Matthew Green
Matthew Green
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What is the random oracle model and why should you care? (Part 5)

What is the random oracle model and why should you care? (Part 5)

This is part five of a series on the Random Oracle Model.  See here for the previous posts: Part 1: An introduction Part 2: The ROM formalized, a scheme and a proof sketch Part 3: How we abuse the ROM to make our security proofs work Part 4: Some more examples of where the ROM is used About eight years ago I set out to write a very informal piece on a specific cryptographic modeling technique called the “random oracle model”. This was way back in the good old days of 2011, which was a more innocent and gentle era of cryptography. Back then nobody foresaw that all of our standard...

January 5, 2020
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European battery makers power up for a green recovery

European battery makers power up for a green recovery

By , , August 13 (Reuters) - European battery makers are gearing up to take advantage of massive “green” stimulus packages unveiled since the coronavirus pandemic though many acknowledge it will be tough to match the Asian giants that dominate the mainstream market.While Sweden’s Northvolt, and more recently France’s Verkor, are making a play for large-scale production, other European companies are focusing on niche markets and new technologies rather than taking on Chinese and South Korean firms with mass production of batteries destined for electric vehicles (EVs).From Greek battery maker...

August 13, 2020
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'Massive poisonous shock': Scientists fear lasting impact from Mauritius oil spill

'Massive poisonous shock': Scientists fear lasting impact from Mauritius oil spill

By , , NAIROBI (Reuters) - Some corals have lived for centuries at the fringes of Mauritius. Now smothered for days in heavy fuel oil spilled from a wrecked Japanese tanker nearby, parts of those reefs may be in trouble.The full impact of the toxic spill is still unfolding, scientists say. As the Indian Ocean island’s residents scramble to mop up the oil slicks and clumps, they are seeing dead eels and fish floating in the water, as fuel-soaked seabirds limp onto shore.Satellite images also show the 1,000 tonnes of spilled oil spreading northward along the coastline from the spill site in...

August 14, 2020
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Existing emissions pledges barely scratch climate targets, U.N. tally finds

Existing emissions pledges barely scratch climate targets, U.N. tally finds

By Slideshow LONDON (Reuters) - Pledges made so far under the 2015 Paris accord would deliver less than a 1% reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 -- a fraction of the 45% cut needed to avert catastrophic climate change, according to a U.N. report published on Friday.The tally underscored the challenge negotiators face as they try to secure more ambitious commitments from big polluters ahead of a climate conference in Glasgow in November that is seen as the most important since the Paris deal was signed.“While we acknowledge the recent political shift in momentum towards...

February 26, 2021
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Fossil fuel pollution causes one in five premature deaths globally: study

Fossil fuel pollution causes one in five premature deaths globally: study

By LONDON (Reuters) - Pollution from fossil fuels causes one in five premature deaths globally, suggesting the health impacts of burning coal, oil and natural gas may be far higher than previously thought, according to a study published on Tuesday.Parts of China, India, Europe and the northeastern United States are among the hardest-hit areas, suffering a disproportionately high share of 8.7 million annual deaths attributed to fossil fuels, the study published in the journal Environmental Research found.The new research gives the most detailed assessment of premature deaths due to...

February 9, 2021
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Reuters | Breaking International News & Views

Reuters | Breaking International News & Views

By LONDON (Reuters) - Banks have provided $1.7 trillion of finance to 40 companies in the plastics supply chain without imposing any requirements to tackle plastic pollution pouring into the world’s rivers and oceans, according to a report published on Thursday.With European and U.S. banks increasingly spurning the most polluting fossil fuel projects to help slow climate change, campaigners want lenders to take a similar approach to plastics by making loans conditional on measures to boost recycling.“What the financial sector needs now is someone to step forward and say ‘okay, we’re going...

January 7, 2021
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U.N. chief urges leaders of every country to declare 'climate emergency'

U.N. chief urges leaders of every country to declare 'climate emergency'

By , LONDON/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on every country to declare a “climate emergency” on Saturday, as world leaders marking the fifth anniversary of the Paris climate accord made mostly incremental pledges relative to the scale of the crisis.Guterres made his call at a summit aimed at building on momentum behind the Paris deal, buoyed in recent months by renewed commitment from China and the prospect of U.S. President-elect Joe Biden bringing the United States back into the pact.Nevertheless, the dozens of leaders who spoke mostly offered tweaks...

December 12, 2020
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Tenth of pandemic stimulus spend could help world reach climate goals - study

Tenth of pandemic stimulus spend could help world reach climate goals - study

By LONDON (Reuters) - The world could get on track to avert catastrophic climate change by investing a tenth of a planned $12 trillion in pandemic recovery packages in reducing dependence on fossil fuels, according to a study published on Thursday.With the stimulus representing about 15% of global gross domestic product, or three times the commitment after the 2008 financial crisis, scientists say the money could prove pivotal in meeting the temperature goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement.“It makes absolute sense not just to keep your economy alive with palliative care, but to restructure...

October 16, 2020
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