Michael J. Polk
Michael J. Polk
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Council Post: When The Doors Open For Business Again

Council Post: When The Doors Open For Business Again

BETAThis is a BETA experience. You may opt-out by POST WRITTEN BYMichael J. Polk offers over 30 yrs of Real Estate Vision and Expertise you can trust and depend on. We focus on long-range portfolio value.Jun 10, 2020,When the wheels of the economy start moving and business owners begin to survey the remains of their pre-pandemic lives and goals, the questions that will be top of mind are: What now? Can we rebuild? Should we? While there are government programs that may help if accessed quickly, the mental chore is likely to take a toll on an already taxed psyche.Small...

June 10, 2020
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Council Post: Landlords, Don't Forget These Questions For Your Attorney And Insurance Agent

Council Post: Landlords, Don't Forget These Questions For Your Attorney And Insurance Agent

BETAThis is a BETA experience. You may opt-out by POST WRITTEN BYMichael J. Polk offers over 30 yrs of Real Estate Vision and Expertise you can trust and depend on. We focus on long-range portfolio value.May 20, 2020,Like many others, I’m sitting here in social isolation wondering what to do next. Real estate has been part of me for so long that I thought the conventional real estate norms were a bedrock to the trade. I won’t bore you with what they were; I don’t think they matter much anymore. Of course, I don’t expect truths like location, location, location to go out the window. The...

May 20, 2020
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Council Post: How Real Estate Owners Should Navigate This New Paradigm

Council Post: How Real Estate Owners Should Navigate This New Paradigm

BETAThis is a BETA experience. You may opt-out by POST WRITTEN BYMichael J. Polk offers over 30 yrs of Real Estate Vision and Expertise you can trust and depend on. We focus on long-range portfolio value.Apr 6, 2020,Right now in the real estate world, we are witnessing what could be the “” event that could quite possibly make an all-new paradigm come forward. In response to the far-reaching impact of the coronavirus, I believe real estate is going to go through a major rethink, as nobody could have predicted the crisis we are experiencing today.Globalization has shown us what can do...

April 6, 2020
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Council Post: What To Do If The Check Is Not In The Mail

Council Post: What To Do If The Check Is Not In The Mail

BETAThis is a BETA experience. You may opt-out by POST WRITTEN BYMichael J. Polk offers over 30 yrs of Real Estate Vision and Expertise you can trust and depend on. We focus on long-range portfolio value.Apr 29, 2020,Now that April 1, 2020 has come and gone, I have a question to ask all landlords: Was the rent check in the mail? I also have one for tenants: Did you send the rent? In a more normal time, this would not be such a serious thing to write about.This is not a joke question, but an urgent matter that needs to be sorted out. If it's not, going forward, the alchemy of valuation...

April 29, 2020
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Council Post: Where The Broker Comes Into Play In The New Real Estate Market

Council Post: Where The Broker Comes Into Play In The New Real Estate Market

BETAThis is a BETA experience. You may opt-out by Jul 22, 2020, offers over 30 yrs of Real Estate Vision and Expertise you can trust and depend on. We focus on long-range portfolio value. As a commercial real estate broker for many decades, I have never faced a confluence of events on the industry like we have at hand now. This got me thinking about what the role of the real estate broker will be going forward. Is the broker even going to be needed in the future?First, the basics are just that — basic. This situation requires that you push the boundaries of your knowledge...

July 22, 2020
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