Leila Fadel
Leila Fadel
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As Hospitals Lose Revenue, More Than A Million Health Care Workers Lose Jobs

As Hospitals Lose Revenue, More Than A Million Health Care Workers Lose Jobs

Hospitals Lose Money During Pandemic; Healthcare Workers Face Layoffs, Cut Hours Faced with lost revenue from canceled elective procedures, hospitals laid off 1.4 million health care workers in April, including nearly 135,000 from hospitals.Heard onToggle more optionsUpdated at 9:00 a.m. ET Michelle Sweeney could barely sleep. The nurse in Plymouth, Mass., had just learned she would be furloughed. She only had four hours the next day to call all of her patients. "I was in a panic state. I was sick over it," Sweeney said. "Our patients are the frailest, sickest group." Sweeney works for...

May 8, 2020
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'It's Like Walking Into Chernobyl,' One Doctor Says Of Her Emergency Room

'It's Like Walking Into Chernobyl,' One Doctor Says Of Her Emergency Room

Health Care Workers Stressed By Equipment Shortages, Infection Threat Some health care workers say they're exhausted and burning out from the stress of treating a stream of critically ill patients in an increasingly overstretched health care system.Toggle more optionsAt one New York City hospital, a doctor's used mask tore as she performed CPR on her infected patient. In Seattle, a nurse compares walking into her intensive care unit to bathing in COVID-19. And in St. Louis, a nurse slips her used N95 mask into a paper bag at the end of her shift and prays that it's disinfected...

April 9, 2020
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A National Lockdown Could Be The Economy's Best Hope, Says Minneapolis Fed President

A National Lockdown Could Be The Economy's Best Hope, Says Minneapolis Fed President

A National Lockdown Could Be The Economy's Best Hope, Says Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, is calling for a six-week lockdown to save lives and the economy.Heard onToggle more optionsThe United States has now surpassed and 160,000 as , causing experts to debate how the nation should respond. Neel Kashkari, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, says the answer should be a return to mandated lockdowns in every state for up to six weeks in an effort to save both lives and the economy. "If we aren't willing to...

August 9, 2020
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‘It’s Like Walking Into Chernobyl,’ One Doctor Says Of Her Emergency Room

‘It’s Like Walking Into Chernobyl,’ One Doctor Says Of Her Emergency Room

April 10, 2020At one New York City hospital, a doctor’s used mask tore as she performed CPR on her infected patient.In Seattle, a nurse compares walking into her intensive care unit to bathing in COVID-19.And in St. Louis, a nurse slips her used N95 mask into a paper bag at the end of her shift and prays it’s disinfected properly.These are scenes playing out in hospitals across the country, based on interviews with over a dozen residents, doctors and nurses who go into work every day feeling unprotected from the disease they’re supposed to treat.Nearly a month into the , some health...

April 10, 2020
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Doctors Say Hospitals Are Stopping Them From Wearing Masks

Doctors Say Hospitals Are Stopping Them From Wearing Masks

Doctors Say Hospitals Are Stopping Them From Wearing Masks Health care workers say some hospitals are punishing them for wearing personal protective gear in the halls or that they brought from home.Toggle more optionsNeilly Buckalew is a traveling doctor who fills in at hospitals when there's need. So in the midst of this pandemic, she feels particularly vulnerable to contracting the coronavirus — not just in hospitals but in hotels and on her travels. When she got an assignment last week at in Boise, Idaho, she packed her own personal protective equipment and drove to town. She disinfected...

April 2, 2020
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Muslim Civil Rights Leader Accused Of Harassment, Misconduct

Muslim Civil Rights Leader Accused Of Harassment, Misconduct

Civil Rights Org CAIR Accused Of Ignoring Alleged Misconduct A former chapter leader at the Council on American-Islamic Relations was accused of domestic abuse. Since then, other women have come forward with allegations of bad behavior, while he disputes all.For months, stories swirled around a prominent Muslim civil rights leader, alleging secret marriages, bullying, sexual harassment. Then, late last year, some of the allegations against 34-year-old Hassan Shibly burst into public view. In posted on GoFundMe, Shibly's estranged wife, mother of their three children, looked directly into...

April 15, 2021
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LA County Hospitals Begin To Ration Care Amid Coronavirus Surge

LA County Hospitals Begin To Ration Care Amid Coronavirus Surge

LA County Hospitals Begin To Ration Care Amid Coronavirus Surge The spike in COVID-19 cases is battering hospitals, and Los Angeles County is in crisis. The number will likely go up after a weekend of New Year's celebrations despite lockdown rules.Heard onToggle more optionsThe spike in COVID-19 cases is battering hospitals, and Los Angeles County is in crisis. The number will likely go up after a weekend of New Year's celebrations despite lockdown rules.NOEL KING, HOST:In Los Angeles County now, someone dies of COVID-19 every 15 minutes. Here's NPR's Leila Fadel.LEILA FADEL, BYLINE: It...

January 6, 2021
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News Brief: COVID-19 Variant, Abortion Vote, Pandemic Relief

News Brief: COVID-19 Variant, Abortion Vote, Pandemic Relief

News Brief: COVID-19 Variant, Abortion Vote, Pandemic Relief A highly contagious COVID-19 strain makes its way to the U.S. Argentina's upper house of Congress votes to legalize abortion. And, with two days left in 2020, Senate rushes to finish end-of-year list.Heard onToggle more optionsA highly contagious COVID-19 strain makes its way to the U.S. Argentina's upper house of Congress votes to legalize abortion. And, with two days left in 2020, Senate rushes to finish end-of-year list.LEILA FADEL, HOST:A new, highly contagious coronavirus strain has made its way to the United States.STEVE...

December 30, 2020
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News Brief: Pandemic Relief, Nashville Blast, EU Vaccinations

News Brief: Pandemic Relief, Nashville Blast, EU Vaccinations

News Brief: Pandemic Relief, Nashville Blast, EU Vaccinations President Trump signs into law the coronavirus relief and spending package. Nashville investigators identify the Christmas Day bomber. Plus, the EU launches its first round of COVID-19 vaccinations.Heard onToggle more optionsPresident Trump signs into law the coronavirus relief and spending package. Nashville investigators identify the Christmas Day bomber. Plus, the EU launches its first round of COVID-19 vaccinations.LEILA FADEL, HOST:Relief aid will be on the way to millions of struggling Americans and a looming government...

December 28, 2020
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Many Latino Men Are Supporting President Trump This Election

Many Latino Men Are Supporting President Trump This Election

Many Latino Men Are Supporting President Trump This Election The Latino vote will be key across the country, especially in tight races in places such as Arizona and Florida. About one quarter of Latinos, mostly men, steadily support the president, polls show.Toggle more optionsReymundo Torres is an Arizonan, a devout Roman Catholic, ethnically Mexican and a staunch supporter of the president. "The thing that initially attracted me and keeps me tied to him is that he has taught Republicans how to not just win, but no longer throw our faces and bodies in front of every punch that the left is...

October 28, 2020
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