Michael Daly
Michael Daly
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Survivors of KKK’s Ax Handle Attack Appalled at Trump Speech

Survivors of KKK’s Ax Handle Attack Appalled at Trump Speech

CONSCIENCE OF AMERICAThe president plans to speak at the RNC on the anniversary of a racist rampage in Jacksonville, Florida.n the same day President Trump is scheduled to give his at the big arena in Jacksonville, Florida, another group will meet in a nearby park where Klansmen in Confederate uniforms handed out ax handles for a racist rampage exactly 60 years before.The permit for the Aug. 27 gathering at Hemming Park was secured by one of that murderous white mob’s targets on what became known as Ax Handle Saturday. Rodney Hurst was the 16-year-old president of the youth council of the...

June 13, 2020
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Who Are You Going to Trust—Dr. Fauci or Texas’ Joke of a Lieutenant Governor?

Who Are You Going to Trust—Dr. Fauci or Texas’ Joke of a Lieutenant Governor?

STUNTMANLt. Gov. Dan Patrick cares more about the sound of his own voice than the health of his constituents.an Patrick had no problem trusting medical expertise when he was a Houston talk radio host seeking a ratings boost by undergoing a vasectomy live on his show. “The ratings skyrocketed,” Patrick reported after the 1991 stunt.But now that Patrick has parlayed his radio fame into becoming Texas lieutenant governor, he says he will not even listen to the nation’s leading infectious disease expert in the face of a raging pandemic.“Wrong on every issue,” Patrick says of , whose...

July 2, 2020
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Bill Barr Takes Charge of Trump’s Crackdown as the Military Tries to Back Away

Bill Barr Takes Charge of Trump’s Crackdown as the Military Tries to Back Away

ATTORNEY, GENERALIt’s a controversial move, even within Barr’s own department. A senior law enforcement official called it “a political ploy to make being anti-Trump look like terrorism.”s President Trump continues to try and drum up support for his call for states to “” protesters and beef up police presence against them, Attorney General Bill Barr and a team of senior Justice Department officials have quietly taken the lead on disrupting the and going after the petty criminals who may be using the demonstrations as cover. It’s been a controversial move, even within . One federal...

June 3, 2020
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Professional Jealousy? Cops Probe Whether Lawyer Who Shot Judge’s Family Killed Rival Attorney

Professional Jealousy? Cops Probe Whether Lawyer Who Shot Judge’s Family Killed Rival Attorney

Investigators are trying to determine whether had a hand in the similar death of a rival attorney a week earlier.In one of his online screeds, for robbing him of a legal victory that instead was claimed by activist California attorney Marc Angelucci.Den Hollander did not name Angelucci in his bile-filled memoir, but law-enforcement sources told The Daily Beast that papers mentioning Angelucci were found in or around the car where Den Hollander killed himself on Monday.In addition, the head of the organization that Angelucci belonged to revealed that Den Hollander was ousted from the group...

July 21, 2020
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Georgia’s Governor Risks Lives to Reopen His State—Just Not His Family’s

Georgia’s Governor Risks Lives to Reopen His State—Just Not His Family’s

“PUBLIC TOURS CANCELED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: Out of an abundance of caution, we are temporarily canceling public tours until further notice to ensure the health and safety of Georgia families.”That announcement greets anyone who goes to the “Tour the Mansion” page on the state of Georgia website. Gov. Brian Kemp was from .But he was suddenly possessed with an abundance of caution at the prospect of admitting folks to the governor’s mansion.Never mind that the free public tours every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings are confined to the first floor of the three-story, 30-room...

April 27, 2020
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Texas Lt. Governor Is Determined to Sacrifice Everyone but Himself for GOP Convention

Texas Lt. Governor Is Determined to Sacrifice Everyone but Himself for GOP Convention

Nobody howled louder than when from holding its convention there amid a COVID-19 explosion.“This is nothing but a political hack job by Mayor Turner,” Patrick told Laura Ingraham on Fox News.Patrick failed to mention that he and Gov. Greg Abbott and various other GOP elected officials had earlier opted out of actually joining the 6,000 party stalwarts who signed up for the July 16th gathering at the George R. Brown Convention center. They had instead planned to address the gathering via video.“All the elected officials are switching from a live, in-person speech to videos,” state GOP...

July 11, 2020
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The Monster Cop Who Encountered George Floyd in Houston

The Monster Cop Who Encountered George Floyd in Houston

Among the mourners at was Harris County Attorney Kim Ogg, whose office sent Floyd a letter last year saying he may have been a victim of a police injustice, long before the The letter is dated March 8, 2019, and was sent to 3512 Nalle St. in Houston, the last address listed in court records. His mother, Larcenia Floyd, resided there until her death on May 30, 2018. Floyd had not lived here since 2014, when he moved to Minneapolis. He may have never received the notification that addressed him not as Mr. Floyd or as George Floyd, but as he is listed in the case cited at the top of the...

June 10, 2020
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This Is How Horribly They’re Treating the Dead in Brooklyn

This Is How Horribly They’re Treating the Dead in Brooklyn

NO EXCUSEBefore police found decomposing bodies in trucks outside a Brooklyn funeral home, a mourner saw a horrifying sign it was overwhelmed by the coronavirus pandemic.eqway Clarke was in the back pew in the upstairs chapel at the Andrew D. Cleckley Funeral Home in Brooklyn when he chanced to gaze under the coffin and see what looked like a bare foot.“You could see it,” he later told The Daily Beast. “You could actually look under the casket and see it. I asked somebody else, ‘Is that a foot?’” Clarke was there on April 9 with his wife and daughters and a small number of...

May 1, 2020
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Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Shows Where His Loyalties Lie Amid Crippling Power Outages

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Shows Where His Loyalties Lie Amid Crippling Power Outages

Forget the Alamo. Remember the frozen sensors and pumps and pipes in the Texas power grid.Those were the major causes of the last big power outages in the Lone Star State, on Super Bowl Sunday in 2011. And they seem to be a big part of the problem in the current outages, the end of which was unable to predict at a press briefing on Wednesday night.Abbott did say that he has sought and received federal disaster aid and assistance from FEMA—and he sounded as if he were glad to have the feds as partners. Never mind that just three weeks ago he was down in Odessa talking as if he were declaring...

February 18, 2021
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‘The Idiocy Continues’: Nurses Refuse to Give COVID Shots

‘The Idiocy Continues’: Nurses Refuse to Give COVID Shots

OPERATION WARPEDKansas is in the middle of a coronavirus emergency, but some health-care workers are spreading misinformation instead of healing.n a country where up to a third of health-care workers decline the COVID vaccine, all four nurses at a rural Kansas county health department have taken the unreasoning distrust of science a step further by refusing even to give the shots to those who want them.“My staff is not comfortable with that,” Health Department administrator Lindsay Payer told the Coffey County Board of Commissioners at a meeting earlier this month.A video of the meeting in...

January 17, 2021
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