronavirus Questions."At the farmer's market I saw a woman break the "do not touch what you're not buying" guideline clearly printed on a big sign and pick up and inspect a...

June 26, 2020
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Coronavirus FAQs: Convertibles, Dishwashing, Dog's Paws, Bowling, Travel With Kids

Coronavirus FAQs: Convertibles, Dishwashing, Dog's Paws, Bowling, Travel With Kids

Is It Risky To Ride In A Convertible? Go To A Casino? Travel With Kids? : Goats and Soda This week we tackle frequently asked questions — and some infrequently asked ones as well. And we also have advice on how to decide about possible testing if you attended a protest.Pranav BaskarEach week, we answer "frequently asked questions" about life during the coronavirus crisis. And we ask readers to send in their queries. Some of the questions we get are a little ... unusual. They may not be the most critical health questions. Yet they are definitely interesting. So this week, here is a sampling...

June 12, 2020
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Coronavirus FAQs: How To Stay Safe While Protesting, When To Go Out After Recovery

Coronavirus FAQs: How To Stay Safe While Protesting, When To Go Out After Recovery

How To Stay Safe From The Coronavirus While Protesting In Public : Goats and Soda Also: If I head to a new state or country for a visit, do I need to self-isolate to protect others in case I'm contagious?Pranav BaskarThis is part of a series looking at pressing coronavirus questions of the week. We'd like to hear what you're curious about. Email us at with the subject line: "Weekly Coronavirus Questions." What risks are there in attending a protest rally? Modelers say it's difficult to assess how the protests will influence COVID-19 infections. But it's clear that a key ingredient for...

June 5, 2020
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Coronavirus FAQ: What's The Best Way To Care For A Loved One With COVID-19?

Coronavirus FAQ: What's The Best Way To Care For A Loved One With COVID-19?

What A COVID-19 Patient At Home Needs From Family And Friends : Goats and Soda With cases on the rise, people want to know: How do I look after a family member who's been diagnosed and is at home? And how do I show support for a friend with the virus?Pranav BaskarEach week, we answer "frequently asked questions" about life during the coronavirus crisis. If you have a question you'd like us to consider for a future post, email us at with the subject line: "Weekly Coronavirus Questions." The best laid plans of coronavirus caregivers can go kaflooey. When Marie Loveheim was recovering from...

July 17, 2020
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How Should I Cover My Face? A Deeper Look Into Neck Gaiters And Face Shields

How Should I Cover My Face? A Deeper Look Into Neck Gaiters And Face Shields

Neck Gaiter Controversy: A Deeper Look Into Face Coverings : Goats and Soda Experts look into a new study that claims wearing a neck gaiter may be worse than no mask at all. And they discuss other face coverings such as goggles and plastic face shields.Pranav BaskarEach week, we answer "frequently asked questions" about life during the coronavirus crisis. If you have a question you'd like us to consider, email us at with the subject line: "Weekly Coronavirus Questions." Between face shields, neck gaiters and goggles, the options for protection are getting more complex. What face covering...

August 14, 2020
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Coronavirus FAQ: What Does It Mean If I Can Blow Out A Candle While Wearing A Mask?

Coronavirus FAQ: What Does It Mean If I Can Blow Out A Candle While Wearing A Mask?

Does The Candle Test Tell You If Your Mask Is Doing A Good Job? : Goats and Soda The candle test is one way to assess (roughly) the effectiveness of a mask. If your mask passes the test, you can help it do an even better job with some simple hacks.Pranav BaskarEach week, we answer "frequently asked questions" about life during the coronavirus crisis. If you have a question you'd like us to consider for a future post, email us at with the subject line: "Weekly Coronavirus Questions." Can you blow out a candle with your mask on? That question became ... a thing ... this month when Bill Nye...

July 24, 2020
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Coronavirus FAQ: What Does It Mean If My Ears Ring Or Toes Hurt After A Vaccine?

Coronavirus FAQ: What Does It Mean If My Ears Ring Or Toes Hurt After A Vaccine?

Vertigo, Hearing Loss, Sore Toes: Vaccine Side Effects Or Something Else? : Goats and Soda There are some side effects that are pretty common: sore arm, headache, fatigue, fever. But people are saying they've got other unusual reactions. Is it the vaccine — or something else?Pranav BaskarEach week, we answer "frequently asked questions" about life during the coronavirus crisis. If you have a question you'd like us to consider for a future post, email us at with the subject line: "Weekly Coronavirus Questions." We've reported on some of the many of us will experience after getting vaccinated...

April 23, 2021
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Coronavirus Vaccine FAQs: What's Up With Side Effects? Should You Still Double Mask?

Coronavirus Vaccine FAQs: What's Up With Side Effects? Should You Still Double Mask?

Vaccine Side Effects: What Are They? What If I Don't Have Any? : Goats and Soda So, you've successfully scored a vaccine — or at least an appointment. Congrats! That's amazing news, seriously! Now what about those side effects? And do you have to keep up that double masking?Pranav BaskarEach week, we answer "frequently asked questions" about life during the coronavirus crisis. If you have a question you'd like us to consider for a future post, email us at with the subject line: "Weekly Coronavirus Questions."So you've successfully scored a vaccine — navigating your way through your local...

April 10, 2021
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Coronavirus FAQs: What Should I Do With My Vaccine Card? Is Choir Practice OK Now?

Coronavirus FAQs: What Should I Do With My Vaccine Card? Is Choir Practice OK Now?

What To Do With Your Vaccine Card. Plus: Choir Practice And CBD Products : Goats and Soda We ponder your pandemic questions. This week's topics: vaccine cards (including whether to laminate or not), group singing sessions and CBD products.Pranav BaskarSheila Mulrooney EldredEach week, we answer "frequently asked questions" about life during the coronavirus crisis. If you have a question you'd like us to consider for a future post, email us at with the subject line: "Weekly Coronavirus Questions."I've just had my second dose of the vaccine, and now I have a vaccine card. Um, what do I do...

April 2, 2021
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Coronavirus FAQs: Does Smoking Blunt The Vaccine? What About Painkillers?

Coronavirus FAQs: Does Smoking Blunt The Vaccine? What About Painkillers?

Ibuprofen And Cigarettes: Do They Affect Your Vaccine Response? : Goats and Soda A reader wants to know about smoking's impact on the vaccine but didn't specify cigarettes, e-cigs ... or marijuana. So we'll discuss all three. Also: A refresher in painkiller/vaccine interaction.Pranav BaskarEach week, we answer "frequently asked questions" about life during the coronavirus crisis. If you have a question you'd like us to consider for a future post, email us at with the subject line: "Weekly Coronavirus Questions."I just got the first dose of the vaccine. Is it okay for me to smoke? Or should...

March 19, 2021
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