Megan Schrader
Megan Schrader
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Endorsement: Denver City Council needs a clean-up, and these two candidates are right for the job

Endorsement: Denver City Council needs a clean-up, and these two candidates are right for the job

After meeting with nine candidates for Denver’s at-large City Council race, two stood out as both listeners and leaders, as experts in a wide variety of Denver affairs, and as having high integrity and a solid moral compass.We urge Denver voters to support Penfield Tate III and Marty Zimmerman for the open Denver City Council at-large seats. Each voter will select two candidates in the at-large race on April 4, and the top two vote-getters will be seated on the council representing the entire city.Tate and Zimmerman will work well together, pulling in the same direction toward a council...

March 6, 2023
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Guest Commentary: Democrats' last-minute, all mail-ballot reform would compromise the 2020 election

Guest Commentary: Democrats' last-minute, all mail-ballot reform would compromise the 2020 election

By and | Guest CommentaryAll that glitters is not gold and proposals from Democrats to nationalize the 2020 election are fool’s gold that could imperil the legitimacy of the 2020 election.Take for instance written by congressmen Joe Neguse (D-Colo.) and Dean Phillips (D-Minn). They treat mail-in ballots as a cure-all and make a pitch for the “bold democratic reform bill” offered by the House Democrats in Congress.But what they don’t tell you is that an overnight change to universal mail-in ballots will potentially disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of voters and that their so-called “bold...

May 21, 2020
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Hickenlooper and Neguse: The rescue plan will mean money for Colorado families, schools and vaccination efforts

Hickenlooper and Neguse: The rescue plan will mean money for Colorado families, schools and vaccination efforts

By and | Guest CommentaryAn unprecedented moment warrants an urgent and unprecedented response.The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic crisis have left Colorado hurting. Hundreds of thousands of Coloradans have been infected and more than 6,000 tragically lost their lives to the virus. Colorado’s unemployment rate is still more than double what it was pre-pandemic. Forty percent of Coloradans are going hungry and thousands of small businesses have been shuttered or are on the verge of closing.Behind each of these numbers is a family member, a neighbor, or a colleague faced with...

March 20, 2021
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Brauchler: Attacks on the integrity of National Guard members should be anathema

Brauchler: Attacks on the integrity of National Guard members should be anathema

By | Columnist for The Denver PostOn the heels of the unjustified drubbing of the entire law enforcement profession over the reprehensible, unjustifiable, and highly publicized conduct of a relative few, we can now feel the focus turning towards the members of another noble profession — our National Guard.As a direct result of the seditious and insurrectionist violence at the U.S. Capitol last week, the National Guard from across the country were called to active duty and sent to Washington, D.C. for the purpose of ensuring the peaceful transition of power as expressed by the will of...

January 22, 2021
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Friednash: Trump's propaganda fueled the Capitol attack and it'll burn down the GOP if they don't reject it

Friednash: Trump's propaganda fueled the Capitol attack and it'll burn down the GOP if they don't reject it

By | Columnist for The Denver PostPresident Donald Trump is burning down the GOP after radicalizing his believers and inciting a violent, deadly insurrection.To save themselves, Republicans cannot minimize Jan. 6 or the events leading up to it.Investigators must determine if the armed rebellion was a premeditated and organized coup attempt instigated by our commander-in-chief in direct violation of the Constitution.There’s some evidence it was. Trump summoned his supporters to Washington, promising it “will be wild.”What started out as pursuing dubious claims of “rigged” elections, morphed...

January 15, 2021
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Editorial: Lauren Boebert's role in the insurrection must also be investigated

Editorial: Lauren Boebert's role in the insurrection must also be investigated

By | U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert’s words and actions before, during and after the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol were dangerous.We can say with certainty that her words on Twitter, in interviews and on the floor of the U.S. House supported the lie that the U.S. election was fraudulent and that Democrats were stealing the election from President Donald Trump. Without those lies, we believe there would not have been an insurrection, and U.S. Capitol Police officer Brian D. Sicknick would still be alive.One week after the attack, 232 members of Congress, including 10 Republicans and four...

January 14, 2021
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Guest Commentary: All the reasons President-elect Joe Biden should cancel the inaugural balls

Guest Commentary: All the reasons President-elect Joe Biden should cancel the inaugural balls

By | Guest CommentaryMaybe it’s not the time for a lavish party.As President-elect Joe Biden prepares to take office and as COVID-19 rages across America, it seems problematic at best for anyone to be planning a series of inaugural balls. Would attendees all wear masks and practice social distancing?Doesn’t sound like much fun after having spent money on the tickets, the gowns and the tuxedos. It even conjures images of Edgar Allen Poe’s “Masque of the Red Death” — fictional yes, yet it doesn’t seem to be much of a stretch for comparison.How can the new administration justify such an event...

November 21, 2020
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Friednash: To save our republic, heed George Washington and abandon this toxic two-party system

Friednash: To save our republic, heed George Washington and abandon this toxic two-party system

By | Columnist for The Denver PostGeorge Washington warned us.On the eve of the most important election of my lifetime, America continues to be ripped apart by hateful partisanship and petty political tribalism.Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was correct in recently describing the Senate elections as a “knife fight in an alley.” That same metaphor describes the way our nation is governed too.Politicians too often choose party over country, acrimony over unity, and posturing to win the next election cycle over doing the right thing.And, as Americans and businesses struggle with the...

September 26, 2020
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Guest Commentary: I served under six presidents -- four Republicans, two Democrats -- only one has failed to serve U.S. national security interests

Guest Commentary: I served under six presidents -- four Republicans, two Democrats -- only one has failed to serve U.S. national security interests

GET BREAKING NEWS IN YOUR BROWSER. CLICK HERE TO TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS.XBy | Guest CommentaryI spent over 300 mornings in the Oval Office briefing the president and his senior staff. I had the privilege to manage, edit and deliver the president’s Daily Brief a summary of the most timely and critical intelligence threats to the U.S. from 2010 to 2014.As a Deputy on the National Security Council, I spent over 1,000 hours in the White House Situation Room providing the intelligence assessments which informed critical U.S. national security policy decisions — including the raid that rendered...

September 25, 2020
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