Nurith Aizenman
Nurith Aizenman
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Coronavirus 2nd Wave? Nope, The U.S. Is Still Stuck In The 1st One

Coronavirus 2nd Wave? Nope, The U.S. Is Still Stuck In The 1st One

Coronavirus 2nd Wave? Nope, The U.S. Is Still Stuck In The 1st One : Shots - Health News The nation still sees more than 20,000 new cases on average a day, a number that's barely budged for weeks. Forecasters say we're looking at tens of thousands more deaths this summer.Heard onToggle more optionsJust weeks after parts of the U.S. began reopening, coronavirus infections are on the , including Arizona, Utah, Texas and Florida. Dramatic increases in daily case counts have given rise to some unsettling questions: Is the U.S. at the start of a second wave? Have states reopened too soon? And...

June 12, 2020
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When Is It Safe To Ease Social Distancing? Here's What One Model Says For Each State

When Is It Safe To Ease Social Distancing? Here's What One Model Says For Each State

Some States Shouldn't Ease Social Distancing Until At Least June, Modelers Say : Shots - Health News Some states are moving forward, but many would be wise to wait, according to experts at the University of Washington. Here's their estimate for each state's safe date to reopen.Updated April 28, 5:00 p.m. ET Across the U.S., state leaders are grappling with the challenging decision of when to relax the social distancing restrictions that have helped keep COVID-19 in check. Already this week, Georgia's governor has allowed businesses such as gyms, hair salons and movie theaters to reopen —...

April 25, 2020
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U.S. Missionary With No Medical Training Settles Suit Over Child Deaths At Her Center

U.S. Missionary With No Medical Training Settles Suit Over Child Deaths At Her Center

U.S. Missionary Settles Suit Over Child Deaths At Her Treatment Center In Uganda : Goats and Soda Renee Bach ran a treatment center for severely malnourished children in Uganda. Over five years, 105 died. This week, a lawsuit by two mothers who each lost a son was settled with a cash payment.Renee Bach, an American missionary who operated a charitable treatment center for severely malnourished children in Uganda despite having no medical training, has settled a lawsuit brought against her in Ugandan civil court by two women and a civil rights organization. At least 105 children died in the...

July 31, 2020
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Can Masks Save Us From More Lockdowns? Here's What The Science Says

Can Masks Save Us From More Lockdowns? Here's What The Science Says

Can Widespread Mask Use Prevent Lockdowns Where The Virus Is Surging? : Shots - Health News How can communities stop coronavirus case surges without crushing the economy? Some scientists say widespread mask wearing may be more than a helpful precaution — it may be the solution.The American conversation around masks and COVID-19 has taken a dizzying turn. For months, wearing masks has been politicized as a sign of liberal leanings. But in recent days, ever more governors — many of them Republican — have moved to mandate masks. This week President Trump — arguably the nation's most visible...

July 23, 2020
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Why The U.S. Government Stopped Funding A Research Project On Bats And Coronaviruses

Why The U.S. Government Stopped Funding A Research Project On Bats And Coronaviruses

U.S. Government Pulls Funding For Research Project On Bats And Coronaviruses : Goats and Soda The project, run by the nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance, aimed to identify places to monitor, come up with strategies to prevent spillover of the virus and get a jump on creating vaccines and treatments.Updated on May 1 at 10:50 a.m. ET The U.S. government has suddenly terminated funding for a years-long research project in China that many experts say is vital to preventing the next major coronavirus outbreak. The project was run by a U.S. nonprofit called EcoHealth Alliance. For more than a decade,...

April 29, 2020
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300,000 Deaths By December? 9 Takeaways From The Newest COVID-19 Projections

300,000 Deaths By December? 9 Takeaways From The Newest COVID-19 Projections

IHME Model Projects Nearly 300,000 COVID-19 Deaths By December : Shots - Health News What's driving this death toll? Could anything improve the outlook? How reliable are these predictions anyway? We get into the weeds.Toggle more optionsBy Dec. 1, the U.S. death toll from COVID-19 could reach nearly 300,000. That's the grim new projection from researchers at the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation — one of the more prominent teams modeling the pandemic. The new forecast, released Thursday, projects that between now and December, 137,000 people will die on...

August 7, 2020
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Deworming Pill For Kids Linked To Better Wages When They Grow Up

Deworming Pill For Kids Linked To Better Wages When They Grow Up

Deworming Pill For Kids Linked To Better Wages When They Grow Up An inexpensive way to help kids in poor countries: hand out deworming pills so they're healthy enough to stay in school. A study by a Nobel Prize winner finds 20 years on, they earn higher wages too.Heard onToggle more optionsAn inexpensive way to help kids in poor countries: hand out deworming pills so they're healthy enough to stay in school. A study by a Nobel Prize winner finds 20 years on, they earn higher wages too.STEVE INSKEEP, HOST:A pioneering study discovered that giving schoolchildren in poor countries a pill that...

August 11, 2020
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As Pandemic Widens, How Did We Get To This Point?

As Pandemic Widens, How Did We Get To This Point?

As Pandemic Widens, How Did We Get To This Point? The coronavirus outbreak is getting worse in many parts of the country, and the U.S. will likely need to learn to cope with having the virus be a part of life for many more months.Heard onToggle more optionsThe coronavirus outbreak is getting worse in many parts of the country, and the U.S. will likely need to learn to cope with having the virus be a part of life for many more months.RACHEL MARTIN, HOST:The coronavirus outbreak has entered a new phase in this country. That's what Dr. Deborah Birx of the White House Coronavirus Task Force is...

August 3, 2020
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Coronavirus Hot Spots: Could The Mid-Atlantic And Northeast See A COVID-19 Rebound?

Coronavirus Hot Spots: Could The Mid-Atlantic And Northeast See A COVID-19 Rebound?

U.S. Coronavirus Hot Spots: Mid-Atlantic And Northeast Could Backslide : Shots - Health News As modelers look at national trends, they're concerned about case jumps in areas that had previously managed largely to squelch the virus.Toggle more optionsFor weeks the U.S. coronavirus pandemic has largely been driven by spiraling outbreaks in the South and West. But some forecasters say Mid-Atlantic and Northeast states could soon be in deep trouble again, too. The warning comes from researchers at the , which has built a model to provide four-week forecasts for every U.S. county. NPR spoke to...

July 24, 2020
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U.S. Could Have Saved Thousands Of Lives If Lockdown Started Earlier, Study Finds

U.S. Could Have Saved Thousands Of Lives If Lockdown Started Earlier, Study Finds

U.S. Could Have Saved Thousands Of Lives If Lockdown Started Earlier, Study Finds A new analysis from Columbia University finds nearly 36,000 fewer people would have died if social distancing measures had been put in place across the U.S. just one week earlier.Heard onToggle more optionsA new analysis from Columbia University finds nearly 36,000 fewer people would have died if social distancing measures had been put in place across the U.S. just one week earlier.NOEL KING, HOST:Almost 100,000 people in the U.S. have died of COVID-19. That's more, by far, than any other country. If social...

May 21, 2020
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