Nic  Garcia
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A Dallas man lost his eye in a protest. Now he wants Police Chief Hall to find those responsible

A Dallas man lost his eye in a protest. Now he wants Police Chief Hall to find those responsible

3:54 PM on Jun 3, 2020 CDTBrandon Saenz was looking for his friend at a May 30 protest in downtown Dallas when he says he saw a line of police. Then, he said, he was hit with so-called less-lethal ammunition that shattered his left eye.Now Saenz, his family and lawyers are demanding Dallas Police Chief U. Reneé Hall denounce the incident and find the person responsible.Dallas police have not replied to The Dallas Morning News’ requests for comment, but two officers spoke with Saenz on Wednesday. According to the department’s internal policies, less-lethal ammunition such as rubber or pepper...

June 4, 2020
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Texas police deployed less-lethal ammunition to control protests. Now policymakers want to ban the weapons

Texas police deployed less-lethal ammunition to control protests. Now policymakers want to ban the weapons

11:31 AM on Jun 9, 2020 CDTA growing number of people suffering serious injuries in Dallas, Austin and across the nation from plastic, rubber and wooden bullets are raising new questions about how and when police officers use these weapons.The conversation is happening against and demonstrations resulting from sustained police brutality against black people.Dallas police — and other local law enforcement agencies that were also on patrol downtown — are investigating two incidents that happened during the first weekend of protests. Meanwhile, Austin’s police chief on June 4 after , and a...

June 11, 2020
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Dallas County announces 14 deaths from coronavirus, its highest single-day toll; Tarrant County adds 7

Dallas County announces 14 deaths from coronavirus, its highest single-day toll; Tarrant County adds 7

11:23 AM on May 19, 2020 CDT — Updated at 4:04 PM on May 19, 2020 CDTUpdated at 4 p.m.: Revised to include information from Collin County.Dallas County announced 14 deaths Tuesday from COVID-19 — a new daily record since the county began tracking deaths related to the pandemic in March.The previous high, on three separate occasions, was 10. The county has recorded 191 deaths from the virus.The latest victims included four Dallas men — one in his 40s, one in his 50s and two in their 60s; three Irving residents — a woman in her 60s, a man in his 70s and a woman in her 70s; three Mesquite...

May 20, 2020
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As Dallas removes Confederate monument, there’s a new effort to memorialize the city’s last known lynching victim

As Dallas removes Confederate monument, there’s a new effort to memorialize the city’s last known lynching victim

1:54 PM on Jun 23, 2020 CDTAs monuments celebrating Confederacy leaders come down in Dallas and around the nation, a renewed effort memorializing Allen Brooks, Dallas’ last known lynching victim, is underway.Sally Dobbie, a lifelong Dallas-area resident, petitioned the Texas Historical Commission this month to place a historical marker at the Old Red Museum of Dallas County History & Culture, noting Brooks’ life and the atrocity surrounding his death. She was assisted in researching Brooks’ 1910 lynching by Christopher J. Dowdy, vice president of academic affairs at Paul Quinn...

June 23, 2020
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Dallas County reports record highs of 257 new COVID-19 cases, 16 deaths

Dallas County reports record highs of 257 new COVID-19 cases, 16 deaths

9:57 AM on Jun 2, 2020 CDT — Updated at 7:01 PM on Jun 2, 2020 CDTUpdated at 7 p.m.: Revised to include updated case counts for several counties. Dallas County reported 257 new COVID-19 cases and 16 deaths Tuesday, a record for both categories.The previous high for new cases was 253 and deaths was 14.Thirteen of the 16 most recent deaths were Dallas residents: a man in his 40s, two men in their 50s, four men and one woman in their 60s (including one man who lived at a long-term care facility), a man and woman in their 70s, two women in their 80s, and a man in his 100s.The others included a...

June 2, 2020
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‘We’re trying to survive’: As Texas reopens, Dallas business owners, customers test new social rules

‘We’re trying to survive’: As Texas reopens, Dallas business owners, customers test new social rules

2:23 PM on May 1, 2020 CDT — Updated at 8:30 PM on May 1, 2020 CDTUpdated at 8:30 p.m.: Revised throughout to include additional details.North Texans cautiously emerged from their homes Friday, seeking a semblance of normalcy at restaurants, golf courses — even the gun range — as Texas allowed its first wave of businesses to reopen after they were shuttered to slow the spread of the coronavirus.In Dallas, shoppers and diners treaded carefully after more than a month under stay-at-home orders. Business owners and workers saw quiet days for their shops as many people stayed home. Some...

May 1, 2020
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Dallas County backtracks on COVID-19 vaccine priorities after Texas threatens to reduce supply

Dallas County backtracks on COVID-19 vaccine priorities after Texas threatens to reduce supply

3:08 PM on Jan 20, 2021 CSTUpdated throughout at 8 p.m. with new developments.Dallas County commissioners, under duress from the state, on Wednesday reversed a decision to focus COVID-19 vaccinations efforts on The five-member body backtracked hours after Texas health officials threatened to reduce the supply of to the state’s second-largest county if it moved forward with the plan. The warning, in an email to the county’s health director, Dr. Philip Huang, said the decision to focus only on residents of those ZIP codes violated the terms of being a state-approved vaccine hub.“While we ask...

January 20, 2021
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Dallas County’s initial COVID vaccines went to these affluent northern neighborhoods

Dallas County’s initial COVID vaccines went to these affluent northern neighborhoods

11:02 AM on Jan 16, 2021 CSTUpdated at 4:15 p.m. with reaction to the data.Only 97 residents who live near Dallas’ COVID-19 site at Fair Park were among the initial 3,000 inoculated during its first week of operation, according to a Dallas Morning News analysis of limited county data released Saturday.Meanwhile, more than half of Dallas County’s earliest doses went to residents who live above Interstate 30, which has for decades split the city by race and wealth. The county’s first cache of data was only broken down by ZIP code and does not include specific demographics such as race, gender...

January 16, 2021
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The rate of COVID-19 patients in North Texas hospitals just crossed Gov. Abbott’s red line

The rate of COVID-19 patients in North Texas hospitals just crossed Gov. Abbott’s red line

9:05 AM on Nov 27, 2020 CST — Updated at 5:26 PM on Nov 27, 2020 CSTNorth Texas crossed a critical threshold in the number of hospital patients fighting COVID-19 that could trigger bar closings and lower occupancies at stores and restaurants if such cases don’t decrease within a week.With more than 2,300 patients testing positive for the coronavirus in the 19-county hospital region, 15.05% of all beds were occupied by a person with COVID-19, according to state data.Hospitals had been approaching the 15% red line — set by Gov. Greg Abbott in October — for several days before the Thanksgiving...

November 27, 2020
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Dallas is on its way to a second, ‘worse’ spike in COVID-19 cases, says Parkland CEO

Dallas is on its way to a second, ‘worse’ spike in COVID-19 cases, says Parkland CEO

5:03 PM on Oct 20, 2020 CDTAt the peak of Dallas County’s summer wave, Parkland Memorial Hospital .By early September, the public hospital tasked with caring for the county’s poorest residents .But now, the hospital’s top doctor is warning that a nascent wave of COVID-19 could turn into something much worse.“While not at the same level as our peak in mid-July yet, we are well on our way,” Dr. Fred Cerise, Parkland’s CEO, said in a statement to The Dallas Morning News on Tuesday. “The number of COVID patients at Parkland has tripled in just over a month, and the cases we are seeing today...

October 20, 2020
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