Luke Dormehl
Luke Dormehl
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This Robotic Chef Is Your Own Personal Kitchen Assistant | Digital Trends

This Robotic Chef Is Your Own Personal Kitchen Assistant | Digital Trends

“Steaming, which is a very simple operation, is different whether you are doing it with, for example, a piece of fish, a big piece of potato, a small piece of potato, with rice,” said Mark Oleynik. “All of these are very different, believe me. You need different timing, different tools, to do it correctly. You need a robot that can reliably cook these different recipes — and more.”ContentsWhen you hear about the challenges of steaming fish, your first thought may not be “a robot can solve that.” Then again, you’re not the founder and CEO of , a company that’s spent the past several years...

January 14, 2021
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This Hilariously Odd Short Film Was Written by GPT-3 | Digital Trends

This Hilariously Odd Short Film Was Written by GPT-3 | Digital Trends

Solicitors | A.I. Written Short FilmIn Solicitors, a new short film made by a pair of senior student filmmakers from Chapman University, the action begins with a woman sitting on a couch, reading a book. There’s a knock at the door. She gets up to answer it, finding a sweaty, slightly frenetic young man with wild hair standing on her doorstep. “I’m a Jehova’s Witness,” he says. The woman looks unimpressed. “Sorry, I don’t talk to solicitors,” she responds. The man scrambles, trying to keep her attention. “I have a great story,” he tells her.ContentsThere are two twists in Solicitors. One —...

October 20, 2020
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Augmented Reality Is Coming -- to Your Car's Windshield | Digital Trends

Augmented Reality Is Coming -- to Your Car's Windshield | Digital Trends

Like millions of other kids around the world, Jamieson Christmas, now in his mid-forties, was transfixed the first time he saw director George Lucas’ epic space opera Star Wars. “I’m a child of the ’70s,” he told Digital Trends. “I grew up when Star Wars was first released. [What really fascinated me was] this idea of . George Lucas set up this vision of little robots beaming three-dimensional pictures of people. R2-D2 and all that stuff. It had a really tremendous influence on me.”ContentsJump forward several decades and Christmas, the founder of a U.K.-based company called , believes that...

October 18, 2020
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Smoothie-Making Robots Whip Up Drinks at California Walmart | Digital Trends

Smoothie-Making Robots Whip Up Drinks at California Walmart | Digital Trends

Blendid in ActionYou know that robots are going mainstream when they pop up in Walmart. That was the case for startup which debuted its fourth Bay Area location at the Fremont Walmart in California this week. The kiosk, open seven days a week, allows customers to place contactless orders for a 12-ounce smoothie, which will then be whipped up by an on-site autonomous robot. Each smoothie is made to order, exactly how the customer wants it, within three minutes.“Consumers use their cell phone to order by scanning a QR code at the kiosk or via the Blendid app,” Vipin Jain, Blendid’s CEO and...

October 15, 2020
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Open-Source Leg: The Quest to Create a DIY Bionic Limb | Digital Trends

Open-Source Leg: The Quest to Create a DIY Bionic Limb | Digital Trends

If you wanted to cover a large distance and had the world’s best sprinters at your disposal, would you have them run against each other or work together in a relay? That, in essence, is the problem , a biomedical engineer and director of the Neurobionics Lab at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, has been grappling with for the best several years.ContentsRouse, an engineer, is one of many working to develop a control system for bionic legs, that use various signals from the wearer to act and move like biological limbs.Open-source bionic leg aims to rapidly advance prosthetics“Probably...

October 17, 2020
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