Marisa Gerber
Marisa Gerber
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Beverly Hills facing criticism after arrests of 28 peaceful protesters

Beverly Hills facing criticism after arrests of 28 peaceful protesters

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement Beverly Hills is facing criticism after officers arrested 28 people during a peaceful protest against police violence overnight, two weeks after imposing an unusual ordinance banning demonstrations in residential areas that “disrupted the tranquility.”The latest protest, which began about 7:30 p.m. Friday and drew about 75 people, was the third demonstration in Beverly Hills organized by the Black Future Project, but the first that resulted in arrests, said organizer Austin Tharpe, 29.“We’re protesting for Black lives,” he said....

June 27, 2020
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All L.A. County residents can now get free coronavirus tests, Garcetti says

All L.A. County residents can now get free coronavirus tests, Garcetti says

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announced Wednesday that all county residents can now get free at city-run sites. Until now, only residents with symptoms as well as essential workers and those in institutional settings like nursing homes could be Officials say expanded testing is essential to getting a better sense of how many people have the virus — data that could be used to ease stay-at-home rules.Under the new guidelines, priority for the same- or next-day testing will still be given to people with symptoms, such as a fever,...

April 30, 2020
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California reopening begins Friday: Here is what it is going to look like

California reopening begins Friday: Here is what it is going to look like

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement California will begin the first steps in easing .The latest changes in Gov. Gavin Newsom’s four-stage plan to gradually reopen the state expand decision-making at the local level, allowing some communities to move further ahead into the second phase of the reopening process at their own pace and open more businesses beyond those outlined in the statewide policy.The changes will affect a small set of businesses at first and are unlikely to jump-start the coronavirus-battered economy in a significant way.But officials say it’s a...

May 7, 2020
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Dodger Stadium's COVID-19 vaccination site temporarily shut down after protesters gather at entrance

Dodger Stadium's COVID-19 vaccination site temporarily shut down after protesters gather at entrance

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Breaking News Dodger Stadium’s mass COVID-19 vaccination site was temporarily shut down Saturday afternoon when about 50 protesters gathered at the entrance, frustrating hundreds of motorists who had been waiting in line for hours.The Los Angeles Fire Department closed the entrance to the stadium — one of the largest vaccination sites in the country — for about an hour starting just before 2 p.m. as a precaution, officials said. Several LAPD officers also responded to the scene; a spokeswoman for the department said no arrests were made.Andrea...

January 30, 2021
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Amid 'viral tsunami,' Army Corps of Engineers will aid L.A. hospitals facing oxygen problems

Amid 'viral tsunami,' Army Corps of Engineers will aid L.A. hospitals facing oxygen problems

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement It was the first day of a fresh year, and yet, across much of California, the numbing realities we had longed to put behind us — hospitals at capacity, mounting death tolls, and massive, maskless gatherings — have followed us into 2021.On Friday, the number of Californians who have died from complications of COVID-19 passed 26,000 — roughly the same number of Californians who, , died of complications of the flu, diabetes, hypertension and liver disease combined.In L.A. County, where hospitals have gotten so backed up that patients...

January 1, 2021
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Because of fire, West Coast has four of the world's 10 most polluted cities

Because of fire, West Coast has four of the world's 10 most polluted cities

Copyright © 2020, Los Angeles Times | | | |Advertisement/Smoke from the Bobcat fire burning in the Angeles National Forest has blanketed the Southland. /An airplane flies through smokey skies in downtown Los Angeles /A smokey haze envelopes Santa Monica beach.  /Beach-goers wade in the water as the sky is partially obscured by smoke in Laguna Beach. /A crow on a cypress tree in Garden Grove is silhouetted by a sun obscured by ash from Southland wildfires. /Grey sky over the Santa Monica Pier as the Long family cousins from Detroit and L.A. play in the breakwater....

September 13, 2020
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