Laura Ungar
Laura Ungar
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Un sistema de salud pública devastado enfrenta más recortes en medio del virus

Un sistema de salud pública devastado enfrenta más recortes en medio del virus

Noticias en español es una sección de Kaiser Health News que contiene traducciones de artículos de gran interés para la comunidad hispanohablante, y contenido original enfocado en la población hispana que vive en los Estados Unidos.Este artículo también fue publicado por . Teste contenido puede usarse de manera gratuita ().El sistema de salud pública de los Estados Unidos ha subsistido en la precariedad durante décadas y carece de los recursos necesarios para enfrentar la peor crisis de salud en un siglo.Mientras enfrentan juntos una pandemia que ha enfermado al menos a 2.3 millones de...

July 1, 2020
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Lost on the Frontline

Lost on the Frontline

August 10, 2020These stories are co-published with .America’s health care workers are dying. In some states, medical personnel account for as many as 20% of known coronavirus cases. They tend to patients in hospitals, treating them, serving them food and cleaning their rooms. Others at risk work in nursing homes or are employed as home health aides.“Lost on the Frontline,” a collaboration between KHN and The Guardian, has identified such workers who likely died of COVID-19 after helping patients during the pandemic.We have published profiles for workers whose deaths have been confirmed by...

June 10, 2020
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Born Into A Pandemic: Virus Complicates Births For Moms And Babies

Born Into A Pandemic: Virus Complicates Births For Moms And Babies

This story also ran on .Mallory Pease’s contractions grew stronger as her husband, Mitchell, drove her to Oaklawn Hospital in Marshall, Michigan, to give birth to their second child. It had been a routine pregnancy, but she told her doctor she’d recently developed a sore throat, aches, coughing and shortness of breath — symptoms her provider knew could indicate COVID-19.So, when she arrived at the hospital, she was taken to an isolation area, tested for the coronavirus and given oxygen. She took shallow, panting breaths as she delivered her daughter on March 23 in about five hours.But she...

April 24, 2020
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Lost on the Frontline

Lost on the Frontline

August 10, 2020These stories are co-published with .America’s health care workers are dying. In some states, medical personnel account for as many as 20% of known coronavirus cases. They tend to patients in hospitals, treating them, serving them food and cleaning their rooms. Others at risk work in nursing homes or are employed as home health aides.“Lost on the Frontline,” a collaboration between KHN and The Guardian, has identified such workers who likely died of COVID-19 after helping patients during the pandemic.We have published profiles for workers whose deaths have been confirmed by...

April 15, 2020
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The Gender Vaccine Gap: More Women Than Men Are Getting Covid Shots

The Gender Vaccine Gap: More Women Than Men Are Getting Covid Shots

This story also ran on . It can beMary Ann Steiner drove 2½ hours from her home in the St. Louis suburb of University City to the tiny Ozark town of Centerville, Missouri, to get vaccinated against covid-19. After pulling into the drive-thru line in a church parking lot, she noticed that the others waiting for shots had something in common with her.“Everyone in the very short line was a woman,” said Steiner, 70.Her observation reflects a national reality: More women than men are getting covid vaccines, even as of the disease. KHN examined vaccination dashboards for all 50 states and the...

April 12, 2021
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Brecha de género contra covid: se vacunan más mujeres que hombres

Brecha de género contra covid: se vacunan más mujeres que hombres

Noticias en español es una sección de Kaiser Health News que contiene traducciones de artículos de gran interés para la comunidad hispanohablante, y contenido original enfocado en la población hispana que vive en los Estados Unidos.Este contenido puede usarse de manera gratuita ().Mary Ann Steiner condujo dos horas y media desde su casa en University City, un suburbio de St. Louis, hasta la pequeña ciudad de Ozark, en Centerville, Missouri, para vacunarse contra covid-19. Después de poner su auto en fila en el estacionamiento de una iglesia, notó que las otras personas que esperaban tenían...

April 12, 2021
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Need Amid Plenty: Richest US Counties Are Overwhelmed by Surge in Child Hunger

Need Amid Plenty: Richest US Counties Are Overwhelmed by Surge in Child Hunger

Alexandra Sierra carried boxes of food to her kitchen counter, where her 7-year-old daughter, Rachell, stirred a pitcher of lemonade.This story also ran on . It can be“Oh, my God, it smells so good!” Sierra, 39, said of the bounty she’d just picked up at a food pantry, pulling out a ready-made salad and a container of soup.Sierra unpacked the donated food and planned lunch for Rachell and her siblings, ages 9 and 2, as a reporter watched through FaceTime. She said she doesn’t know what they’d do without the help.The family lives in Bergen County, New Jersey, a dense grouping of 70...

March 18, 2021
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For Spring Season, Young Athletes Get Back in the Game Despite Covid Risk

For Spring Season, Young Athletes Get Back in the Game Despite Covid Risk

This story also ran on . It can beThis spring, high school senior Nathan Kassis will play baseball in the shadow of covid-19 — wearing a neck gaiter under his catcher’s mask, sitting 6 feet from teammates in the dugout and trading elbow bumps for hugs after wins.“We’re looking forward to having a season,” said the 18-year-old catcher for Dublin Coffman High School, outside Columbus, Ohio. “This game is something we really love.”Kassis, whose team has started practices, is one of the millions of young people getting back onto ballfields, tennis courts and golf courses amid a decline in covid...

March 16, 2021
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Looking to Kentucky’s Past to Understand Montana Health Nominee’s Future

Looking to Kentucky’s Past to Understand Montana Health Nominee’s Future

It can beThe nominee to be Montana’s next health director faced an unwieldy disease outbreak and pushed Medicaid work requirements — two issues looming in Montana — when he held a similar job in Kentucky.Montana senators will soon decide whether to confirm Adam Meier, Republican Gov. Greg Gianforte’s for director of the state Department of Public Health and Human Services. He would earn leading Montana’s , which oversees 13 divisions and is a leader in the state’s pandemic response.Gianforte is confident Meier “will bring greater transparency, accountability, and efficiency to the...

March 1, 2021
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Hollowed-Out Public Health System Faces More Cuts Amid Virus

Hollowed-Out Public Health System Faces More Cuts Amid Virus

July 1, 2020This story also ran on .[UPDATED on Aug. 24]The U.S. public health system has been starved for decades and lacks the resources to confront the worst health crisis in a century.Marshaled against a virus that has sickened at least 2.6 million in the U.S., killed more than 126,000 people and cost tens of millions of jobs and $3 trillion in federal rescue money, state and local government health workers on the ground are sometimes paid so little that they qualify for public aid.They track the coronavirus on paper records shared via fax. Working seven-day weeks for months on end,...

July 1, 2020
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