Matt Burgess
Matt Burgess
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A new type of Bill Gates conspiracy theory is going viral on Facebook

A new type of Bill Gates conspiracy theory is going viral on Facebook

We may earn a commission if you buy something from any affiliate links on our site. .Bill Gates is dressed as the Joker. His hair is fluorescent green, his face painted white and his elongated smile is cut into his face. In his hand is a large needle, filled with bright green liquid. The Facebook post has been shared more than 700 times and viewed by thousands of people. Below it, a caption teases Gates’ “horror plan”. It’s a baseless conspiracy theory that has torn through Facebook throughout the pandemic. But this post is different. It’s in Arabic – and it’s just one example of a much...

April 8, 2021
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All the data Google’s apps collect about you and how to stop it

All the data Google’s apps collect about you and how to stop it

We may earn a commission if you buy something from any affiliate links on our site. .Google makes its money through selling advertising – the more targeted an ad is to you and your interests, the more money Google makes. And to do this, Google needs data – lots of data. Every search, every click, every swipe of an app, it’s all combined to turn Google into one of the richest companies in the world.In recent years Google has improved the ways you but there’s still more that can be done to help people understand what they’re handing over. Enter Apple.In December Apple introduced privacy...

April 1, 2021
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The UK is secretly testing a controversial web snooping tool

The UK is secretly testing a controversial web snooping tool

We may earn a commission if you buy something from any affiliate links on our site. .For the last two years police and internet companies across the UK have been quietly building and testing surveillance technology that could log and store the web browsing of every single person in the country.The tests, which are being run by two unnamed internet service providers, the Home Office and the National Crime Agency, are being conducted under controversial surveillance laws introduced at the end of 2016. If successful, data collection systems could be rolled out nationally, creating one of the...

March 10, 2021
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Privacy-first browser Brave now has its own Google search rival

Privacy-first browser Brave now has its own Google search rival

We may earn a commission if you buy something from any affiliate links on our site. .Google’s grip on the web has never been stronger. Its Chrome web browser has almost 70 per cent of the market and its search engine a whopping 92 per cent share. That’s a lot of data – and advertising revenue – for one of the world’s most powerful companies.But Google’s dominance is being challenged. Regulators are questioning its monopoly position and claim the company has used . At the same time, a new wave of Google rivals hopes to capitalise on greater public desire for online privacy.Two years after...

March 2, 2021
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The Race Is On to Identify and Stop Inauguration Rioters

The Race Is On to Identify and Stop Inauguration Rioters

for war. Leroy Coffman parked his Red GMC Sierra pickup truck a stone's throw from the US Capitol building at 9:15 am on January 6. Inside the truck, , were 11 Molotov cocktails containing a napalm substance, a handgun, shotgun, rifle, crossbow with bolts, several machetes, camouflage smoke devices, and a stun gun. Coffman also reportedly had two other guns on his person.WIRED UK This story originally appeared on . Also in his car, the documents claim, were handwritten notes about elected officials and what was believed to be contact information for talk show hosts and other...

January 16, 2021
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Some UK Stores Are Using Facial Recognition to Track Shoppers

Some UK Stores Are Using Facial Recognition to Track Shoppers

in the south of England have been using real-time cameras to scan shoppers entering stores.WIRED UKThis story originally appeared on .In total 18 shops from the Southern Co-op franchise have been using the technology in an effort to reduce shoplifting and abuse against staff. As a result of the trials, other regional Co-Op franchises are now believed to be trialing facial recognition systems.Use of facial recognition by police forces has been controversial, with the Court of Appeal ruling parts of its use to be earlier this year. But its use has been creeping into the private sector, and...

December 20, 2020
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Robots Are Stringing Together These Adidas Running Shoes

Robots Are Stringing Together These Adidas Running Shoes

three years, the world of running has been obsessed with one technology: carbon-fiber plates. The springy plates that help to push runners forward are now used by in their top-end shoes. But as sports companies have raced to embed the , the foot-hugging fabric material that sits on the top of trainers has been neglected.WIRED UKThis story originally appeared on .That is, until now. has revealed that for the last four years its computer and sports scientists have been secretly working on a brand new way to create a shoe’s upper. Called "Futurecraft.Strung," the technology sees a robot...

October 9, 2020
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The Best Chrome Extensions to Prevent Creepy Web Tracking

The Best Chrome Extensions to Prevent Creepy Web Tracking

you visit tracks you to try and link your browsing history to your interests and, in turn, show you targeted adverts. One minute you’re searching for a new desk; the next, ads for that furniture website you looked at are stalking you around the webWIRED UKThis story originally appeared on .If you want to get a sense of how you’re being tracked across the web, take a little time to read (and disable) the cookie options that appear each time you visit a new site. They’ll give you a sense of what technology each website is using and the information they gather. (The consent preferences on...

September 25, 2020
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A British AI Tool to Predict Violent Crime Is Too Flawed to Use

A British AI Tool to Predict Violent Crime Is Too Flawed to Use

intelligence system designed to predict gun and knife violence in the UK before it happens had serious flaws that made it unusable, local police have admitted. The error led to large drops in accuracy, and the system was ultimately rejected by all of the experts reviewing it for ethical problems.WIRED UKThis story originally appeared on .The prediction system, known as Most Serious Violence (MSV), is part of the UK's National Data Analytics Solution (NDAS) project. The Home Office has funded NDAS with at least £10 million ($13 million) during the past two years, with the aim to create...

August 9, 2020
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How to Know If You’ve Been Hacked, and What to Do About It

How to Know If You’ve Been Hacked, and What to Do About It

to the threat of cybercriminals or hackers getting access to your information, but the threats aren’t equal for everyone.WIRED UKThis story originally appeared on .The average person will likely face fewer sophisticated threats than, say, a senior politician, activist, or CEO. High-profile figures may be targeted with phishing emails that are looking to steal secrets from corporate networks or initiate the transfer of large sums of money. You, your friends, and your family will likely face : from people you know seeking revenge or, more likely, crime groups using automated tools to scoop up...

July 19, 2020
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