Mary Ilyushina
Mary Ilyushina
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Kremlin meets Russian protesters with fiercest crackdown in years | CNN

Kremlin meets Russian protesters with fiercest crackdown in years | CNN

By , , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Thousands of people in Moscow and across Russia who took to the streets Sunday were met with the harshest show of force the country has seen in recent years.Protesters throughout the country had gathered for the second weekend in a row to support jailed opposition leader Alexey Navalny, who since mid-January.More than 5,000 people were detained in at least 85 cities as of late Sunday, according to the independent monitoring group OVD-Info – a record since 2011.In Moscow, the capital, more than 1,600 people were arrested, including...

January 31, 2021
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Putin says if Russia wanted to kill opposition leader Navalny, it would have 'finished' the job

Putin says if Russia wanted to kill opposition leader Navalny, it would have 'finished' the job

Stay Updated on Developing StoriesView in AppBy Mary Ilyushina, Laura Smith-Spark and Jennifer Hansler, CNNMoscow(CNN) Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed Thursday that "is enjoying the support of the US special services," adding that if Russian special services had wanted to kill him they would have "finished it."Putin's comments came in response to a question at his annual press conference following an , published Monday, which uncovered evidence that Russia's Federal Security Service (the FSB) formed an elite team specializing in nerve agents that trailed Navalny for years.Navalny...

December 17, 2020
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How judges responded to warnings about ammonium nitrate stored at the Beirut port

How judges responded to warnings about ammonium nitrate stored at the Beirut port

(CNN)Newly released documents suggest were informed about ammonium nitrate being housed at a warehouse in Beirut port, including the Ministry of Justice. The information adds to a growing body of evidence, including emails and public court documents, that officials had been notified about a shipment of thousands of tons of ammonium nitrate -- described by one Russian analyst as a "floating bomb" -- that is linked to in the seaside capital. After the explosion, Lebanon's Prime Minister Hassan Diab said it was "unacceptable" that a shipment of an estimated 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate was...

August 6, 2020
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The bitter battle over tourism at Russia's 'Sacred Sea'

The bitter battle over tourism at Russia's 'Sacred Sea'

Lake Baikal, Russia (CNN)Lake Baikal, Russia's 'Sacred Sea,' has been a lifeline for inhabitants of southern Siberia for thousands of years, thanks to its pristine water and rich fauna. The gigantic ancient lake, bigger than all of the Great Lakes of North America combined, encompasses about 23% of the planet's freshwater reserves and is home to over 2,000 species.It is also the site of a bitter battle between the state, residents, and environmentalists trying to strike a balance between a population dependent on tourism and mass development infringing on a fragile ecosystem.On seeing...

April 9, 2021
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Russian protesters detained at pro-Navalny rallies say police threatened and intimidated them: 'The regime has shown its teeth' | CNN

Russian protesters detained at pro-Navalny rallies say police threatened and intimidated them: 'The regime has shown its teeth' | CNN

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — “Do you know that we can beat you so hard that you will be urinating blood? And there won’t be any traces – you won’t be able to prove anything,” Peter Sokovykh recalls a police officer screaming into his face as he found himself in a tiny room with six security officers in a St. Petersburg police station.Just a few hours before this scene, in Russia’s second-largest city, Sokovykh was detained on January 31 for taking part in a demonstration in support of jailed .Sokovykh says the detention was sudden and harsh: he was checking his phone as...

February 7, 2021
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Alexey Navalny to be held in custody for 30 days following his return to Russia

Alexey Navalny to be held in custody for 30 days following his return to Russia

Moscow (CNN)Kremlin critic was ordered to remain in custody for 30 days during a surprise hearing in Russia on Monday, less than and five months after he was poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok.The opposition leader on Sunday, and was immediately detained by masked officers. He was held overnight a police station in the city of Khimki, on the outskirts of Moscow. Navalny was placed on the country's federal wanted list last month for violating terms of probation related to a 2014 conviction for fraud, which he dismisses as politically motivated.Russia's Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN)...

January 18, 2021
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Alexey Navalny to be held in custody for 30 days following his return to Russia

Alexey Navalny to be held in custody for 30 days following his return to Russia

Moscow (CNN)Kremlin critic was ordered to remain in custody for 30 days during a surprise hearing in Russia on Monday, less than and five months after he was poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok.The opposition leader on Sunday, and was immediately detained by masked officers. He was held overnight a police station in the city of Khimki, on the outskirts of Moscow. Navalny was placed on the country's federal wanted list last month for violating terms of probation related to a 2014 conviction for fraud, which he dismisses as politically motivated.Russia's Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN)...

January 18, 2021
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Russian police raid home of opposition activist Lyubov Sobol, Navalny says

Russian police raid home of opposition activist Lyubov Sobol, Navalny says

Moscow (CNN)Police raided the home of Russian activist Lyubov Sobol, a close ally of opposition leader Alexey Navalny, early Friday and took her in for questioning."Today at 7 am the police came to Lyubov Sobol's apartment," Navalny's team tweeted Friday. "Since 7:10 Sobol has not been in touch, and the cameras in her apartment were sealed and turned off."Russia's main investigative body, the Investigative Committee, confirmed it had launched a criminal probe against activist Sobol. The committee claimed the probe was launched after Sobol allegedly threatened a member of the country's...

December 25, 2020
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Russia announces travel bans against EU officials in response to Navalny sanctions | CNN

Russia announces travel bans against EU officials in response to Navalny sanctions | CNN

By and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Russia has announced it is hitting several European Union representatives with tit-for-tat sanctions in response to those imposed by the bloc over the poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny.The country’s foreign ministry said on Tuesday that the officials will be denied entry to Russia.It did not name which representatives would be barred, but said it had relayed its decision to the ambassadors of Germany, France and Sweden after summoning them earlier on Tuesday.A number of EU countries have planned measures against Russia...

December 22, 2020
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Odpálili sa omylom, hovorí Putin o Prigožinovom lietadle

Odpálili sa omylom, hovorí Putin o Prigožinovom lietadle

Aby naše stránky správne fungovali, je potrebné mať zapnutý Javascript.PREDPLATNÉPREDPLATNÉPREDPLATNÉDAROVAŤPREDPLATNÉ6. okt 2023 o 10:33V telách obetí havárie lietadla Wagner sa našli úlomky granátov, tvrdí Putin.Text vyšiel pôvodne v denníku The Washington Post. V telách šéfa skupiny Wagner Jevgenija Prigožina a dvoch vysokopostavených námestníkov, ktorí zahynuli pri augustovej leteckej havárii, sa našli úlomky ručného granátu, uviedol vo štvrtok ruský prezident Vladimir Putin.Podľa jeho slov pri skúmaní trosiek nenašli stopy žiadneho „vonkajšieho zásahu“ do lietadla, čím zjavne poprel,...

Oct 6


