Matt Naham
Matt Naham
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Judge Reggie Walton Finished Reading Full Mueller Report | Law & Crime

Judge Reggie Walton Finished Reading Full Mueller Report | Law & Crime

A federal judge who previously said that Attorney General William Barr “distorted” the findings of the redacted Mueller Report confirmed on Monday that he has finally read the unredacted version. U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton then ordered the Department of Justice to answer his questions “regarding certain redactions of the Mueller Report” at an ex parte () hearing next month. The much-anticipated development in the lawsuit filed by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), BuzzFeed and BuzzFeed News reporter Jason Leopold comes months after the judge expressed...

June 8, 2020
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Trump Says He Has 'Total Authority' | Law & Crime

Trump Says He Has 'Total Authority' | Law & Crime

President Donald Trump uttered a variation of his “I alone can fix it” on Monday’s edition of the Coronavirus Task Force briefing: “When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total.” Earlier in the day, President Trump incorrectly said that because he’s president he could force the states and. “For the purpose of creating conflict and confusion, some in the Fake News Media are saying that it is the Governors decision to open up the states, not that of the President of the United States & the Federal Government. Let it be fully understood that this is...

April 13, 2020
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Marvin Rodriguez: Not That Many Chinese People in Kansas | Law & Crime

Marvin Rodriguez: Not That Many Chinese People in Kansas | Law & Crime

The Republican County Commission Chairman in Riley County, Kansas suggested during a Wednesday meeting that the COVID-19 pandemic was less of a concern for the Manhattan, Kansas area because there aren’t as many Chinese people there–unlike Italy, where things are really bad. Marvin Rodriguez, , was elected in Nov. 2016 to his first term as County Commissioner. Rodriguez in an editorial after Manhattan Mayor Usha Reddi criticized the chairman publicly. Reddi first blasted Rodriguez on social media, by paraphrasing his words. “Yesterday, a Riley County Commissioner said this (paraphrasing):...

March 20, 2020
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Prosecutors Move to Dismiss Case Against Concord Management | Law & Crime

Prosecutors Move to Dismiss Case Against Concord Management | Law & Crime

And after all of that, the Russian troll farm’s American lawyers have the last laugh? The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia has filed a motion to dismiss the case against Concord Management and Consulting LLC, which has often been referred to as the Russian troll farm defendant. Concord Management was one of many people or entities charged in a Feb. 2018 indictment by then-special counsel Robert Mueller during his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Thirteen Russians and three companies were charged in the indictment. Federal prosecutors now...

March 16, 2020
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DOJ Needs Supreme Court to Keep Mueller Grand Jury Materials Secret | Law & Crime

DOJ Needs Supreme Court to Keep Mueller Grand Jury Materials Secret | Law & Crime

U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on Friday denied the Department of Justice’s request to stay a mandate to hand over Robert Mueller’s secret grand jury materials to House Democrats, teeing up the issue for the Supreme Court. In March, the that the DOJ must release documents long-desired by House Democrats, whose lawyers have time and again raised the prospect of. U.S. Circuit Judge Judith Rogers authored —which was joined by Judge Thomas Griffith. Judge Neomi Rao authored the dissent. “A reasonable observer might wonder why we are deciding this case at...

May 1, 2020
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Sidney Powell's Kraken Said Dominion Flipped Votes to Trump | Law & Crime

Sidney Powell's Kraken Said Dominion Flipped Votes to Trump | Law & Crime

The Georgia Kraken, when arguing on Friday that the Eleventh Circuit has jurisdiction to hear its appeal, said Dominion Voting Systems rigged the election against Joe Biden. The assertion can be found in the first paragraph of Sidney Powell and Lin Wood’s background presentation of their case. “[T]here were all imaginable varieties of voting fraud,” appellants said, “including machine-controlled algorithms deliberately run by Dominion Voting Systems that generally took more than 2.5% of the votes from Mr. Biden and flipped them to Mr. Trump for a more than 5% fraudulent increase...

December 4, 2020
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AMI May Lose Non-Prosecution Deal | Law & Crime

AMI May Lose Non-Prosecution Deal | Law & Crime

Sharecopy linkAmazon’s Jeff Bezos to describe an “extortion” and “blackmail” threat sent his way by American Media Inc. (AMI), the parent company of the National Enquirer.In “No Thank You, Mr. Pecker,” referring to AMI CEO David Pecker, Bezos described why he decided not to “capitulate” to a threat of exposing compromising photos of him and his mistress Lauren Sanchez.  Bezos said that this threat came in response to his investigation of how the National Enquirer had obtained in the first place between him and Sanchez, plus some digging into AMI’s Saudi Arabia ties. He says...

February 8, 2019
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Trump Hints at Roger Stone Pardon | Law & Crime

Trump Hints at Roger Stone Pardon | Law & Crime

Sharecopy link Update, Tuesday afternoon: Not long after the president’s late-night Twitter activity,The DOJ is changing its sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone, according to a Senior DOJ official. “The Department finds seven to nine years extreme, excessive and grossly disproportionate," the source said, adding the DOJ will clarify its position on sentencing later today— Jake Gibson (@JakeBGibson)—Prosecutors said Roger Stone , obstructed, and witness tampered Donald Trump and a jury of Stone’s peers found him guilty on all criminal counts. Prosecutors took into...

February 11, 2020
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DOJ Intervenes in Roger Stone Case After Trump Tweet | Law & Crime

DOJ Intervenes in Roger Stone Case After Trump Tweet | Law & Crime

Sharecopy linkLegal Twitter freaked out on Tuesday when it was reported that higher-ups at the Department of Justice were immediately ready to suggest lighter punishment for Roger Stone after a late-night Twitter outburst from the President of the United States.In case you missed it on Monday, federal prosecutors in the District of Columbia and concluded that a recommendation of seven to nine years behind bars was the appropriate punishment for lying, witness tampering and obstructing justice. That’s what the guidelines told them, they said. Leaving aside the fact that there’s would end up...

February 11, 2020
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Did Trump Promise to Pardon Roger Stone? | Law & Crime

Did Trump Promise to Pardon Roger Stone? | Law & Crime

After the FBI raided ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen’s home, office and hotel room in April 2018,  that he could “sleep well tonight” because he had “friends in high places.” That was immediately interpreted as pardon dangling amid a federal investigation, in part, of the infamous Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal hush payments which Cohen would later say in court President Donald Trump “directed.” Fast forward to 2020, and President Trump said Thursday morning on Twitter that his longtime advisor Roger Stone can “sleep well at night,” pretty much promising a pardon. Let’s look...

June 4, 2020
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