Laura McGann
Laura McGann
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E. Jean Carroll joins at least 21 other women in publicly accusing Trump of sexual assault or misconduct

E. Jean Carroll joins at least 21 other women in publicly accusing Trump of sexual assault or misconduct

The accusations range from rape to unwanted kissing and groping.On Friday afternoon, New York magazine published an excerpt from a memoir written by E. Jean Carroll in which the noted columnist by Donald Trump in a department store dressing room in the 1990s. Carroll is at least the 22nd woman to step forward on the record with an account of an unwanted sexual advance or other encounter with Trump.Carroll explains in the excerpt that she didn’t come forward sooner out of fear that she’d be attacked, threatened, and smeared by Trump and his supporters. Trump has denied the accounts of all of...

June 21, 2019
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Chris Matthews’s misogyny shaped political journalism for a generation

Chris Matthews’s misogyny shaped political journalism for a generation

Let’s not lionize a journalist who demeaned women on air and in office.Since Chris Matthews announced his retirement from MSNBC Monday night, his friends and colleagues are praising the now-former Hardball host as a lion of the field of political journalism, as if he were leaving the network for a reason other than on-air sexism.“Chris Matthews is a giant. He’s a legend; it’s been an honor for me to work with him,” on air after Matthews announced he was stepping down.Morning Joe host Mika Brzezinski agreed:Thank you for saying everything I was thinking ..I am so sad about — Mika Brzezinski...

March 4, 2020
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Elizabeth Warren’s political legacy should include destroying Mike Bloomberg and Chris Matthews

Elizabeth Warren’s political legacy should include destroying Mike Bloomberg and Chris Matthews

On her way down, she took them with her.of the presidential race, leaving two white men to duke it out for the Democratic nomination and then take on the white man sitting in the Oval Office.It’s a disappointing turn of events for Democrats who are proud of recent historic firsts — electing America’s first black president and then electing a woman as a major party’s nominee in 2016. The 2020 Democratic field started out diverse but winnowed over time until Warren was the only candidate standing who wasn’t a white man.And while there’s plenty to unpack about the role gender and race played...

March 5, 2020
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Trump’s coronavirus speech was laced with xenophobia

Trump’s coronavirus speech was laced with xenophobia

World leaders have long linked germs and immigrants to stoke fear in moments of crisis.Americans generally expect that when regularly scheduled programming is interrupted to cut to the president sitting in the Oval Office, they will hear an important, sober, and universal message — a message almost always of unity, often a call for shared responsibility and even sacrifice.President Trump just used the powerful symbol of his office to attempt to divide us.Seated behind his desk in the White House Wednesday, Trump looked into the camera and warned Americans of an enemy who has infiltrated our...

March 12, 2020
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The agonizing story of Tara Reade

The agonizing story of Tara Reade

In April 2019, a woman named Tara Reade reached out to me with a clear, consistent story to tell about her experience as a staffer in Joe Biden’s Senate office in 1993. I spent hours on the phone with her, and many more tracking down possible witnesses and documents, trying to confirm her account.Reade told me that a senior aide told her Biden liked her legs and that he wanted her to serve cocktails at a fundraiser for him, a request she found demeaning and declined. When she later complained to others in the office that Biden would put his hands on her shoulder, neck, and hair during...

May 7, 2020
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The suspiciously sexist views of Amy Klobuchar’s management style, explained

The suspiciously sexist views of Amy Klobuchar’s management style, explained

Klobuchar tops the “worst boss in Congress” list. Right in front of six other female senators.On Friday afternoon, the New York Times dropped a on Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Amy Klobuchar that started with an anecdote meant to indict her management style: She once ate a salad with a comb, then made the staffer who lost her fork wipe it off.It’s the latest article in a series about how the senior Minnesotan senator is allegedly a bad boss. All of the pieces are based on accounts from anonymous former aides. No staffer has gone on the record. and ran the first stories, which...

February 24, 2019
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