Mike Lillis
Mike Lillis
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Sanders single-payer bill poses dilemma for 2020 Dem hopefuls

Sanders single-payer bill poses dilemma for 2020 Dem hopefuls

Follow Us   © 1996-2018 News Communication Sen. ’ (I-Vt.) Medicare for all plan has become a key test for Democrats with 2020 presidential ambitions.Sanders, who energized liberals with his improbable run at the White House last year, is poised to introduce a long-awaited single-payer bill when Congress returns to Washington this month. The liberal icon insists it's not a litmus test for the Democrats, but he’s actively seeking endorsements. Outside liberal groups are watching closely, with some hinging their own endorsements on a candidate’s support for the Sanders...

September 12, 2017
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Republicans quietly say Gaetz’s days in Congress are numbered

Republicans quietly say Gaetz’s days in Congress are numbered

by Juliegrace Brufke and Mike Lillis - 04/02/21 6:13 PM ET✕A defiant Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) says he has no plans to resign from Congress amid a federal investigation into whether he paid women — and a 17-year-old girl — for sexual favors.Yet behind the scenes, a growing number of Gaetz’s Republican colleagues are predicting his days on Capitol Hill are growing short. “In reality, yes, he won’t last long,” one member told The Hill on Friday. The forecasts seem to be based on some combination of political pragmatism and wishful thinking.Gaetz, who stands among the fiercest...

April 2, 2021
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A year later, lawmakers long for hugs and Chuck E. Cheese

A year later, lawmakers long for hugs and Chuck E. Cheese

by Alex Gangitano and Mike Lillis - 03/11/21 6:00 AM ET✕Some senators said they’re excited to see their constituents in person after a year of mostly virtual events.✕✕× Close Ad

March 11, 2021
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Gaetz, on the ropes, finds few friends in GOP

Gaetz, on the ropes, finds few friends in GOP

by Juliegrace Brufke and Mike Lillis - 03/31/21 5:33 PM ET✕In four years on Capitol Hill, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) has experienced a meteoric rise to national prominence — one fueled by a close alliance with former President Trump, a penchant for political theatrics and a no-apologies brand of conservatism that’s made him a darling of the right-wing cable outlets.Yet this week, facing a federal investigation into allegations of a sexual relationship with an underage girl, Gaetz is finding himself in an unusual spot: on the ropes and virtually alone.Few of Gaetz’s GOP colleagues are coming...

March 31, 2021
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Democrats vow to go ‘bold’ — with or without GOP

Democrats vow to go ‘bold’ — with or without GOP

Follow Us   © 1996-2021 News Communication Democrats are warning they won't tolerate GOP stonewalling as they try to make good on their pledge to enact a “bold” agenda and avoid Obama-era missteps. Fresh off a big win on coronavirus relief, Democrats are facing intense pressure not to water down their legislative priorities after years of a backed-up wish list during the Trump era and a decade since the party has had a unified government it could use to muscle through sweeping reforms considered anathema to the GOP.“We will try to get them to work with us. But...

March 22, 2021
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Pelosi launches infrastructure debate, urging bipartisanship

Pelosi launches infrastructure debate, urging bipartisanship

by - 03/12/21 4:53 PM ET✕Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Friday kick-started the high-stakes debate on an infrastructure overhaul, tasking House committee heads with drafting “a big, bold and transformational” package, a top priority of President Biden.Fresh from a huge victory on a massive package to tackle the coronavirus, boost the economy and expand health coverage, Democrats are indicating they don’t intend to slow down when it comes to using their newly gotten powers in the Senate and White House to press for additional economic stimulus.Infrastructure is among the rare issues...

March 12, 2021
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Pelosi says Ethics Committee should investigate Gaetz

Pelosi says Ethics Committee should investigate Gaetz

by - 04/01/21 3:49 PM ET✕Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) suggested Thursday that the Ethics Committee should launch an investigation into allegations that Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) engaged in sexual relations with an underaged girl, a case currently under investigation by the Justice Department.Pelosi emphasized that if the allegations prove to be true, Gaetz would be subject to criminal penalties falling outside the jurisdiction of Congress to punish its own members, including efforts to strip transgressive lawmakers of committee assignments.But citing the importance of maintaining...

April 1, 2021
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Threats to Capitol prompt House to cancel Thursday votes

Threats to Capitol prompt House to cancel Thursday votes

by Mike Lillis and Scott Wong - 03/03/21 4:38 PM ET✕House Democrats will accelerate passage of a sweeping police reform bill, bringing the legislation to the floor Wednesday night — and canceling votes Thursday — amid revelations of new threats to the Capitol.Democrats had initially intended a Thursday vote on the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021. They altered the schedule Wednesday, prompted by fears from lawmakers that their physical safety was at risk from conservative militia groups threatening violence at the Capitol on Thursday, according to four Democratic...

March 3, 2021
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Democratic fury with GOP explodes in House

Democratic fury with GOP explodes in House

by Scott Wong and Mike Lillis - 02/24/21 6:55 PM ET✕Democratic fury over the mob attack on the Capitol and its aftermath is spilling into nearly every aspect of life in the House, squashing hopes for comity and threatening even mundane legislative tasks like the naming of a local post office.Democrats accuse Republicans of nothing short of sabotaging the nation’s democracy with false claims that November’s election was “stolen” from former President Trump.Already angry that the refusal by some Republicans to wear masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19 was endangering lives, Democrats now...

February 24, 2021
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Pelosi wants Biden infrastructure bill done by August

Pelosi wants Biden infrastructure bill done by August

Follow Us   © 1996-2021 News Communication © Greg NashSpeaker (D-Calif.) said Thursday that the Democrats' summer push for infrastructure and jobs legislation will likely be split into two separate bills, with a goal of wrapping up both before Congress's August recess. last week introduced the contours of his ambitious infrastructure proposal, which features traditional projects like roads, bridges and public transit. But he's also vowing additional — but nontraditional — items under the same infrastructure title, which are expected to include provisions like child care,...

April 8, 2021

