Micah Hanks
Micah Hanks
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An Oddly Bright Object Can Now Be Seen Moving Through the Night Sky. Here’s Why It Has Astronomers Worried. - The Debrief

An Oddly Bright Object Can Now Be Seen Moving Through the Night Sky. Here’s Why It Has Astronomers Worried. - The Debrief

(Marco Langbroek/Delft Technical University)Have you seen an unusually bright object moving through the evening sky recently?Chances are that it wasn’t one of the mysterious objects that the DoD and NASA are currently studying, but was instead one of the growing number of manmade spacecraft taking up residence in Earth’s orbit.And this one has astronomers particularly concerned.BlueWalker 3 is a satellite that was launched into low-Earth orbit last November, and since reaching orbit, the spacecraft has unveiled an almost 700-square-foot array that reflects enough light to make it one of the...

Oct 4
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What Was It? Strange Creature Photographed in 2018 Is Finally Identified, And It’s Not What Scientists Expected - The Debrief

What Was It? Strange Creature Photographed in 2018 Is Finally Identified, And It’s Not What Scientists Expected - The Debrief

(Unsplash)In 2018, Ryo Minemizu had been swimming off the Okinawan coast when he observed something that he never expected to see: a small, strange creature that he could not identify.Fortunately, Minemizu, an underwater photographer, was armed with his camera at the time and managed to photograph the odd little organism inhabiting the country’s coastal waters.Posting the images online, Minemizu asked others if they could identify the strange creature, resembling something more akin to science fiction than anything he had ever observed as a photographer of ocean life.To his surprise, none...

Oct 5
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New Data Reveals Doomsday Worries of Americans, and Where You Are Likeliest to Survive - The Debrief

New Data Reveals Doomsday Worries of Americans, and Where You Are Likeliest to Survive - The Debrief

Welcome to this week’s installment of The Intelligence Brief… the results of a recent survey are in, and they are casting a bleak picture of American attitudes when it comes to potential doomsday scenarios for the immediate future. In our analysis, we’ll be looking at 1) why Americans have doomsday on their minds, 2) what the percentages indicate, 3) why doomsday thinking has become a bipartisan issue, and 4) the safest states to reside if you’re one of the millions of worried Americans right now.“Don’t worry about saving the earth. The earth will be fine. However, humans will probably...

Oct 5
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Something is Moving in the Earth’s Inner Core, and It May Point to the Elusive Source of Our Planet’s Magnetic Field - The Debrief

Something is Moving in the Earth’s Inner Core, and It May Point to the Elusive Source of Our Planet’s Magnetic Field - The Debrief

(Credit: Andrzej Wojcicki)Deep within the Earth’s inner core, scientists have made a surprising discovery: something appears to be moving, and it’s moving far more rapidly than anyone would have expected.It is a finding that comes much to the surprise of scientists who are aware of the astronomical pressures that are maintained at the solid core of our planet. However, new research aided by machine learning is now helping to shed light on the phenomenon, which is believed to involve the iron atoms that Earth’s inner core is composed of.A recent study headed by researchers at The University...

Oct 4
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Directed Microwave Radiation Cited as Likely Cause Behind Diplomat Illnesses - The Debrief

Directed Microwave Radiation Cited as Likely Cause Behind Diplomat Illnesses - The Debrief

Directed microwave radiation has been determined as a likely cause behind mysterious illnesses reported by Department of State (DOS) employees in Cuba and China beginning in late 2016, according to a National Academy of Sciences committee report.The study, concludes that dizziness, cognitive conditions, and other unusual symptoms the employees described were best explained as the result of exposure to pulsed radio frequencies, which occurred at the embassies where they were stationed.Numerous studies have looked at the possible cause of the reported illnesses, of which some of the results...

December 6, 2020
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