Matthew Rozsa
Matthew Rozsa
Staff writer at Salon, BA at Bard, MA at Rutgers, ABD at Lehigh's PhD program Previous bylines at MSNBC, The Daily Dot, Mic, Quartz, The Good Men Project.Source
Easton, PA
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Why Phoenix may be uninhabitable by the end of this century

Why Phoenix may be uninhabitable by the end of this century

View of the downtown Phoenix, Arizona city skyline as seen from South Mountain Park--"There will come a day when the temperature won't fall below 100 degrees in Phoenix during the nighttime," Dr. Andrew Ross, a professor of social and cultural analysis at New York University who wrote told Salon. "That will be a threshold of some kind."The American Southwest has long been a refuge for those seeking the health benefits of warm, dry air and sunny days. But too much of a good thing is not a good thing — for human health or for the natural ecosystem. Now, the Southwest...

February 1, 2021
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A historian from the future looks back: What will be most remembered of Trump's presidency?

A historian from the future looks back: What will be most remembered of Trump's presidency?

Donald Trump--How will historians remember Donald Trump?One hundred years ago, America nearly slipped into a dictatorship. The nation was saved primarily by two things: The fact that the man who wished to be its , President Donald Trump, was too stupid to realize how to correctly respond to a worldwide plague, and the fact that he was a physical coward.The first fact was by far the most important. When the COVID-19 pandemic began to ravage humanity in 2020, Trump responded in the : He downplayed the threat despite , defunded and sidelined agencies and individuals with...

January 23, 2021
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Conservatives, not liberals, are more inclined to value feelings over facts, psychology study finds

Conservatives, not liberals, are more inclined to value feelings over facts, psychology study finds

United States debate and US social issues argument or political war as an American culture conflict with two opposing sides as Conservative and Liberal political dispute and ideology--Conservative pundit  is fond of saying, "facts don't care about your feelings," a quip that implies that empirical data is more important than anecdotal evidence. Yet a recent psychological study suggests that conservatives, not liberals, are far more apt to let their feelings to get in the way of accepting facts.In a  published in the journal Political Psychology in October,...

January 18, 2021
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Ted Cruz tried to defend Trump's coup. He then praised the white supremacist Compromise of 1877

Ted Cruz tried to defend Trump's coup. He then praised the white supremacist Compromise of 1877

Donald Trump and Ted Cruz--One of the most prominent Republican supporters of Donald Trump's effort to overturn the 2020 election and undemocratically install himself into power, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, defended the president's coup effort by praising a notorious event in American history that helped cement white supremacy after the Civil War.In a delivered during the debate over certifying electoral votes — and shortly before a to disrupt those proceedings — Cruz urged the Senate to "look to history" by acting as Congress did when there was a dispute between Republican candidate Rutherford...

January 7, 2021
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Trump is a historic loser: No other one-term president has refused to leave office

Trump is a historic loser: No other one-term president has refused to leave office

Donald Trump--It is obvious by now that President Donald Trump is a desperately afraid of being thought of as a "loser." This is why he has gone to such incredible lengths to deny the results of the 2020 election: A man who regularly used the epithet as a go-to insult long before taking office will now be remembered as one of only a handful of sitting presidents to seek another term and be rebuffed by the American people. Still,  claim (whether sincerely or in ) that President-elect Joe Biden didn't legitimately win. While America has had other one-term...

December 30, 2020
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Roger Stone visited Trump in person to thank him for presidential pardon

Roger Stone visited Trump in person to thank him for presidential pardon

Roger Stone leaves Federal Court after a sentencing hearing February 20, 2020, in Washington, DC.--Roger Stone, the close ally and informal adviser to Donald Trump,  on Monday that he had personally thanked the president for pardoning him last week."My wife and I both had the opportunity to thank the president personally for righting the injustice of my conviction in a Soviet-style show trial, which featured the epic bias of the judge who withheld exculpatory evidence from my defense, misconduct by the jury forewoman and substantial misconduct by the prosecutors," Stone told...

December 31, 2020
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Giuliani says he didn't know most Americans can't access his VIP coronavirus treatment regimen

Giuliani says he didn't know most Americans can't access his VIP coronavirus treatment regimen

U.S. President Donald Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani waits to testify before the Michigan House Oversight Committee on December 2, 2020 in Lansing, Michigan.--Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump's personal attorney and former New York City mayor, insisted that he has not changed his views about the dangerousness of COVID-19 despite his recent diagnosis — and even after he was informed that he had access to rare, expensive medications that most Americans with COVID-19 do not.Speaking in an with New York's TalkRadio 77 WABC on Tuesday, Giuliani said that he has "exactly...

December 9, 2020
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Trump the fascist artist: How the MAGA crowd is motivated by aesthetics, not ideas

Trump the fascist artist: How the MAGA crowd is motivated by aesthetics, not ideas

December 5, 2020 7:00PM (UTC)Bolsonaro Supporter | Trump Supporters | Modi Supporters--More than eighty years ago, a then-obscure German philosopher wrote an essay that foresaw the essential reason behind President Donald Trump's enduring political appeal. His name was Walter Benjamin; born to a Jewish family in Berlin, Benjamin was present for a pivotal moment in history, and watched Hitler rise to power. By the time he wrote his most famous essay, he was an exile living in France amidst financial hardships, having recognized that the Reichstag fire three years earlier signified that the...

December 5, 2020
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How plastics are making us infertile — and could even lead to human extinction

How plastics are making us infertile — and could even lead to human extinction

--Climate change is cited as an environmental crisis that could lead to human extinction. Yet there is another pollution issue, indirectly related, that could make it literally impossible for human beings to reproduce.This article .I am talking, of course, about plastic pollution.Dr. Shanna Swan, a professor of environmental medicine and public health at Mount Sinai school of medicine in New York City, has a new book out called ": How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race." In it she...

April 4, 2021
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