Manoj Kumar
Manoj Kumar
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How to Append Text to a DIV using JavaScript? - Programmers Portal

How to Append Text to a DIV using JavaScript? - Programmers Portal

Skip to contentAppend Text to DivAdd variable Inside StringGet Mouse Position Relative to ElementShow and Hide an ElementGet current URLGet all attributes of an ElementCall a Function on Page LoadRemove Empty Strings from ArrayRemove a Character from StringCreate element with class and IdRemove Whitespace from a StringChange Background Color on Button ClickCall Multiple JS functions on Single ClickRemove Class from Multiple ElementsConvert Date Object to StringFormat Date to YYYY-MM-DDConvert Timestamp to DateCheck if a Key Exists in Local StorageYYYY-MM-DD to DD-MM-YYYYGet the Month Name...

January 25, 2023
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How to Put a Container Widget in the Center of the Screen in Flutter? - Programmers Portal

How to Put a Container Widget in the Center of the Screen in Flutter? - Programmers Portal

Skip to contentPut Container in Center of ScreenChange Elevated Button ColorCenter Align Appbar TitleSet Background Color of ContainerChange Icon ColorChange Text Widget's Text on Button ClickStyle Only a Part of TextMake Container Widget ClickableAbout UsTerms of UsePrivacy PolicyEmail - contact@programmersportal.comSponsored PostContact UsReport ErrorOnline HTML EditorHTML Color PickerRGB to HEX Converter

February 7, 2023
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C Program to Take Input from the User - Programmers Portal

C Program to Take Input from the User - Programmers Portal

Skip to contentSubtract Two Numbers without Subtraction OperatorFactorial of a number using RecursionPrint ASCII ValueFind Average of 3 Numbers using FunctionFind Average of 3 NumbersMerge Two Files into Third FileCount Total Lines in a FileAppend Data to an Existing FileRename a FileDelete a FileC Program to Create a File and Write Data into ItC Program to Copy the Content of One File into AnotherCheck If a File Exists or notC Program to Find the Size of a FileCheck if File ExistsTake Character Input From the UserC Program to Print the Content of a FileTake Input From UserSwap Two Numbers...

February 17, 2023
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How to Clear an Input Field in Angular? - Programmers Portal

How to Clear an Input Field in Angular? - Programmers Portal

Skip to contentGet and Set CookieCheck Angular Version of ProjectAdd Angular Material to Your ProjectNavigate to External LinkGet the DOM ElementClear Input FieldShow/Hide ElementsRemove Query ParamsError: Unknown argument prodPass x-www-form-urlencoded DataGet Selected Radio Button's ValueCheck Uncheck All CheckboxesDisable a ButtonSet Focus on Input on Page LoadDisable all Form ControlsChange mat-icon sizeDisable Button if Input is EmptyDisable Input Based on SelectionDisable all previous dates in datepickerFormBuilder ExampleDisable future dates in mat datepickerGet the previous URLCheck...

January 14, 2023
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How to Put a Box Inside Another Box using CSS? - Programmers Portal

How to Put a Box Inside Another Box using CSS? - Programmers Portal

Skip to contentPut a box inside another boxCreate Loading SpinnerRotate an ImageCenter the navbarMake Font Awesome Icons BiggerFix text-align center not workingAdd Border to an ImageCenter Align TableWhat is margin autoHow to Center Align an Iframe with CSS?Make background image fixedImport one css file into anotherGive space between label & inputAlign button at the bottomMake link like normal textgive space between linksMake text boldedMake link like a buttonSelect element with multiple classesSelect nested elementsSelect last row of tableSelect all p inside a divmargin auto not...

January 19, 2023
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Pandemic pushes 32 million Indians out of middle class, says Pew Research

Pandemic pushes 32 million Indians out of middle class, says Pew Research

By NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Financial woes brought by last year’s coronavirus pandemic have pushed about 32 million Indians out of the middle class, undoing years of economic gains, a report showed on Thursday, while job losses pushed millions into poverty.Slideshow The number of Indians in the middle class, or those earning between $10 and $20 a day, shrunk by about 32 million, compared with the number that could have been reached in the absence of a pandemic, the U.S.-based Pew Research Centre said.A year into the pandemic, the numbers of those in the middle class has shrunk to 66 million,...

March 18, 2021
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Himalayan glacier breaks in India, around 125 missing in floods

Himalayan glacier breaks in India, around 125 missing in floods

By , NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Around 125 people were missing in northern India after a Himalayan glacier broke and swept away a small hydroelectric dam on Sunday, with floods forcing the evacuation of villages downstream.A wall of dust, rock and water hit as an avalanche roared down the Rishiganga valley deep in the mountains of Uttarakhand, a witness said.“It came very fast, there was no time to alert anyone,” Sanjay Singh Rana, who lives on the upper reaches of the river in Raini village, told Reuters by phone. “I felt that even we would be swept away.”Uttarakhand Chief Minister Trivendra...

February 7, 2021
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Indian government, protesting farmers make no headway in talks, to reconvene Tuesday

Indian government, protesting farmers make no headway in talks, to reconvene Tuesday

By , NEW DELHI (Reuters) - A ninth round of talks between the Indian government and protesting farmers over three new contentious farm laws made no headway on Friday, but a government minister and union leaders said they would resume discussions on Tuesday.Slideshow Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government has said that the laws introduced in September will unshackle farmers from the obligation of selling produce only at regulated wholesale markets. But the farmers say the bills are designed to benefit private buyers.“Today’s talks with farmers unions were inconclusive, and we will hold...

January 15, 2021
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Farmers vow to step up protests, reject government appeal to lift blockade

Farmers vow to step up protests, reject government appeal to lift blockade

By , NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Thousands of protesting Indian farmers refused to comply with a government appeal to stop blockading major highways into New Delhi on Sunday and vowed to intensify their action against Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s liberalising reforms.Slideshow Farmers from states around the capital have been demonstrating for three straight days against reforms that deregulate the sector and allow farmers to sell produce to buyers beyond government-regulated wholesale markets, where growers are assured of a minimum price.Small growers fear the changes will make them vulnerable...

November 29, 2020
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Farmers vow to step up protests, reject government appeal to lift blockade

Farmers vow to step up protests, reject government appeal to lift blockade

By , NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Thousands of protesting Indian farmers refused to comply with a government appeal to stop blockading major highways into New Delhi on Sunday and vowed to intensify their action against Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s liberalising reforms.Slideshow Farmers from states around the capital have been demonstrating for three straight days against reforms that deregulate the sector and allow farmers to sell produce to buyers beyond government-regulated wholesale markets, where growers are assured of a minimum price.Small growers fear the changes will make them vulnerable...

November 29, 2020
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