Lisa Riley Roche
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Burgess Owens wins back Utah's 4th Congressional District seat for Republicans

Burgess Owens wins back Utah's 4th Congressional District seat for Republicans

Loading...MarketplaceNewKristin Murphy, KSL, FileUPDATE: Rep. Ben McAdams has made his official concession speech. Republican Burgess Owens is leading the 4th Congressional District in a close race that will see its final vote canvass happen Tuesday, with the state finalizing the election on Nov. 23.Following McAdams' concession speech, Owens tweeted that McAdams had called him to offer congratulations.I received a call from he expressed appreciation for the opportunity to serve and his commitment to a smooth transition. My sincere thanks to him for both. Thank you my fellow Utahns, I am...

November 17, 2020
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Former presidential candidate Evan McMullin endorses Rep. Ben McAdams in Utah race

Former presidential candidate Evan McMullin endorses Rep. Ben McAdams in Utah race

MarketplaceSub-sections: Estimated read time: 2-3 minutesThis archived news story is available only for your personal, non-commercial use. Information in the story may be outdated or superseded by additional information. Reading or replaying the story in its archived form does not constitute a republication of the story.SALT LAKE CITY — Evan McMullin, a former Republican who ran as an independent candidate for president in 2016, endorsed Utah Democratic Rep. Ben McAdams' reelection Monday and criticized his GOP opponent in the 4th Congressional District race, Burgess Owens, for...

October 29, 2020
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Mitt Romney calls for economic, diplomatic boycott of Beijing Olympics

Mitt Romney calls for economic, diplomatic boycott of Beijing Olympics

SHARESALT LAKE CITY — Utah Sen. Mitt Romney urged American spectators to boycott the 2022 Winter Games in Beijing, saying prohibiting athletes from competing is “the easy, but wrong answer” to addressing China’s human rights issues, in a Monday.Romney, a Republican, said as leader of the 2002 Winter Games in Salt Lake City, he “gained an understanding of the enormous sacrifice made by our Olympic hopefuls and their families. It would be unfair to ask a few hundred young American athletes to shoulder the burden of our disapproval.”He said “an economic and diplomatic boycott” of the event set...

March 15, 2021
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Owens retakes lead from McAdams in 4th Congressional District

Owens retakes lead from McAdams in 4th Congressional District

SHARESALT LAKE CITY — Republican Burgess Owens once again took the lead over Democratic Rep. Ben McAdams in Utah’s 4th Congressional District’s close race, 47.6% to 47.4%, with the release Saturday of more results from Salt Lake County.Just 688 votes separate Owens, a former NFL player, author and frequent Fox News guest in the 4th District, from McAdams, the state’s only Democrat in Congress in the district made up of portions of Salt Lake, Utah, Juab and Sanpete counties.McAdams had been by 405 votes Friday after Owens by 2,284 votes a day earlier, as results continue to be tabulated...

November 8, 2020
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Poll shows ‘few surprises’ in Utah governor’s race

Poll shows ‘few surprises’ in Utah governor’s race

SHARESALT LAKE CITY — Republican Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox holds a big lead in the over his Democratic opponent, Chris Peterson, in new Deseret News/Hinckley Institute of Politics poll results released Monday. Half of Utah likely voters said they would vote for Cox if the election were held today, and just over a quarter, 26%, said they would vote for Peterson. While 16% of voters said they still weren’t sure who they supported, 6% backed Libertarian Daniel Cottam, and 3%, Independent American Party candidate Gregory Duerden.The poll was conducted by independent pollster Scott Rasmussen of 1,000...

October 20, 2020
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Poll: Utah’s 4th Congressional District race ‘pure’ toss-up

Poll: Utah’s 4th Congressional District race ‘pure’ toss-up

SHARESALT LAKE CITY — Burgess Owens, the Republican challenger in Utah’s 4th Congressional District, is leading Democratic Rep. Ben McAdams by a single percentage point in the latest Deseret News/Hinckley Institute of Politics poll results released Monday.The poll found that 46% of likely voters in the 4th District would vote for Owens if the election were held today, compared to 45% for McAdams, Utah’s only Democratic member of Congress. Just 5% said they are not sure who’ll they vote for, and a total of 4% favor third-party candidates.Conducted Oct. 12-17 by independent pollster Scott...

October 19, 2020
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New poll shows how Utahns plan to vote in race for governor

New poll shows how Utahns plan to vote in race for governor

SHARESALT LAKE CITY — Republican Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox continues to hold “a commanding lead” over Democrat Chris Peterson in the race for Utah governor, but nearly a quarter of likely voters are still undecided.That’s according to results of a new Deseret News/Hinckley Institute of Politics poll released Friday.A majority of the state’s likely voters, 52%, said they would choose Cox if the election were held today, while 19% said they’d cast their ballot for Peterson, a University of Utah law professor and first-time candidate.The poll also found that 4% would vote for Libertarian...

September 19, 2020
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New poll: Are Utahns better off than 4 years ago? What about the country?

New poll: Are Utahns better off than 4 years ago? What about the country?

SHARESALT LAKE CITY — President Donald Trump holds a sizable lead over former Vice President Joe Biden in Utah, a Republican-dominated state where most voters believe they’re better off since he was elected but the country is not, according to the latest Deseret News/Hinckley Institute of Politics poll.The Republican president leads his Democratic challenger 53% to 35% among likely Utah voters in poll results released Wednesday. Just 6% said they aren’t sure who they would vote for if the November presidential election were held today, and only 6% favored other candidates on the...

September 17, 2020
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McAdams-Owens congressional race all tied up, Deseret News/Hinckley poll finds

McAdams-Owens congressional race all tied up, Deseret News/Hinckley poll finds

SHARESALT LAKE CITY — A new Deseret News/Hinckley Institute of Politics poll released Monday shows a tie in the 4th Congressional District race between Utah’s only Democrat in Congress, Rep. Ben McAdams, and Republican challenger Burgess Owens.Both McAdams and Owens have the support of 35% of 800 registered voters in the 4th District, which includes portions of Salt Lake and Utah counties. But nearly a quarter of voters polled — 24% — said they don’t know who they’d vote for if the November election were held today.Just 4% of voters backed Libertarian candidate John Molnar, and 2% supported...

August 3, 2020
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