Liz Navratil
Liz Navratil
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Minneapolis council members questioned on plans to remake police

Minneapolis council members questioned on plans to remake police

ByMinneapolis Charter Commission members on Wednesday began unveiling their proposals for overhauling public safety, as they grilled a small group of City Council members about their controversial plan to remake the police department.Unlike the warm reception they received at a rally organized by activists, the council members faced tough — and at times tense — questioning from volunteers entrusted with overseeing the city’s constitution.Looming before them all now is a question of whether the city should rush its normal processes and whether to do away with the requirement to maintain a...

July 14, 2020
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With city in lockdown and baby on way, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey has to improvise

With city in lockdown and baby on way, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey has to improvise

ByInside his City Hall office, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey juggled two of the most significant moments of his life.His wife, Sarah Clarke, was in a medical exam room, waiting for an ultrasound technician to show her one of the first images of the couple’s first child, due in September. Because the facility limited visitors to protect against the coronavirus, Frey had to watch the moment on video.Loading...At the same time, the mayor worked out the final details of an order that would declare a public health emergency in Minneapolis, closing hundreds of businesses and bringing life in the...

May 7, 2020
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Minneapolis starts program to disavow racial covenants

Minneapolis starts program to disavow racial covenants

ByMinneapolis homeowners can now file paperwork disavowing the racial covenants that were placed on their properties decades ago and contributed to segregation in the city.City officials say they hope a new program will allow people "to reclaim their homes as equitable spaces" and raise awareness about discriminatory housing practices that continue to have lasting impacts today."When these covenants were outlawed in the 1960s, we all just sort of forgot about them," City Attorney Jim Rowader said in a statement. "There was no effort to confront the impact of them, or make amends for the...

March 4, 2021
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Speakers argue for, against Minneapolis council plan to replace police

Speakers argue for, against Minneapolis council plan to replace police

ByThe latest gauge of public opinion over a plan to replace the Minneapolis Police Department revealed a deeply divided city, with nearly 100 speakers at a public hearing Thursday offering passionate and competing views.The City Council invited the public to sound off on its latest plan to ask voters in November whether they want to create a new public safety department. But the beginning of the three-hour hearing was dominated by opponents, who said the proposed charter amendment was vague and didn't do enough to fix the problems that led to the killing of George Floyd last May."This is...

February 20, 2021
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Minneapolis City Council narrowly approves plan to bring in outside police officers to help

Minneapolis City Council narrowly approves plan to bring in outside police officers to help

ByMinneapolis officials plan to bring in outside law enforcement officers to help amid a shortage — but the new teams might not form in the way initially expected.A divided City Council on Friday approved nearly $500,000 to contract with the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office and Metro Transit police for extra officers. Together, they would work on joint enforcement teams responding to 911 calls or targeting hot spots for violence around the city.But Metro Transit police “do not have capacity to provide additional resources to the Minneapolis Police Department,” according to a statement from...

November 14, 2020
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Minneapolis to consider bringing in outside police officers amid shortage

Minneapolis to consider bringing in outside police officers amid shortage

ByMinneapolis officials are considering bringing in officers from other jurisdictions to help the city’s Police Department as they face a wave of violent crime and an officer shortage.If the mayor and City Council approve the plan, officers from the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office and Metro Transit Police would temporarily work with the city, primarily helping to respond to violent 911 calls.“We’re not gonna be having these people out taking bicycle theft reports. These are going to be people out combating crime issues,” said John Elder, a spokesman for Minneapolis police.The officers...

November 11, 2020
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What you need to know about the new mask rules in Minneapolis

What you need to know about the new mask rules in Minneapolis

ByStarting Tuesday night, people will need to wear face masks or similar coverings when they enter Minneapolis businesses, schools and other indoor gathering places. The new requirement, , comes as the state prepares to relax some social distancing measures.Who needs to wear a mask, and which types of face coverings meet the definition?Loading...People who are over the age of 2 must wear a mask or similar face covering in most indoor locations where people gather. People can wear multiple types of masks — surgical, N95 or homemade — or other cloth items that cover the nose and mouth. This...

May 30, 2020
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Minneapolis voters will decide whether to grant mayor more power

Minneapolis voters will decide whether to grant mayor more power

More from the HomepageCity Charter Commission puts question on the ballot in November elections. By Star TribunemoreCopy shortlink:Minneapolis voters will decide this fall on whether to change the balance of power in City Hall, granting the mayor more authority over daily operations and restricting the council's role.The Minneapolis Charter Commission voted unanimously Wednesday to place the question before voters in November, when the ballot will include the races for mayor and all 13 City Council members. The ballot also could have a separate proposal to replace the Police...

April 7, 2021
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Charter panel seeks to remedy ‘14-boss problem’ in Minneapolis

Charter panel seeks to remedy ‘14-boss problem’ in Minneapolis

More from the HomepageA charter change to restrict the City Council's power would require approval from voters. By Star TribunemoreCopy shortlink:The head of the Minneapolis Charter Commission says they wrote a proposal to restrict the City Council's authority because the public isn't well served by the city's "14-boss" system of government."If the personalities mesh and the times are good, it works. It has worked," said Barry Clegg, chairman of the commission. "Minneapolis has been a very successful city, but in times where the personalities don't mesh or where the city is under...

March 24, 2021
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'Staggering' number of Minneapolis cops seeking disability benefits

'Staggering' number of Minneapolis cops seeking disability benefits

More from the HomepageThe total now is closer to 200, out of a sworn force of about 850 and amid a wave of violent crime in the city. ByandStar TribunemoreCopy shortlink:The continued surge of Minneapolis police officers seeking disability benefits after the George Floyd unrest is heightening concerns of a police staffing shortage amid a wave of violent crime.Ron Meuser Jr., the lawyer handling the claims, said his office met with an additional 43 Minneapolis cops this week who have retained him. That’s in addition to the estimated 150 officers who Meuser said at a July 10 news...

July 17, 2020
