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Kamala Harris Challenges Bill Barr to Testify Under Oath | Law & Crime

Kamala Harris Challenges Bill Barr to Testify Under Oath | Law & Crime

Sharecopy linkAfter Attorney General William Barr said Thursday that there was “” between the clearing out of protestors in Lafayette Square and the president’s ensuing photo op with a Bible on Monday in front of St. John’s Church, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) challenged Barr to say that under oath.I invite Bill Barr to say this in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee—under oath.— Kamala Harris (@SenKamalaHarris)“I invite Bill Barr to say this in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee—under oath,” Harris said.The invitation from Harris, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee,...

June 4, 2020
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Lawyers Say Trump Should Lift Sanctions on ICC | Law & Crime

Lawyers Say Trump Should Lift Sanctions on ICC | Law & Crime

Sharecopy linkNational security lawyers and law professors have sent a letter to the White House asking the president to International Criminal Court investigators. The president’s executive order was issued after the ICC authorized to investigate whether the U.S. committed war crimes in Afghanistan. The coalition of 174 legal experts say that the Trump administration’s response is “wrong in principle, contrary to American values, and prejudicial to U.S. national security.”On June 11, President Donald Trump issued an “on Blocking Property Of Certain Persons Associated With The International...

June 29, 2020
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James Mattis: Trump Made a Mockery of the Constitution | Law & Crime

James Mattis: Trump Made a Mockery of the Constitution | Law & Crime

Sharecopy linkPresident Donald Trump’s former Secretary of Defense, the retired Marine Corps General James Mattis, wrote a lengthy statement that was as a response to what unfolded outside of the White House on Monday. Mattis, in Dec. 2018 “spoke volumes” to some for what it did not say, wrote that he never thought he’d see the day where American troops would be ordered to violate the constitutional rights of fellow Americans.Mattis slammed Trump, current Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff  for participating in a march from the White House...

June 3, 2020
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Court Denies Cops Immunity in 2013 Wayne A. Jones Shooting | Law & Crime

Court Denies Cops Immunity in 2013 Wayne A. Jones Shooting | Law & Crime

Sharecopy linkThe U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit on Tuesday denied the shield of qualified immunity to West Virginia cops involved in the March 2013 shooting of 50-year-old Wayne A. Jones.The opinion from Circuit Judge Henry Franklin Floyd, immediately recognized by some as “,” began by recounting harrowing facts about the night Jones wasAround 11:30 p.m. on March 13, 2013, Officer Paul Lehman of the Martinsburg Police Department (MPD) was on patrol when he spotted Jones walking in the road, instead of on the sidewalk, near downtown Martinsburg, West Virginia. A state law...

June 9, 2020
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Amy Cooper's Former Dog-Walkers Identified Her | Law & Crime

Amy Cooper's Former Dog-Walkers Identified Her | Law & Crime

Sharecopy linkAmy Cooper, the dog-walking Manhattan woman shown in a viral video calling 911 on a black man who was birdwatching in Central Park, was first identified by her former dog-walkers.Lindsey Cork, 31, and Kyle Stover, 30, on Tuesday night that they felt compelled to identify Cooper after witnessing her calling the cops on Christian Cooper, 57, in a wooded area of Central Park known as “the Ramble.”Cork and Stover said they decided they needed to call out Amy Cooper.“We’ve seen so many videos of people being shot or killed for less, and that’s terrifying, and like (Amy...

May 27, 2020
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Matt Gaetz Files FEC Complaint Against Twitter | Law & Crime

Matt Gaetz Files FEC Complaint Against Twitter | Law & Crime

Sharecopy linkRepublican Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) on Friday, claiming that Twitter’s fact-check of President Donald Trump’s tweets about mail-in voting amounted to an impermissible “in-kind contribution” to the president’s political opponents.Gaetz claimed that Twitter, by taking it upon itself to that contained about , engaged in prohibited election interference—ignoring its true status as a “mere ‘interactive computer service” and anointing itself as a “shadow contributor” to the Democratic National Committee (DNC).“By opining...

May 29, 2020
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Michael Ellis Reviewed Bolton Book Before Training | Law & Crime

Michael Ellis Reviewed Bolton Book Before Training | Law & Crime

Sharecopy linkThe Department of Justice admitted on Friday that a who reviewed John Bolton’s conducted that review before he received required annual training on the process for doing so. After Michael Ellis was trained, Ellis checked his own work but changed nothing, the DOJ said., Ellis started as the National Security Council’s Senior Director for Intelligence on March 1, reviewed Bolton’s book on June 9, and received required annual training on June 10. After that training was done, Ellis investigated his own work and found no wrongdoing:On May 2, 2020, Michael Ellis, the...

June 19, 2020
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Roger Stone Says He Was the Victim of a 'Witch Hunt' | Law & Crime

Roger Stone Says He Was the Victim of a 'Witch Hunt' | Law & Crime

Sharecopy linkLongtime Trump confidant and recently convicted felon Roger Stone broke his silence during a Friday interview Liquid Lunch, wearing a “Roger Stone Did Nothing Wrong” mask and “Roger Stone Still Did Nothing Wrong” shirt as he did so. Stone, who was famously gagged during the pendency of his criminal trial, told host John Tabacco  Frank Morano that he was the victim of a “witch hunt” and “political prosecution.”Stone began the interview by speaking through his mask. Then he removed it and declared he was unmasked like Michael Flynn.“First of all, much like General...

May 23, 2020
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Watergate Prosecutors Seek Leave to File Brief in Michael Flynn Case | Law & Crime

Watergate Prosecutors Seek Leave to File Brief in Michael Flynn Case | Law & Crime

Sharecopy linkThe group of Watergate prosecutors who wanted to put their two cents in at the district court level before the case against Michael Flynn could officially be dismissed are now trying to get involved at the appellate level. The move comes one day after the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan to provide an explanation for his actions within 10 days.The Watergate prosecutors, who you can , submitted a motion on Friday for leave to file a brief as amici curiae in the D.C. Circuit. They say they have a “compelling...

May 22, 2020
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Ninth Circuit Deals Blow to Trump's Border Wall | Law & Crime

Ninth Circuit Deals Blow to Trump's Border Wall | Law & Crime

Sharecopy linkThe U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, a chief of the 45th president, ruled against the Trump Administration on Friday in a border wall construction case. The panel was clear that the “Executive Branch lacked independent constitutional authority to authorize the transfer” of military funds to build The Wall.Bill Clinton-appointed Chief Judge Sidney R. Thomas penned the opinion, with which fellow Clinton-appointed Circuit Judge Kim McLane Wardlaw agreed. President Donald Trump– Circuit Judge Daniel P. Collins penned a lone dissent.“The panel affirmed the district...

June 26, 2020
