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Conservative ‘News’ Site’s Secret: It’s Run by Trump’s Super PAC

Conservative ‘News’ Site’s Secret: It’s Run by Trump’s Super PAC

Donald Trump’s “official” super PAC has spent more than $25 million since last year to get the president re-elected. Now it’s trying a new tactic: the group, America First Action, has launched a news website.The site is called the American Herald, and it as “a conservative news platform designed to bring you all the news the liberal media doesn’t want you to know. We commit to cover national issues that impact all Americans, not just what fits the left’s political agenda.”The American Herald’s formation comes during an election cycle in which Trump’s political machine has sought to...

August 11, 2020
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We Untangled the Shady Effort to Elect a Florida Republican

We Untangled the Shady Effort to Elect a Florida Republican

In late March, as Florida State Rep. Dane Eagle vied for the Republican nomination for a U.S. House seat, his state-level political action committee emptied its bank account with a to an obscure federal super PAC.Eagle stepped back from his role at the eponymous Eagle Eye PAC last year to run for office. But within days of its donation to American Jobs and Growth PAC, a new political group called Concerned Conservatives Inc. was going to bat for Eagle’s candidacy. Just days before the Eagle Eye PAC donation, it had launched its first pro-Eagle ad buys in what has since grown into a $400,000...

August 6, 2020
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Trump’s Small Biz Rescue Bailed Out Kushner’s Family, Obama’s Aides and Other Political Elite

Trump’s Small Biz Rescue Bailed Out Kushner’s Family, Obama’s Aides and Other Political Elite

When the Trump administration began implementing a to bail out struggling employers amid the COVID-19 pandemic, a central concern was that the president would use the program to .It turns out that Trump’s pals weren’t the ones catching the windfall so much as Washington, D.C.’s . Among the entities cashing six to seven-figure checks from the in recent months were a fiscal responsibility advocacy organization run by anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist, a high-powered consulting firm run by former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, the nonprofit headed by former Trump campaign official...

July 6, 2020
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The RNC Is Paying a Former Apprentice Hand Accused of Having Trump Dirt

The RNC Is Paying a Former Apprentice Hand Accused of Having Trump Dirt

Last year, the Republican National Convention began cutting checks to a former producer of NBC’s Celebrity Apprentice who was accused of having, as one contestant put it, “all the dirt” on Donald Trump.From August 2019 through May 2020, the Committee on Arrangements for the 2020 Republican National Convention made totaling more than $66,000 to Labella Worldwide, Inc. for “production consulting services.” The firm is run by Chuck Labella, a former NBC executive and the talent producer who worked on Donald Trump’s famous reality show.Labella is not just a former Apprentice bigwig. According...

July 2, 2020
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Kelly Loeffler’s Fundraising Committee Takes the Prize for Tone Deafness

Kelly Loeffler’s Fundraising Committee Takes the Prize for Tone Deafness

As Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) proclaims her exoneration from , she’s simultaneously building a campaign fundraising system that imagines her campaign as a Wall Street-style investment opportunity.The Georgia Republican is offering donors and fundraisers benefit packages to support her re-election bid. Those packages come in three tiers: investor, shareholder, and board member.That’s according to a obtained by The Daily Beast, which also details each of the benefits that donors can expect from membership in what Loeffler’s campaign refers to as a “co-investor program” and has dubbed its...

June 12, 2020
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‘Independent’ Trump Super PAC Gets Access to the Campaign’s Prized Possession

‘Independent’ Trump Super PAC Gets Access to the Campaign’s Prized Possession

By law, President Donald Trump’s campaign is not allowed to coordinate with a super PAC supporting it. But in recent months, one such ostensibly independent group has purchased access to one of the campaign’s most valuable possessions: the massive email list that it has built over the last five years.The Trump campaign is renting out that list, and financial records indicate its top political customer is America First Action, the campaign’s “official” super PAC. The Trump campaign says it’s charging fair-market value for the list, which means the arrangement is likely above-board as far as...

April 9, 2020
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GOP Group Tells Donors They Can Help Anonymously Bring Down Kelly Loeffler

GOP Group Tells Donors They Can Help Anonymously Bring Down Kelly Loeffler

Some GOP donors have been loath to publicly back attacks on (R-GA) for fear that doing so will land them on the wrong side of powerful Republicans in Atlanta and Washington. But now, those donors have a way to go after the senator who finds herself at the heart of an without drawing the ire of party leaders: They can do it anonymously.Loeffler is the party establishment’s pick to stay in the Senate seat in 2020, even as she faces a primary challenge from , a Trump loyalist with significant grassroots appeal. Loeffler enjoys the full-throated backing of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell...

April 16, 2020
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Trump Calls For Reopening America’s Gyms Day After Call With SoulCycle’s Owner

Trump Calls For Reopening America’s Gyms Day After Call With SoulCycle’s Owner

President Donald Trump unveiled a proposal this week to reopen America’s gyms in spite of the coronavirus outbreak after a phone call that included the head of the company that owns luxury fitness brands Equinox and SoulCycle, who also happens to be a high-profile Trump supporter.In a memo issued on Thursday titled “Guidelines for Opening Up America Again,” the White House included gyms among the businesses that would reopen to the general public during “phase one” of its , which has cratered amid nationwide stay-at-home orders and business closures. Though the document said gyms could...

April 17, 2020
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GOP Senate Candidate Chastises Trump and Then Fundraises With Don Jr.

GOP Senate Candidate Chastises Trump and Then Fundraises With Don Jr.

Days after he sought to distance himself from some of President Donald Trump’s more outlandish statements, Michigan Republican Senate candidate John James is raising money with the help of the president’s eldest son.Donald Trump Jr. will co-host a virtual fundraiser on Monday for James, a top Republican Senate recruit who hopes to flip a competitive seat in a state Trump narrowly carried in 2016. The fundraiser, which will take place over the teleconferencing platform Zoom, offers donors who give $1,000 the chance to pose questions to James and the younger Trump.The event comes just days...

May 18, 2020
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