Matt Vespa
Matt Vespa
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Kari Lake Tried to Speak With Democrat Opponent at a Town Hall Event. She Got Booted Instead.

Kari Lake Tried to Speak With Democrat Opponent at a Town Hall Event. She Got Booted Instead.

In contested elections, there should be debates between the two opposing candidates. The only exception will be if the race is absurdly lopsided. That’s not the case in Arizona, where Republican candidate Kari Lake, a former journalist, could become the next occupant of the governor’s mansion. This gubernatorial election could be one of the closest this cycle, with polls putting Lake one-to-four points ahead of her Democratic opponent, Katie Hobbs. Other surveys have Hobbs up three over Lake. It’s a statistical tie between the two women, though Hobbs has refused to debate Lake. It’s not...

October 10, 2022
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Just What the Doctor Ordered: It Looks Like the GOP Base Is Rallying Around Oz in PA

Just What the Doctor Ordered: It Looks Like the GOP Base Is Rallying Around Oz in PA

When Pennsylvania Republican Senator Pat Toomey first announced his retirement from public life, I thought we were cooked for that seat. The Pennsylvania Republican Party has had an abysmal record in finding statewide candidates who can seal the deal. Toomey and former Republican Gov. Tom Corbett, defeated for re-election in 2014, are two of the most recent success stories. Donald Trump won the state in the 2016 election, but the last time a Republican clinched the Keystone State in a presidential contest was in 1988. Despite having the electoral tangibles to be a very winnable state from...

October 10, 2022
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House GOP Settling on a New Speaker Won't Be Wrapped Up Quickly

House GOP Settling on a New Speaker Won't Be Wrapped Up Quickly

Biden's Unhinged Dog That Was Biting Everyone Is Removed From the White HouseBiden: About That Whole No More Border Wall Thing...If Republicans Want to Lead, They Have to Prove They CanWith the House in Chaos, Biden Decided to Sneak a Student Debt Initiative...Hey, Mitch, Are You Sure You Want to Weigh In on McCarthy's Ouster?Guess Who Attended a Dinner to 'Celebrate' Karine Jean-PierreThe Menendez Saga Just Got Even WorseHow These Republican Senators Are Forcing Schumer to Prioritize Funding Gov't, Avoiding Om...If These Kids Are Stealing to Eat, How Does It Explain This Behavior...Hochul...

Oct 5
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Biden's Unhinged Dog That Was Biting Everyone Is Removed From the White House

Biden's Unhinged Dog That Was Biting Everyone Is Removed From the White House

House GOP Settling on a New Speaker Won't Be Wrapped Up QuicklyBiden: About That Whole No More Border Wall Thing...If Republicans Want to Lead, They Have to Prove They CanWith the House in Chaos, Biden Decided to Sneak a Student Debt Initiative...Hey, Mitch, Are You Sure You Want to Weigh In on McCarthy's Ouster?Guess Who Attended a Dinner to 'Celebrate' Karine Jean-PierreThe Menendez Saga Just Got Even WorseHow These Republican Senators Are Forcing Schumer to Prioritize Funding Gov't, Avoiding Om...If These Kids Are Stealing to Eat, How Does It Explain This Behavior...Hochul Announces...

Oct 5
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College Soccer Player Refused to Kneel for National Anthem...And Then the Purge Began

College Soccer Player Refused to Kneel for National Anthem...And Then the Purge Began

| |Posted: Apr 24, 2021 10:30 AMWe all saw the US Women’s national team do it for years. Megan Rapinoe and others were at the forefront of kneeling for the national anthem following ex-NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s example. It was the start of the woke Left’s rapid infestation into sports. And of course, this stuff would leech into college sports, but even self-described liberals can be caught in the crossfire of the woke zealots. Remember ‘Wokeness’ is an authoritarian mindset. You must obey. You must follow EVERYTHING. If not, you’re no better than a Nazi. The gun is to...

