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United Airlines Announces They Will No Longer Hire the Best Pilots

United Airlines Announces They Will No Longer Hire the Best Pilots

United Airlines is taking a bizarre business risk and announcing to the world that it will no longer hire the best pilots available but will instead make sure that 50% of their trainees for flying you around the world will be women and minorities—talent and skill be damned. I’m not making this up. I wish I were.Our flight deck should reflect the diverse group of people on board our planes every day. That’s why we plan for 50% of the 5,000 pilots we train in the next decade to be women or people of color. Learn more and apply now:— United Airlines (@united)Their website details this...

July 4, 2021
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Kansas City Family Court Exposed: Moms Say Guardian Trina Nudson Abused Her Power, Harmed Families

Kansas City Family Court Exposed: Moms Say Guardian Trina Nudson Abused Her Power, Harmed Families

This report is part of an investigative series looking into reported corruption in family courts.After my , in which victims have alleged that court-appointed guardians and therapists conspired to drain their bank accounts by dragging out court cases unnecessarily and giving children to alleged abusers, victims from all over the country have contacted PJ Media asking for help. But Kansas City, Kansas, began to stand out from the crowd with a quickly growing list of women who say they are victims of domestic abuse, which is being suppressed or exacerbated by the court system. One guardian ad...

July 4, 2021
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Missouri Lawyer: Collusion in Family Courts to Cover Up Child Sexual Abuse Is Rampant: 'These Attorneys Need to Be Disbarred'

Missouri Lawyer: Collusion in Family Courts to Cover Up Child Sexual Abuse Is Rampant: 'These Attorneys Need to Be Disbarred'

This report is part 8 of an investigative series looking into reported corruption in the Missouri Judiciary and family courts. On Thursday on KSGF in Springfield on the , Kristi Fulnecky, of says that the allegations Evita Tolu has made in her lawsuit that led the are well-founded.“If you want to hear about the most evil thing in the world, it’s reading the transcripts of what happened in these trials to these children. It will break your heart. I could hardly read it,” she told Nick Reed. Fulnecky says she is representing a woman right now who described collusion to return her child...

September 3, 2021
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CAUGHT COLLUDING: Leaked Video Reveals Family Court Guardians Conspiring to Dox Journalist for Exposing Them

CAUGHT COLLUDING: Leaked Video Reveals Family Court Guardians Conspiring to Dox Journalist for Exposing Them

This report is part 3 of an investigative series looking into reported corruption in the Missouri Judiciary and family courts.Guardians ad litem (GALs) have a good thing going in Saint Louis County, Mo., or at least they did before Evita Tolu filed a lawsuit against GAL Elaine Pudlowski and Dr. James D. Reid, psychologist, and others exposing what looks like one of the biggest money-making schemes to ever hit family courts. GALs are usually appointed by judges to represent a child in a custody dispute. The GAL is paid by the parents and in Tolu’s case, her GAL was paid $30,000. ()Shortly...

February 3, 2021
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Ronna McDaniel Presents 131 Affidavits, 2,800 Incident Reports of Alleged Voter Fraud in MI: Media Still Demands 'Evidence'

Ronna McDaniel Presents 131 Affidavits, 2,800 Incident Reports of Alleged Voter Fraud in MI: Media Still Demands 'Evidence'

During a press conference Monday, GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel presented evidence of alleged voter fraud in Michigan that Republicans think could have tipped the scales for Joe Biden.“In Wayne County, Republican poll watchers were denied their legal right to monitor the election and purposefully kept in the dark…there are thousands of reports of poll watchers being intimidated and unable to do their job and as of  4 p.m. this afternoon, 131 affidavits have been completed just in Michigan with over 2,800 incident reports that have been submitted to us since election day. Two new...

September 11, 2020
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Scott Adams Predicts Kamala Harris Will Be on Dem Ticket Despite Dropping Out of the Race

Scott Adams Predicts Kamala Harris Will Be on Dem Ticket Despite Dropping Out of the Race

Scott Adams, Dilbert creator and has made a new prediction. His predictions have been pretty spot-on since he got involved in politics during the 2016 election, but a recent one where he said Kamala Harris would be the Democrat nominee just went down the drain. In a broadcast on Wednesday, Adams said, “Kamala Harris has no skills at all for being a politician. None. I didn’t see that coming.” Adams called it his worst prediction of all time. But there’s a catch. He believes she will still make it onto the ticket.“She’s the worst candidate I’ve ever seen in my lifetime. By far, the worst,”...

April 12, 2019
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AMAZING: Florida Sheriff Threatens to Deputize All Local Gun Owners to Put Down Riots

AMAZING: Florida Sheriff Threatens to Deputize All Local Gun Owners to Put Down Riots

Clay County, Florida, Sheriff Darryl Daniels is not messing around with rioters and looters. He put out a video on YouTube warning potential trouble-makers that his county will not be a playground for foolishness. “If we can’t handle you, I’ll exercise the power and authority as the sheriff and I’ll make special deputies of every lawful gun owner in the county and I’ll deputize them to this one purpose: to stand in the gap between lawlessness and civility,” said a white cowboy hat-wearing Daniels while flanked by his deputies.Do not mess with this Sheriff“If you come to Clay County and...

February 7, 2020
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Chinese-Style Social Credit Is Here: Gab Founder Says He's Blocked From Using Visa Over Vague 'Hate Speech' Charge

Chinese-Style Social Credit Is Here: Gab Founder Says He's Blocked From Using Visa Over Vague 'Hate Speech' Charge

“Build your own platforms,” they said. So Gab did. Now they’re banned too.If you thought that the social credit system in China, where dissidents can’t travel or buy things, would never come here, you’re wrong. It’s already here and the founder of Gab, a free-speech platform, is one of its first victims. Andrew Torba wrote about his experience and the discrimination he is facing for owning a completely legal free speech platform.As many of you already know we learned last week that  and we are now unable to process credit and debit card transactions. We learned more information...

January 7, 2020
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Hidden Cameras Show Facebook Contractors Bragging About Removing Pro-Trump Content From Platform

Hidden Cameras Show Facebook Contractors Bragging About Removing Pro-Trump Content From Platform

James O’Keefe has an insider at Facebook, Zach McElroy, who says he’s prepared to testify that Cognizant contractors employed by Facebook are actively trying to sway the 2020 election through deletion of pro-Trump sentiment all over the platform.Training for the job lasted about a month and covered their entire internal policy in detail. I came into this job as a conservative, and immediately I took notice of highly objectionable biases in Facebook’s guidelines, from ideologically-based policies and definitions to allowing things to be posted that could get people killed. But what was I...

June 24, 2020
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Fireworks in Congress: Matt Gaetz to Cedric Richmond: 'Who in the Hell Do You Think You Are?'

Fireworks in Congress: Matt Gaetz to Cedric Richmond: 'Who in the Hell Do You Think You Are?'

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) got into it with Rep Cedric Richmond (D-La.) on the floor of the House Wednesday when Richmond insinuated that Republican members of Congress who have black children don’t care about them as much as Democrats who support the far-left organization Black Lives Matter.“I already know there are people on the other side who have black grandchildren. It’s not about the color of your kids, it is about black males,” said Richmond. “Black people in the streets that are getting killed and if one of them happens to be your kid I’m concerned about him too. And clearly I’m more...

June 18, 2020
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