Liz Ruskin
Liz Ruskin
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Trump vows to campaign for any Murkowski challenger with 'a pulse' after she echoes general's denouncement - Alaska Public Media

Trump vows to campaign for any Murkowski challenger with 'a pulse' after she echoes general's denouncement - Alaska Public Media

Sign inWelcome! Log into your accountPassword recoveryRecover your passwordA password will be e-mailed to you.Alaska’s senior U.S. senator found herself the target of presidential tweets Thursday, after she endorsed a blistering denouncement of Donald Trump and praised the political courage it takes to speak out against him.Sen. Lisa Murkowski spoke about former Defense Secretary James Mattis’s critique of the president to reporters from CNN, Politico and the Washington Post, in an impromptu interview at the U.S. Capitol. And though she said she’s still struggling to decide if she will...

June 4, 2020
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Pebble execs tell 'investors' Murkowski and Sullivan are no barrier to controversial mine - Alaska Public Media

Pebble execs tell 'investors' Murkowski and Sullivan are no barrier to controversial mine - Alaska Public Media

Sign inWelcome! Log into your accountPassword recoveryRecover your passwordA password will be e-mailed to you.Pebble CEO Tom Collier thought he was talking to a pair of potential investors in the Pebble Mine, a controversial project at the headwaters of Bristol Bay. Collier told the pair they don’t have to worry about Alaska’s U.S. senators blocking the project. Lisa Murkowski had that the mine proposal did not meet environmental standards, but Collier said she’s just trying to satisfy constituents on both sides of the issue. “The way that Sen. Murkowski has done that is that when...

September 21, 2020
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Rep. Young breaks with GOP colleagues in supporting Puerto Rico statehood - Alaska Public Media

Rep. Young breaks with GOP colleagues in supporting Puerto Rico statehood - Alaska Public Media

Sign inWelcome! Log into your accountPassword recoveryRecover your passwordA password will be e-mailed to you.Alaska Congressman Don Young champions statehood for Puerto Rico, defying his fellow Republicans in Washington.The people of Puerto Rico want it, Young said at a hearing Wednesday.“I think it’s time,” he said. “As far as the plebiscites, we’ve had three of them. Each time we’ve actually been victorious, in the sense of being a state. It’s long overdue.”The most recent plebiscite, or non-binding vote, was in November. More than 52% of Puerto Ricans voted for statehood. But only...

April 16, 2021
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Murkowski breaks with GOP 12 times to confirm Biden nominees - Alaska Public Media

Murkowski breaks with GOP 12 times to confirm Biden nominees - Alaska Public Media

Sign inWelcome! Log into your accountPassword recoveryRecover your passwordA password will be e-mailed to you.As the U.S. Senate votes on President Biden’s political nominees, Lisa Murkowski is cementing her reputation as a centrist.A dozen times, Sen. Murkowski has voted to confirm Biden appointments that most Republicans rejected. That’s out of 33 confirmations so far this year. Alaska’s senior senator was the only Republican to support Vanita Gupta as associate attorney general this week. Murkowski said Gupta impressed her during a discussion they had about the terrible levels of...

April 24, 2021
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Canada border remains closed, even to the vaccinated - Alaska Public Media

Canada border remains closed, even to the vaccinated - Alaska Public Media

Sign inWelcome! Log into your accountPassword recoveryRecover your passwordA password will be e-mailed to you.Your RV or campervan may be all tuned up and ready to drive the Alaska Highway, but Canada’s borders remain closed to all but essential travel. And don’t bother flashing your vaccination card.“I think we’re all going to wait patiently until such a time that the health situation allows us to loosen border restrictions internationally,” Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in mid-March. “That’ll be eventually. But not for today.”Kelley Lee, a professor of public health at Simon...

March 30, 2021
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Army wants to find snow-loving soldiers as it commits to 'Arctic dominance' - Alaska Public Media

Army wants to find snow-loving soldiers as it commits to 'Arctic dominance' - Alaska Public Media

Sign inWelcome! Log into your accountPassword recoveryRecover your passwordA password will be e-mailed to you.The Army says it will boost its ability to operate in the Arctic, in part by recruiting soldiers who want to be in Alaska.The Army’s new plan for the region is called The name implies both a commitment and an admission of neglect.Gen. Peter Andrysiak said the Army excelled in the far North during the Cold War. Then, he said, its Arctic skills “atrophied” as the focus shifted to warmer climates and the global war on terror.The new plan outlines a need for Arctic-capable equipment and...

March 25, 2021
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Dunleavy tells feds Alaska is taking over management of 800,000 miles of river - Alaska Public Media

Dunleavy tells feds Alaska is taking over management of 800,000 miles of river - Alaska Public Media

Sign inWelcome! Log into your accountPassword recoveryRecover your passwordA password will be e-mailed to you.Gov. Mike Dunleavy says, after 62 years of Alaska statehood, he’s finally asserting the state’s right to control submerged lands under navigable lakes and rivers.“We’re now at the point where we will be physically exerting our sovereignty,” he said during a press conference Friday.Dunleavy announcing his stance.His position has implications for commercial guiding permits and wilderness access on 800,000 miles of river, but Dunleavy’s message is equally about symbolism and state’s...

March 26, 2021
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Resigned hospital exec Andy Teuber missing after helicopter disappears near Kodiak - Alaska Public Media

Resigned hospital exec Andy Teuber missing after helicopter disappears near Kodiak - Alaska Public Media

The Coast Guard found wreckage from a helicopter near Kodiak Island and was searching Tuesday night for its pilot, recently resigned health care executive Andy Teuber.A shows Teuber’s helicopter left Merrill Field in Anchorage at 2:10 p.m. Tuesday. The Coast Guard says Teuber was the only person on board. He resigned last week as chairman and president of the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium. He resigned the same day from the University of Alaska Board of Regents.He gave no reason for his resignations at the time. The Anchorage Daily News evening that his 27-year-old former...

March 3, 2021
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Even without a gun, Alaska's Rep. Young tells congressional committee, his hands can kill - Alaska Public Media

Even without a gun, Alaska's Rep. Young tells congressional committee, his hands can kill - Alaska Public Media

Sign inWelcome! Log into your accountPassword recoveryRecover your passwordA password will be e-mailed to you.Sparks flew at a Zoom meeting of the U.S. House Natural Resources Committee Thursday as the members discussed from the committee hearing room.Alaska Congressman Don Young, an enthusiastic champion of gun-owner rights, argued a firearms ban wouldn’t make hearings safer.“Talking about weapons. I happened to serve during Korea,” he said. “And I was well trained in how to kill somebody with my hands.”Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., argued against the ban, too. She sat in front of a...

February 20, 2021
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Alaska's economy is headed for an 'income cliff' at end of July - Alaska Public Media

Alaska's economy is headed for an 'income cliff' at end of July - Alaska Public Media

Sign inWelcome! Log into your accountPassword recoveryRecover your passwordA password will be e-mailed to you.The first two months of this pandemic were miserable for Laile Fairbairn, not to mention her employees. Fairbairn is an owner and manager of a group of four Anchorage restaurants – Snow City Café, Crush, the Spenard Roadhouse and South Restaurant + Coffeehouse. She had to lay off most of the staff. The restaurants closed for a month, she said, and then they had to figure out how to safely reopen.“The anxiety was just so intense and not really knowing how to deal with it all,” she...

July 1, 2020
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