Patti Epler
Patti Epler
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Hawaii Elections Guide 2020

Hawaii Elections Guide 2020

Hawaii voters won’t have to worry about picking a new governor or U.S. senator this year, but both U.S. House of Representatives seats are up for a vote along with the Honolulu mayor, the Honolulu prosecutor and numerous other local and legislative races.And of course, it’s the year we vote for president of the United States. The political parties haven’t held their national nominating conventions yet, but it looks like the race is shaping up to be between incumbent Republican President Donald Trump, who is hoping for a second term, and Democrat Joe Biden, the former vice president under...

June 3, 2020
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Danny De Gracia: Sen. Mazie Hirono Will Tar And Feather Any Trump Court Nominee

Danny De Gracia: Sen. Mazie Hirono Will Tar And Feather Any Trump Court Nominee

The rush to appoint a new Supreme Court justice before the election will backfire on conservatives and incense the American voters who don't want a pre-election nominee.President Donald Trump says , he will announce his replacement for the U.S. Supreme Court seat vacated with the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg last week.Lines in the sand are about to be drawn. And Hawaii, as small as this state may be, is about to become a stumbling block of woe to conservative aspirations of glory with Sen. Mazie Hirono ready to resist any attempts to fill Justice Ginsburg’s seat before the Nov. 3...

September 21, 2020
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Denby Fawcett: MidWeek's Troubling Pay-To-Play Journalism

Denby Fawcett: MidWeek's Troubling Pay-To-Play Journalism

Mayoral candidate Keith Amemiya's cover story this week looks like a news article but it's a paid advertisement.Political candidates have many ways of advertising but the latest way is to buy a cover story in the weekly publication .Mayoral candidate Keith Amemiya is the first Hawaii politician to take advantage of the opportunity, paying tens of thousands of dollars for , just when primary election ballots arrived in people’s mailboxes.MidWeek offered the cover story opportunity to the mayoral candidates last month touting it as a “priceless” opportunity available to whomever signed up...

July 24, 2020
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It's Time To Launch Hawaii's Aerospace Industry

It's Time To Launch Hawaii's Aerospace Industry

Hawaii’s culture stems from a history of voyagers, and we must continue that tradition to the next frontier.Today, on the 51 anniversary of the Apollo moon landing, the world finds itself in a new, unprecedented space race. The United States, China, Russia, India and even the United Arab Emirates are preparing for the next great wave of exploration and colonization, and Hawaii is positioned to lead the way with aloha.At the Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation (HI-SEAS), a 1,200-square-foot prototype moon and Mars habitat on Mauna Loa, scientists and researchers from...

July 20, 2020
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Plea Agreement Details How Miske Allegedly Ordered A Chemical Attack On Rival Nightclub

Plea Agreement Details How Miske Allegedly Ordered A Chemical Attack On Rival Nightclub

Honolulu businessman Michael J. Miske Jr., in federal custody awaiting trial on charges of controlling a criminal racketeering conspiracy, allegedly directed one of his associates to arrange an attack on a Kakaako nightclub by releasing a toxic chemical on a crowded dance floor, agreed to pay the associate $3,000, then checked in by phone and even appeared at the scene before the attack to be sure the plot was going as planned.The previously undisclosed details of the 2017 chemical attack on the Ginza Night Club in Kakaako are contained in a 19-page plea agreement filed in U.S. District...

March 23, 2021
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Denby Fawcett: A Mom's Effort For A Safer Neighborhood Draws Fire

Denby Fawcett: A Mom's Effort For A Safer Neighborhood Draws Fire

This Diamond Head mom bought a road so kids would have a safe place to walk. But what came next has angered dozens of her neighbors.Mary Moriarty Jones took over ownership of part of Leahi Avenue in October from its former owner, Lunalilo Trust.The trust, wanting to avoid future liability, signed over the road to Jones in a $10 quitclaim deed.Jones she was compelled to take over Leahi Avenue after trying for more than four years to get the city to assume responsibility for the road to make it safer for pedestrians — especially for parents of young children attending nearby Waikiki...

February 5, 2021
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Monk Seal Killings On Kauai Highlight Human Threat To Endangered Species

Monk Seal Killings On Kauai Highlight Human Threat To Endangered Species

ANAHOLA, Kauai — The suspicious deaths of three Hawaiian monk seals on Kauai beaches — including one that officials believe was shot — late last year highlight the dangers threatening the recovery of the endangered species.While the recent deaths remain under investigation, a new study found that human activity ranging from deliberate killings to fishing hooks was to blame for more than half of all known seal deaths in the islands over the past quarter century.The first seal was found dead with apparent gunshot wounds in September, according to information from the National Oceanic and...

January 7, 2021
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How Hawaii's Patsy Mink Blazed The Political Trail For Kamala Harris

How Hawaii's Patsy Mink Blazed The Political Trail For Kamala Harris

Clad in suffragette white, Kamala Harris used her to commemorate . Her victory comes one century after the 19th Amendment, which gave American women the right to vote.Many commentators quickly .Anthony did advocate for the 19th Amendment. But .In , Anthony suggested that white women would be more qualified voters than “ignorant and unlettered” Hawaiian and Puerto Rican men, “who know nothing about our institutions.”Anthony’s runs counter to Harris’ own political and family genealogy as the and of .As many news articles have pointed out, Harris’ truer political forerunners are . But another...

November 24, 2020
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From Early On, Miske Was On The Path To A Life Of Crime

From Early On, Miske Was On The Path To A Life Of Crime

Editor’s note: The arrest last month of Mike Miske by federal agents, coming in the midst of a years-long public corruption investigation that is still playing out, has captivated many in Hawaii, especially those familiar with Miske’s reputation and history of high-profile bad behavior. Miske has been at least tangentially involved in the federal investigation into former Honolulu Police Chief Louis Kealoha, his deputy prosecutor wife Katherine, other Honolulu police officers, the elected prosecutor Keith Kaneshiro and top city officials like Corporation Counsel Donna Leong and Managing...

August 16, 2020
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Eric Stinton: These Social Media Accounts Are Sharing A Dangerous Message

Eric Stinton: These Social Media Accounts Are Sharing A Dangerous Message

As more people turn to social media for news, social media pages need to take more responsibility for the information they share.Over the weekend, popular local Instagram account hohungryhungryhawaiian posted a petition to “end mandatory masks in Hawaii” with the caption “DM me if you need the link. #endmaskwearing.”The post was quickly deleted after the comment section erupted in arguments, but not before a large chunk of the account’s 217,000-plus followers saw what looked like an endorsement of America’s whiniest, most embarrassing response to a global pandemic that has killed 160,000...

August 7, 2020
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