Lisa Shumaker
Lisa Shumaker
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California surpasses New York as U.S. state with most COVID-19 deaths

California surpasses New York as U.S. state with most COVID-19 deaths

By , SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - California surpassed New York on Tuesday as the U.S. state with the most coronavirus deaths, a grim reminder of the pandemic’s toll even as the vaccine rollout and a sharp drop in new cases buoyed hopes of life eventually returning to normal.More than 45,000 people have died as of late Tuesday from COVID-19 in California, the most populous of the 50 states and one of the hardest hit in recent months. New York, severely stricken in the early stages of pandemic last spring, has reported 44,693 lives lost, according to a Reuters tally. “This is a...

February 9, 2021
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Hospitals in Wisconsin, Texas under strain as COVID-19 cases surge

Hospitals in Wisconsin, Texas under strain as COVID-19 cases surge

By , NEW YORK (Reuters) - UW Health University Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin has been rushing to convert available space into units for COVID-19 patients, as the state’s medical facilities struggle to keep pace with a surge in new infections.As part of the effort, the medical center opened a new intensive care unit (ICU) this week ahead of schedule, and it is quickly filling with coronavirus patients.“Today we have more patients than we’ve had ever before,” said Dr. Jeff Pothof, an emergency medicine physician at UW Health. “It’s putting a strain on our capacity. Our biggest concern is ICU...

October 28, 2020
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Wisconsin judge reimposes COVID restrictions as U.S. nursing homes sound alarm

Wisconsin judge reimposes COVID restrictions as U.S. nursing homes sound alarm

By , (Reuters) - As Wisconsin battled one of the worst coronavirus surges in the United States, a judge on Monday reinstated an order by the administration of Governor Tony Evers limiting the size of indoor public gatherings at bars, restaurants and other venues.The Democratic governor’s emergency directive to stem new COVID-19 infections in the state put a 25% capacity limit on the number of people who may gather indoors until Nov. 6. It was challenged in court by bar owners and others shortly after it was issued on Oct. 6, and blocked by a judge on Oct. 14.Sarah Kleban, 19, a sophomore at...

October 19, 2020
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Wisconsin judge reimposes COVID restrictions as U.S. nursing homes sound alarm

Wisconsin judge reimposes COVID restrictions as U.S. nursing homes sound alarm

By , (Reuters) - As Wisconsin battled one of the worst coronavirus surges in the United States, a judge on Monday reinstated an order by the administration of Governor Tony Evers limiting the size of indoor public gatherings at bars, restaurants and other venues.The Democratic governor’s emergency directive to stem new COVID-19 infections in the state put a 25% capacity limit on the number of people who may gather indoors until Nov. 6. It was challenged in court by bar owners and others shortly after it was issued on Oct. 6, and blocked by a judge on Oct. 14.Sarah Kleban, 19, a sophomore at...

October 19, 2020
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New coronavirus infections rise to record highs in U.S. Midwest and beyond

New coronavirus infections rise to record highs in U.S. Midwest and beyond

By , CHICAGO (Reuters) - Wisconsin and other states in the U.S. Midwest and beyond are battling surges in COVID-19 cases, with new infections and hospitalizations rising to record levels in an ominous sign of a nationwide resurgence as temperatures get colder.Nine states, including Michigan and North Carolina, reported record one-day increases of new infections on Thursday, according to a Reuters tally. Michigan last set a record for new daily cases on April 3 in the early days of the pandemic in the United States.(Graphics: U.S. states with record increases in COVID-19 cases - )The latest...

October 15, 2020
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New coronavirus infections rise to record highs in U.S. Midwest and beyond

New coronavirus infections rise to record highs in U.S. Midwest and beyond

By , CHICAGO (Reuters) - Wisconsin and other states in the U.S. Midwest and beyond are battling surges in COVID-19 cases, with new infections and hospitalizations rising to record levels in an ominous sign of a nationwide resurgence as temperatures get colder.Nine states, including Michigan and North Carolina, reported record one-day increases of new infections on Thursday, according to a Reuters tally. Michigan last set a record for new daily cases on April 3 in the early days of the pandemic in the United States.(Graphics: U.S. states with record increases in COVID-19 cases - )The latest...

October 15, 2020
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U.S. COVID-19 cases hit two-month high, 10 states report record increases

U.S. COVID-19 cases hit two-month high, 10 states report record increases

By (Reuters) - New cases of COVID-19 in the United States hit a two-month high on Friday with over 58,000 infections of the coronavirus reported and hospitalizations in the Midwest at record levels for a fifth day in a row, according to a Reuters analysis.Slideshow Ten of the 50 states reported record one-day rises in cases on Friday, including the Midwestern states of Indiana, Minnesota, Missouri and Ohio. Wisconsin and Illinois recorded over 3,000 new cases for a second day in a row - a two-day trend not seen even during the height of the previous outbreak in the spring, according to...

October 10, 2020
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WHO reports record one-day rise in global coronavirus cases amid European outbreak

WHO reports record one-day rise in global coronavirus cases amid European outbreak

By (Reuters) - The World Health Organization reported a record one-day increase in global coronavirus cases on Thursday, with the total rising by 338,779 in 24 hours led by a surge of infections in Europe.Europe reported 96,996 new cases, the highest total for the region ever recorded by the WHO.Global deaths rose by 5,514 to a total of 1.05 million.The previous WHO record for new cases was 330,340 on Oct. 2. The agency reported a record 12,393 deaths on April 17.As a region, Europe is now reporting more cases than India, Brazil or the United States.India reported 78,524 new cases, followed...

October 8, 2020
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U.S. coronavirus cases rise month-over-month in 27 states in September, led by Wisconsin

U.S. coronavirus cases rise month-over-month in 27 states in September, led by Wisconsin

By , (Reuters) - New cases of COVID-19 rose in 27 out of 50 U.S. states in September compared with August, led by an increase of 111% in Wisconsin, according to a Reuters analysis.The Midwest states of North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin all saw cases surge more than 50% month-over-month, as did Montana, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming. Illinois had the smallest increase among the 27 states with rising cases, up 5% month-over-month. The only Midwest states where cases fell were Ohio and Indiana. The United States reported 1.18 million new cases in September compared with 1.41 million...

October 1, 2020
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Positive COVID-19 test rates rising in some U.S. Midwest states

Positive COVID-19 test rates rising in some U.S. Midwest states

By (This Sept. 27 story corrects North Dakota positivity rate to 6% in third paragraphs, recasts first paragraph to reflect that)(Reuters) - The number of tests coming back positive for COVID-19 is rising in several states in the U.S. Midwest as cases and hospitalizations also surge in the region, according to a Reuters analysis.The positivity rate has risen to 26% in South Dakota, up from 17% the previous week, according to the analysis using testing data from The COVID Tracking Project.North Dakota is averaging 6% of tests coming back positive, and Minnesota and Montana are averaging 7%,...

September 27, 2020
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