Nic Robertson
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The pandemic could reshape the world order. Trump's chaotic strategy is accelerating US losses | CNN

The pandemic could reshape the world order. Trump's chaotic strategy is accelerating US losses | CNN

Analysis by , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — outright rejected US President Donald vision of the world this week. Tensions between these historic democratic allies that have been simmering since Trump came to office three years ago have now come to a boil during the coronavirus pandemic.has shocked the world by the speed of its spread, but it is also accelerating another global change in the balance of power – and not in America’s favor.The extent of the divide became clear on Tuesday during a vote at the World Health Organization annual in , Switzerland, backing Europe’s...

May 21, 2020
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Khashoggi's children 'pardon' their father's killers, sparing them the death penalty

Khashoggi's children 'pardon' their father's killers, sparing them the death penalty

(CNN)The children of slain Saudi journalist have publicly forgiven their father's killers, sparing five government agents the death penalty. , the late Saudi critic's eldest son, posted the pardon in a tweet on Friday. "On this virtuous night of (Ramadan), we recall the words of God Almighty ... whoever pardons and makes reconciliations, his reward is from Allah," read the statement, referring to Laylit el Qader, or the Night of Power, considered by Islam to be the holiest night of the year. "So we, the sons of the martyr Jamal Khashoggi, announce that we have pardoned (those) who killed...

May 22, 2020
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Trump's Germany troops pullout may be his last gift to Putin before the election | CNN Politics

Trump's Germany troops pullout may be his last gift to Putin before the election | CNN Politics

Analysis by , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Since he came to office, US President Donald Trump has obsessively picked at the ties that bind America to its allies.This week in one apparently wanton yank, he ripped one of those cords by announcing This thin green thread of forces, woven through Germany’s historic towns, rolling fields and dense forests, has for three generations helped ensure peace in Europe, embodying an unbreakable commitment between the former foes.The relationship now though, particularly if Trump is reelected later this year, is in freefall, destination...

July 30, 2020
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Strongmen rush to remake the world order as Trump faces potential election defeat | CNN Politics

Strongmen rush to remake the world order as Trump faces potential election defeat | CNN Politics

Analysis by , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — This past week, on US President Donald Trump’s watch and have effectively re-aligned the coming world order. They didn’t do it together, but both took advantage of uncertainty and unpredictability that Trump has helped create.It’s far from clear that the next US President will be able to roll back the consequences of this week, which leave both Presidents in Moscow and in Beijing more decisively in control of their own countries and more able to act assertively.In other words, has made an indelible mark on the world – and it may not be...

July 3, 2020
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Boris Johnson's boast of a 'Global Britain' is taking a pounding amid series of crises | CNN

Boris Johnson's boast of a 'Global Britain' is taking a pounding amid series of crises | CNN

Analysis by , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Britain’s overseas reputation has been tarnished lately, and some of it is entirely self-inflicted.From images of burly police officers to claims of , accusations of Brexit rule-breaking and even a coronavirus variant first detected in England and now spreading across the globe, the United Kingdom is coming up tainted in the court of international opinion.The latest crisis came this weekend, when images of a crackdown on a peaceful London vigil for a murdered woman were beamed around the world.Patsy Stevenson was photographed pinned down...

March 16, 2021
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Analysis: The court of international public opinion long ago found MBS guilty over Khashoggi murder. The US has just caught up

Analysis: The court of international public opinion long ago found MBS guilty over Khashoggi murder. The US has just caught up

(CNN)There is no mystery in how died, it was cold-blooded and brutal. A Turkish intelligence audio recording captured the moments inside the in Istanbul that Saudi government agents drugged, suffocated and dismembered the 59-year-old Washington Post columnist.In the 879 days since, the only geopolitical question of consequence is what role Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, known by his initials MBS, played in his death. Two years ago, the CIA concluded with a high degree of confidence that MBS personally ordered the killing but gave no more detail. The Crown Prince has denied...

February 26, 2021
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Death sentence of Saudi man jailed as a teen for anti-government protests is commuted | CNN

Death sentence of Saudi man jailed as a teen for anti-government protests is commuted | CNN

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — A man who was arrested and sentenced to death for taking part in anti-government protests as a teen in Saudi Arabia has had his sentence commuted, his father told CNN Sunday.Ali al-Nimr’s sentence was reduced to 10 years in jail by the Specialized Criminal Court on Sunday, according to human rights group Reprieve.His father, Mohammed al-Nimr, who attended the hearing in Riyadh, said his son, now 26, should be released in eight or nine months after having already spent more than nine years “of his youth and part of his childhood” in...

February 7, 2021
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Israeli minister says Netanyahu met Saudi Crown Prince, but Riyadh denies it

Israeli minister says Netanyahu met Saudi Crown Prince, but Riyadh denies it

Jerusalem (CNN)An Israeli government official said held his first ever known meeting with on Sunday, but the claim was swiftly denied by Riyadh's top diplomat. Speaking on Israel's Army Radio on Monday, Education Minister Yoav Gallant called the covert meeting, which reportedly took place in the Saudi city of Neom, an "incredible achievement" and congratulated Netanyahu."Let's say that the very existence of the meeting, the fact that it was put out publicly, even if it's half official at the moment, is a matter of great importance from any aspect and matter," a member of Netanyahu's Likud...

November 23, 2020
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Analysis: Donald Trump has left the world stage. Few will miss him

Analysis: Donald Trump has left the world stage. Few will miss him

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (CNN)As stage exits go Donald Trump's departure was something of a whimper, the US President to play golf. Trump has been out of kilter with the global mood since he first took office preaching his "America first, fair, not free trade" brand of nationalist isolationist hubris.Now, as his time in office draws to a close, despite his of the US election results, the combined unspoken message from the world's leaders is: don't let the door hit you on the way out.The virtual summit for leaders of the world's richest nations is being hosted by Saudi Arabia. Its stated aim is...

November 22, 2020
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