Matt Margolis
Matt Margolis
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Here’s How Much Downstate New York Is Skewing the United States’ Coronavirus Numbers

Here’s How Much Downstate New York Is Skewing the United States’ Coronavirus Numbers

I live in New York State. But I live in Western New York—not New York City or downstate. If you ask anyone from downstate, they are New Yorkers. I am not. And quite honestly, I’m okay with that. I have no problem with not being lumped in with the downstaters.Except I still am. New York is a hotspot when it comes to coronavirus cases and deaths, but that’s only because of downstate. Upstate New York’s coronavirus situation pales in comparison to downstate. New York City, in particular, was doomed , as well as other factors, such as population density and its subway system aiding in the...

April 18, 2020
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CNN's Brian Stelter Wants to See Fox's Vaccine Selfies

CNN's Brian Stelter Wants to See Fox's Vaccine Selfies

CNN’s resident potato Brian Stelter is beyond parody. On Sunday’s episode of Reliable Sources, Stelter actually attempted to shame Fox News and its hosts for not sharing vaccine selfies on social media.No, I’m not kidding.After discussing the recent vaccination statistics, Stelter claimed that “it is important to see all of the TV anchors, personalities showing themselves getting the shot.”“We’ve seen a lot of vaccine selfies from lots of folks at lots of different networks. It is been really inspiring to see,” Stelter claimed, before pointing out that a co-host on the Today show...

November 4, 2021
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27 Percent of the United States' COVID-19 Deaths Have Been on Joe Biden's Watch

27 Percent of the United States' COVID-19 Deaths Have Been on Joe Biden's Watch

Posted by | | | |Who can forget the way the media obsessed over various COVID milestones in 2020? When the official death tally from COVID-19 surpassed 100,000, Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson  it an “indictment” of President Trump. CNN noted that “It took less than four months for an unseen enemy to kill 100,000 Americans.”But, , the media didn’t care.According to from Johns Hopkins University, 559,109 Americans have died from COVID since the virus came to America from China, and just under 150,000 Americans have died from COVID on Joe Biden’s watch, accounting for 27...

April 8, 2021
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Are Successful Legal Challenges to Biden's Abuses of Power Finally Coming?

Are Successful Legal Challenges to Biden's Abuses of Power Finally Coming?

When President Donald Trump was in office, it seemed like before the ink on an executive action could dry, there was already a legal challenge filed and an activist judge ready to issue an injunction.Yet, since taking office, Joe Biden has repeatedly thumbed his nose at the Constitution with executive orders that exceed his authority.Joe Biden recommitted the United States to the Paris climate agreement on his first day in office, and he is looking to get us back into the Iran Nuclear Deal, despite the fact that the Constitution clearly states in Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 that...

November 4, 2021
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Biden's Big Plan to Solve the Border Crisis Is the Dumbest Thing You've Ever Heard

Biden's Big Plan to Solve the Border Crisis Is the Dumbest Thing You've Ever Heard

Illegal immigrants are coming here in historic numbers. Children are being in Biden’s cages, where they aren’t getting enough food or exercise, and are even being sexually abused. Biden’s , and Kamala Harris, who’s been tapped to handle the crisis, is missing in action.To say that Biden’s border crisis is out of control is an understatement, but it just got worse.172,000 is larger than any single month of the Trump AdministrationIn fact, it's the highest one-month total **since 2001**— Zach Parkinson (@AZachParkinson)But, Biden has a plan. Sort of. Reuters reports that Joe Biden “a...

October 4, 2021
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Sources Claim They Know Who Convinced the MLB Commissioner to Relocate the All-Star Game

Sources Claim They Know Who Convinced the MLB Commissioner to Relocate the All-Star Game

In the wake of Major League Baseball relocating the All-Star game, almost everyone who was calling for such a move has been backtracking—, and even Stacey Abrams, who was a major voice against the recently passed election law that Democrats have been making several false claims about.But now, sources say that Stacey Abrams was the one who convinced MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred to move the All-Star game out of Georgia.SCOOP: sources say owners were blindsided at least by the timing of 's decision to pull the All-Star game from Atlanta. Also said his decision came after speaking w , which is...

August 4, 2021
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Best-Selling Devotional Has Prayer to 'Help Me to Hate White People'

Best-Selling Devotional Has Prayer to 'Help Me to Hate White People'

How far have we come since Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech?Sometimes, I’m not so sure. While our society has made tremendous progress toward the idea that all men are created equal, anti-whiteness seems to be all the rage these days. And that is no less racist than hating anyone of any other color.Yet, in the book, A Rhythm of Prayer: A Collection of Meditations for Renewal, there is a prayer called “Prayer of a Weary Black Woman” that asks God to “help me to hate white people.”Dear God,Please help me to hate white people. Or at least to want to hate them. At...

July 4, 2021
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Senate Republicans Are Failing Us... Big Time

Senate Republicans Are Failing Us... Big Time

The Democratic Party stood virtually united “resisting” Trump for four years. Their stalwart opposition was ruthless and unwavering. It had been my hope that if there was any lasting legacy of Trump in the Republican Party it would be that he taught them not just to not walk away from a fight but to actually fight back.Yet again, I find myself disappointed.On Wednesday the Senate confirmed racial conspiracy theorist Marcia Fudge as HUD secretary, and Merrick Garland as attorney general.Fudge was confirmed 66-34, and Garland 70-30.How did Fudge get sixteen Republicans to vote for her...

October 3, 2021
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A Racial Conspiracy Theorist Has Been Confirmed as HUD Secretary, and That's Not Even the Worst Part

A Racial Conspiracy Theorist Has Been Confirmed as HUD Secretary, and That's Not Even the Worst Part

Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio), has been confirmed by the U.S. Senate to serve as Joe Biden’s secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).Her nomination was controversial even before it was officially announced. In 2015, she for leniency for Lance Mason, a former Ohio state legislator, who had beaten his then-wife in front of their children. Mason got out of jail after serving nine months and later murdered his ex-wife in 2018.In 2019, on the floor of the House of Representatives, Fudge from a constituent who called Donald Trump supporters “racist,” and “dumb.”“It is glaringly apparent...

October 3, 2021
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Conservative Street Artist Sabo Strikes Again With Campaign to End Quarantine

Conservative Street Artist Sabo Strikes Again With Campaign to End Quarantine

Conservative street artist decided he’s had enough of the coronavirus lockdown and, in his trademark style, is urging political leaders in California and Los Angeles to open things up again. “I was a good guy sitting in my apartment for long enough,” Sabo told PJ Media. “Strange how most if not all of the mayors and governors who are pushing for longer quarantine time are Democrats.”“Is this Chinese flu real or blown out of proportion I don’t know,” he continued. “But, I know one thing for sure, the powers that be now know what little it would take for them to strip us of the constitutional...

April 20, 2020