April 24, 2021
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An SNL Skit Featuring Chris Farley That I Can't Believe Hasn't Been Yanked by YouTube...Yet

An SNL Skit Featuring Chris Farley That I Can't Believe Hasn't Been Yanked by YouTube...Yet

| |Posted: Apr 24, 2021 12:15 PMIt’s a funny skit. It’s Chris Farley in his element. It’s Mike Myers in his element before he lit himself on fire with that abysmal movie called The Love Guru. It centers on Farley playing an American on vacation in Japan who gets roped into being on a bizarre Japanese game show where the contestants must recite phrases. Those who get it wrong punish themselves by cutting off their fingers to the horror of Farley.Farley is seen desperately wondering what the hell he’s doing on the stage, while also commenting how lovely his vacation is going. Oh, and he...

April 24, 2021
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'This S**t's Going Viral': Bystander Steps on Rake Trying to Heckle Police About Ma’Khia Bryant Shooting

'This S**t's Going Viral': Bystander Steps on Rake Trying to Heckle Police About Ma’Khia Bryant Shooting

| |Posted: Apr 24, 2021 9:45 AMWell, as with any police action nowadays, there will be bystanders. The phones will be recording. And social media blitzes could occur, especially if it's an officer-involved shooting. It just one of the many things that make being a police officer more difficult. Yet, for one cop, he wasn’t having any of this heckler’s nonsense.During a confrontation with police in Washington DC, some heckler tried to throw the recent Ma’Khia Bryant shooting back at the officers’ faces. Guy harassing the police: “Are y’all going to kill me like Ma’Khia Bryant?Police...

April 24, 2021
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Fox Sports Host Goes Line-By-Line Ripping Apart LeBron James' Narrative About the Ohio Shooting

Fox Sports Host Goes Line-By-Line Ripping Apart LeBron James' Narrative About the Ohio Shooting

| |Posted: Apr 23, 2021 9:30 PMMarcellus Wiley has a lecture that I hope LeBron James takes to heart because the former NFL defensive end ripped the NBA star a new one for jumping the gun on the recent officer-involved . The timing of this shooting couldn’t be worse, happening minutes before the Derek Chauvin verdict was read. Ma’Khia Bryant was only 16 years old when Officer Nicholas Reardon was forced to open fire after Bryant was about to stab another woman. There were seconds to act, the scene was chaos, and murder could have taken place before the eyes of the officer. The 911 call...

April 23, 2021
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Ocasio-Cortez and Marjorie Taylor Greene Commit to an Event That Could Lead to Absolute Mayhem

Ocasio-Cortez and Marjorie Taylor Greene Commit to an Event That Could Lead to Absolute Mayhem

| |Posted: Apr 23, 2021 12:45 PMPlace your bets. Grab some popcorn. Mayhem could ensue. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) says that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has agreed to a debate over the Green New Deal. The feisty Georgia Republican who is virtually a persona non grata due to her views challenged the New York socialist to a debate about her plan to ruin the US economy. Ocasio-Cortez has made the Green New Deal her baby, which seeks to radically alter the country. It’s backdoor communism. It also seeks to ban the internal combustion engine. Needless to say, the chances that...

April 23, 2021
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Kamala Harris’ Reaction to the Now-Dead Hamas Ceasefire Deal Was Summed Up in Three Words

Kamala Harris’ Reaction to the Now-Dead Hamas Ceasefire Deal Was Summed Up in Three Words

It didn’t take long for the Hamas ceasefire deal to fall apart if a serious offer ever existed. This agreement melted faster than ice cream in the Mojave Desert, and the reasons could be as simple as the terror group never agreed to one that was remotely within the realm of sanity. Some were joking that Hamas agreed to a ceasefire they authored, as Israeli officials quickly said the reported conditions were unacceptable. As we speak, Israeli forces are moving into Rafah, the last Hamas bastion in Gaza.  Vice President Kamala Harris was asked about the agreement, which she ignored. When...

May 6
