Mike DeBonis
Mike DeBonis
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HHS watchdog who exposed hospital shortages to testify before House panel

HHS watchdog who exposed hospital shortages to testify before House panel

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareThe federal watchdog who issued an early report documenting acute shortages of coronavirus tests and personal protective equipment at overwhelmed hospitals will testify before the House Oversight and Reform Committee on Tuesday, a congressional aide said.Christi A. Grimm, the principal deputy inspector general for the Department of Health and Human Services, in late March and described hospitals’ intense frustration with government authorities who were unequipped to address the scarcity.After Grimm issued her report on...

May 20, 2020
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House moves toward quick vote on Democratic coronavirus package

House moves toward quick vote on Democratic coronavirus package

This article was published more than 3 years agoCommentGift ShareHouse Democrats plan to vote Thursday on a wide-ranging coronavirus relief package that will include expanded unemployment insurance, paid sick leave and food security assistance, as lawmakers and the Trump administration seek to move rapidly to address the unfolding crisis.Outlines of the plan were shared Wednesday evening with Trump administration officials, although chances of reaching a bipartisan deal ahead of the vote appeared slim. The legislation includes free coronavirus testing, up to three months of emergency...

March 11, 2020
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McConnell, Pelosi decline Trump administration offer of rapid coronavirus tests as states loosen lockdown orders

McConnell, Pelosi decline Trump administration offer of rapid coronavirus tests as states loosen lockdown orders

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareSenate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued a rare letter jointly rejecting the Trump administration’s offer to supply Capitol Hill with 1,000 rapid-result coronavirus tests, asking that they be prioritized for front-line workers.The decision by the leaders Saturday to turn down the Trump administration’s offer came as the United States neared 66,000 coronavirus-related deaths and at least a dozen states had their first weekend of loosened restrictions.The Capitol’s attending physician,...

May 2, 2020
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White House blocks Fauci from testifying before House panel next week

White House blocks Fauci from testifying before House panel next week

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareThe White House is blocking Anthony S. Fauci from testifying before a House subcommittee investigating the coronavirus outbreak and response, arguing that it would be “counterproductive” for him to appear next week while in the midst of participating in the government’s response to the pandemic.The White House issued a statement about Fauci’s testimony shortly after The Washington Post published a story Friday afternoon quoting a spokesman for the House Appropriations Committee, who said the White House was refusing to...

May 1, 2020
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Fired inspector general was examining whether Pompeo had a staffer walk his dog, handle dry cleaning, official says

Fired inspector general was examining whether Pompeo had a staffer walk his dog, handle dry cleaning, official says

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareThe State Department inspector general fired by President Trump was looking into allegations that a staffer for Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was performing domestic errands and chores such as handling dry cleaning, walking the family dog and making restaurant reservations, said a congressional official familiar with the matter.Steve Linick, the quasi-independent watchdog whose job it was to expose waste and malfeasance within the agency, investigated a number of issues at the State Department that agitated senior Trump...

May 18, 2020
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Incoming White House chief of staff Mark Meadows among lawmakers sidelined by coronavirus concerns

Incoming White House chief of staff Mark Meadows among lawmakers sidelined by coronavirus concerns

This article was published more than 3 years agoCommentGift ShareThe incoming White House chief of staff, Rep. Mark Meadows of North Carolina, was among three Republican congressmen who said Monday that they were quarantining themselves because of suspected contact with a confirmed carrier of the novel coronavirus.A spokesman, Ben Williamson, said Meadows learned this weekend he “may have come in contact” with the individual who attended the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in suburban Washington late last month. Meadows tested negative for the virus and is not...

March 10, 2020
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Nearly all GOP senators vote against impeachment trial for Trump, signaling likely acquittal - The Boston Globe

Nearly all GOP senators vote against impeachment trial for Trump, signaling likely acquittal - The Boston Globe


January 26, 2021
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Trump signs stimulus and government spending bill into law, averting shutdown

Trump signs stimulus and government spending bill into law, averting shutdown

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift SharePresident Trump unexpectedly capitulated Sunday night and signed the stimulus bill into law, releasing $900 billion in emergency relief funds into the economy and averting a Tuesday government shutdown.White House officials didn’t explain why the president decided to suddenly back down and sign into law a bill he had held up for nearly a week and had referred to as a “disgrace” just days earlier.Trump signed the bill while vacationing in Florida and on a weekend when he had allowed unemployment benefits for 14 million...

December 27, 2020
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Pelosi moves ahead with efforts for Trump’s removal as Democrats split on how hard to push for impeachment

Pelosi moves ahead with efforts for Trump’s removal as Democrats split on how hard to push for impeachment

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareHouse Speaker Nancy Pelosi vowed Sunday to push ahead with impeaching President Trump if he is not removed from office first, adding a powerful voice to a debate that has begun to consume a Democratic Party both eager for impeachment and wary of it.Her statement virtually assures the House will move forward with impeachment, even as tensions break out among Democrats over how aggressively to push for it. House members have insisted Trump face consequences for inciting last week’s , while President-elect Joe Biden has...

January 10, 2021
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House effort to pass surveillance overhaul collapses after Trump tweets and pushback from DOJ

House effort to pass surveillance overhaul collapses after Trump tweets and pushback from DOJ

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareHouse Democratic leaders abandoned plans to pass a significant surveillance overhaul package on Thursday as the measure fell victim to presidential tweets, opposition from the Justice Department and the fracturing of a fragile coalition among liberals, moderates and conservatives.House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) said the bill would be indefinitely withdrawn, citing new Republican opposition prompted by President Trump. His announcement came hours after leaders pulled the bill from a scheduled vote Wednesday...

May 28, 2020



