Paula Bolyard
Paula Bolyard
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Welp. Now Twitter Is Going After The Babylon Bee

Welp. Now Twitter Is Going After The Babylon Bee

On Monday, the wildly successful satire site The Babylon Bee was suspended from Twitter.The website’s CEO, Seth Dillon, posted a screenshot showing the account had been booted off the platform:The Babylon Bee's Twitter account has been suspended.— Seth Dillon (@SethDillon)Editor-in-Chief Kyle Mann shared some specifics obtained from Twitter:WELP— Kyle Mann (@The_Kyle_Mann)As per their usual mode of operation, Twitter did not offer any specifics about which article triggered the suspension.Later in the afternoon, Twitter lifted the ban, explaining that its “system” had made a “mistake” in...

August 18, 2020
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Let's Be Careful With the 'Kids Are Safer in School' Rhetoric. That's What Left Wants You to Say.

Let's Be Careful With the 'Kids Are Safer in School' Rhetoric. That's What Left Wants You to Say.

Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, parents have understandably been frustrated with school administrators dragging their feet on decisions about whether or not to reopen schools in the fall and what precautions students and teachers will be required to take to prevent the spread of the virus if in-person classes do resume.An ongoing theme in a lot of reporting on the issue is that not reopening schools will put children in grave danger—that schools are essential to preventing everything from malnutrition to violence to suicide. The implication—and in some cases, it’s more than an...

May 8, 2020
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There's a Brilliant Solution for Getting Kids Back to School—Which Is Why It'll Probably Get Shot Down

There's a Brilliant Solution for Getting Kids Back to School—Which Is Why It'll Probably Get Shot Down

Parents everywhere are an emotional wreck, sitting on pins and needles as they contemplate the upcoming school year: Will my child’s school be open? Is it safe to send my kids to school? If school doesn’t reopen, how am I supposed to homeschool these kids and work full time? You want my four-year-old to wear a mask all day?While some states have announced that schools will reopen as planned in the fall, others have indicated they won’t. Still others say they’re taking a wait-and-see approach.Parents, teachers, and kids are stuck in educational limbo as the COVID-19 pandemic, or what’s left...

November 7, 2020
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Orwellian: Teacher Blames 'Western Imperialism,' 'Colonization' for Concept of 2+2=4

Orwellian: Teacher Blames 'Western Imperialism,' 'Colonization' for Concept of 2+2=4

Brittany Marshall, a self-described teacher and Ph.D. student, took to Twitter this past weekend to voice her displeasure about the concept of 2+2=4, saying the “idea” of the simple math equation is merely “cultural.”1984 called. It wants Room 101 back. (Twitter screenshot @brittanylm3281)“Nope the idea of 2+2 equaling 4 is cultural and because of western imperialism/colonization, we think of it as the only way of knowing,” wrote Marshall (HT: ). Never mind that the Arabic numeral system we use is not, you know, “Western.”Marshall goes by the pronouns “she/her” and describes herself on...

August 7, 2020
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Teacher Spying on Student During Virtual Class Sends Cops to Search 11-Year-Old's Home After Spotting a BB Gun

Teacher Spying on Student During Virtual Class Sends Cops to Search 11-Year-Old's Home After Spotting a BB Gun

A Baltimore County, Md., fifth-grader got a visit from the police after his teacher called to report that she had seen a BB gun on the wall behind the student during a class video call.The boy’s mother, Courtney Lancaster Sperry, a Navy veteran, is warning other parents about a lack of privacy during virtual classes after her son was targeted by a teacher who saw what she thought was a scary-looking gun hanging on the wall of the boy’s bedroom.“While my son was on a Zoom call, a ‘concerned parent’ and subsequently two teachers saw his properly stowed and mounted Red Ryder BB gun and one...

November 6, 2020
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Republican Gov. DeWine Vows to Veto Bill Curtailing Ohio Health Director's 'Ultimate Authority' and Limiting Stay-at-Home Orders

Republican Gov. DeWine Vows to Veto Bill Curtailing Ohio Health Director's 'Ultimate Authority' and Limiting Stay-at-Home Orders

The Ohio House on Wednesday passed a bill stripping the state health director of some emergency powers and limiting stay-at-home orders to 14 days, requiring the approval of the legislature for an extension. Gov. Mike DeWine, a Republican who’s been basking in the praise of Democrats and the MSM for his heavy-handed approach to containing the coronavirus pandemic, has vowed to veto the bill., which originated in the state Senate, was designed as a measure to reduce regulations in the state. When the House got its hand on it, they added language curtailing the powers of the state health...

July 5, 2020
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Judge Positively Scorches Ohio Health Director for 'Criminalizing' Gyms—and It's Glorious

Judge Positively Scorches Ohio Health Director for 'Criminalizing' Gyms—and It's Glorious

A judge in Northeast Ohio on Wednesday issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting State Health Director Amy Acton and the Ohio Department of Health from penalizing gyms that open for business or the members who visit them during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.Gyms and fitness centers in Ohio were ordered closed on March 22 along with other businesses the state classified as “non-essential.” The state recently eased the COVID-19 restrictions and many gyms are scheduled to reopen on Tuesday, albeit with limited class sizes and strict social distancing requirements., Lake County Common Pleas...

May 23, 2020
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