Patti Neighmond
Patti Neighmond
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Still Disinfecting Surfaces? It Might Not Be Worth It

Still Disinfecting Surfaces? It Might Not Be Worth It

Disinfecting Surfaces And Parcels To Fend Off The Coronavirus May Be Overkill : Shots - Health News Early in the pandemic, people were advised to disinfect everything they touched. But now that scientists understand more about how COVID-19 spreads, all that scrubbing down may have been overkill.Heard onToggle more optionsAt the start of the pandemic, stores quickly sold out of disinfectant sprays and wipes. People were advised to wipe down their packages and the cans they bought at the grocery store. But scientists have about the coronavirus and how it's transmitted, and it turns out all...

December 28, 2020
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Animal Protection Groups Help Financially Strapped Families

Animal Protection Groups Help Financially Strapped Families

Animal Protection Groups Help Financially Strapped Families Research shows having a pet improves both physical and mental health. But economic hardships are making it hard for some families to keep their pets. Animal welfare groups are trying to help.Heard onToggle more optionsResearch shows having a pet improves both physical and mental health. But economic hardships are making it hard for some families to keep their pets. Animal welfare groups are trying to help.LULU GARCIA-NAVARRO, HOST:OK. Pet adoption has surged during this pandemic. It makes sense. It's so comforting to have something...

December 1, 2020
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Pet Adoptions Bring Some Joy During Coronavirus Pandemic

Pet Adoptions Bring Some Joy During Coronavirus Pandemic

Pet Adoptions Bring Some Joy During Coronavirus Pandemic The nationwide increase in pet adoptions during the pandemic is good news for orphaned animals. It's also good for humans. Research shows pets can improve both physical and mental health.Heard onToggle more optionsThe nationwide increase in pet adoptions during the pandemic is good news for orphaned animals. It's also good for humans. Research shows pets can improve both physical and mental health.DAVID GREENE, HOST:Research tells us that pets, especially dogs, can improve our health. They get us out walking, which is good for the...

November 11, 2020
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Experts Warn Students May Face Challenges When In-Person Classes Resume

Experts Warn Students May Face Challenges When In-Person Classes Resume

Experts Warn Students May Face Challenges When In-Person Classes Resume As in-person schooling returns in some districts, mental health professionals say many children will face difficulties as a result of the isolation and worry they experience during the pandemic.Heard onToggle more optionsAs in-person schooling returns in some districts, mental health professionals say many children will face difficulties as a result of the isolation and worry they experience during the pandemic.STEVE INSKEEP, HOST:Attending school remotely is hard for kids, and it turns out it can be hard to return to...

October 21, 2020
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The Majority Of Children Who Die From COVID-19 Are Children Of Color

The Majority Of Children Who Die From COVID-19 Are Children Of Color

Most Children Who Die From COVID-19 Are Minorities, According To A CDC Study : Coronavirus Updates According to data reported to the CDC, 121 children died from COVID-19 between February and July of this year. And 78% of the children who died were Hispanic, Black or Native American.The vast majority of children dying from COVID-19 are Hispanic, Black or Native American, according to from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Researchers analyzed the number of coronavirus cases and deaths among people under the age of 21 that were reported to the CDC between Feb. 12 and July 31 of...

September 16, 2020
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What It's Like To Spend Months Recovering From COVID-19

What It's Like To Spend Months Recovering From COVID-19

What It's Like To Spend Months Recovering From COVID-19 Some COVID-19 patients have mild to moderate symptoms and recover quickly, but others suffer for months. And scientists don't know why some are more susceptible to having prolonged symptoms.Heard onToggle more optionsSome COVID-19 patients have mild to moderate symptoms and recover quickly, but others suffer for months. And scientists don't know why some are more susceptible to having prolonged symptoms.SARAH MCCAMMON, HOST:More than 5 million Americans have been sickened by the coronavirus. Most have had mild to moderate symptoms and...

August 14, 2020
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It Could Be A Challenge To Stockpile Your Prescription Medicine

It Could Be A Challenge To Stockpile Your Prescription Medicine

It Could Be A Challenge To Stockpile Your Prescription Medicine As the coronavirus spreads across the U.S., federal health officials recommend people stock up on their prescription medication. Some insurance companies are loosening their refill restrictions.Heard onToggle more optionsAs the coronavirus spreads across the U.S., federal health officials recommend people stock up on their prescription medication. Some insurance companies are loosening their refill restrictions.NOEL KING, HOST:As the coronavirus continues to spread, federal health officials are recommending that people stock up...

March 10, 2020
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Many Pregnant Women Struggle With Mental Health Amid Pandemic

Many Pregnant Women Struggle With Mental Health Amid Pandemic

Many Pregnant Women Struggle With Mental Health Amid Pandemic Medical workers are seeing more anxiety, depression, grief and sadness in pregnant women. This can lead to more stress and increase the risk for complications during pregnancy.Heard onToggle more optionsMedical workers are seeing more anxiety, depression, grief and sadness in pregnant women. This can lead to more stress and increase the risk for complications during pregnancy.STEVE INSKEEP, HOST:Needless to say, pregnancy causes stress. Women want babies to be healthy and deliveries to be smooth. The pandemic places even more...

May 14, 2020
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Coronavirus Crisis May Worsen Symptoms In Children With Anxiety, Depression

Coronavirus Crisis May Worsen Symptoms In Children With Anxiety, Depression

Coronavirus Crisis May Worsen Symptoms In Children With Anxiety, Depression The COVID-19 pandemic is stressful for everyone. But for children who already have mental health conditions like anxiety disorder or depression — the emotional impact is dramatically magnified.Heard onToggle more optionsThe COVID-19 pandemic is stressful for everyone. But for children who already have mental health conditions like anxiety disorder or depression — the emotional impact is dramatically magnified.STEVE INSKEEP, HOST:It's obvious that the pandemic is affecting many children's mental health. Schools are...

May 21, 2020
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