Kylee Zempel
Kylee Zempel
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Americans Are Irrationally Afraid Of COVID Because Elites Demonize Risk

Americans Are Irrationally Afraid Of COVID Because Elites Demonize Risk

Share“Why do so many vaccinated people remain fearful?” David Leonhardt asks with a straight face in Monday’s New York Times morning newsletter about “.”Leonhardt opens with a story about judge and Yale University law professor Guido Calabresi, who for 30 years has been telling his students a tale he crafted about a god who came to society to propose an invention that would make their lives better in nearly every way. It would afford them extra quality time with loved ones and enable them to see sights and perform tasks they wouldn’t otherwise be able to do.The cost? The god would select...

April 20, 2021
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Americans Won't Vaccinate If Fauci Keeps Telling Them It's Pointless

Americans Won't Vaccinate If Fauci Keeps Telling Them It's Pointless

If Anthony Fauci really wants Americans to get a COVID-19 shot, he should stop telling them it’s pointless.ShareAlthough Gov. Gretchen Whitmer loves it enough to have it cross-stitched on a , Anthony Fauci’s face is hated by many Americans around the country. He reminded us why yet again when his face made an appearance on MSNBC over the weekend.“What is the message to vaccinated and unvaccinated Americans as to what they should and should not be doing right now? For example, eating and drinking indoors in restaurants and bars — is that OK now?” asked host Mehdi Hasan.“No, it’s still not OK...

April 12, 2021
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Corrupt Monopolies Are A Constitutional Loophole For Fascism

Corrupt Monopolies Are A Constitutional Loophole For Fascism

Share“Corporate communism” began trending on Twitter Tuesday afternoon due to a video of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene coining the term.The freshman Republican was talking about the Biden administration’s ambitions to buddy up with so-called private companies in creating a way to identify who has been vaccinated against the Wuhan virus. These “ would allow some combination of companies and the government to prohibit unvaccinated people from traveling, going to events or gatherings, or otherwise participating in a free and normal society.Perhaps more troubling than the ruling class telling...

March 31, 2021
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Senators Demand Secret Service Details In Hunter Biden Gun Scandal

Senators Demand Secret Service Details In Hunter Biden Gun Scandal

ShareTwo Republican lawmakers sent a letter to the head of Secret Service on Thursday demanding records of the agency’s involvement in the case of Hunter Biden’s missing firearm in late 2018, a story Politico  last week.“In light of the recent press report, please provide all records relating to your agency’s involvement in the alleged October 2018 incident with respect to Hunter Biden’s firearm no later than April 8, 2021,” GOP Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin on March 25.The report to which the senators are referring is a bizarre story about a .38 revolver...

March 29, 2021
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READ: The Gun Background Check Form Where Hunter Biden Claimed He Wasn't Using Drugs

READ: The Gun Background Check Form Where Hunter Biden Claimed He Wasn't Using Drugs

ShareHunter Biden was the subject of a strange missing firearm case in 2018 after Hallie Biden, the wife of his late brother and subsequently Hunter’s girlfriend, tossed it into a trash can behind a grocery store near a high school, according to a strange new report from . It appears Hunter, the son of President Joe Biden, on the federal forms he filled out to purchase the gun a few months prior, forms The Federalist has now obtained.Hunter answered “no” to a question on the Firearms Transaction Record asking whether he was an “unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant,...

March 26, 2021
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Mr. President, Most Gun Owners Aren't As Reckless As Hunter Biden

Mr. President, Most Gun Owners Aren't As Reckless As Hunter Biden

ShareAlthough President Joe Biden would rather than talk about this and Kamala Harris will it, a power-hungry Biden administration in cahoots with a Democrat-controlled Congress is working hard to enact sweeping gun control. Capitalizing on tragic shootings, this administration is bypassing Second Amendment infringement and has opted instead to just stomp it right out.During his first press conference more than two full months into office, Biden briefly promised gun control. Immediately before changing the subject to something as non-polarizing as bridges and roads, Biden replied to a...

March 26, 2021
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'Science Is Back’ With Joe Biden? Here Are 7 Things That Say It’s Not

'Science Is Back’ With Joe Biden? Here Are 7 Things That Say It’s Not

ShareWith the dawn of his administration, President Joe Biden ushered in a new era of norms, civility, and, most importantly, science. That’s right, No. 46 has brought us out of our anti-science Neanderthal thinking and into the glorious light.“Science is back,” Biden announced while visiting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention headquarters in Atlanta on Friday. No, really, “all kidding aside.”"Science is back," President Biden says while visiting CDC headquarters after his admin. administered 100,000,000 vaccines. "When we have a crisis, you're prepared to meet it, because you...

March 24, 2021
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NBC: Wear A Mask While Exercising And Showering. Maybe Even Two

NBC: Wear A Mask While Exercising And Showering. Maybe Even Two

ShareThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rolled out some guidelines for , and this week NBC News explained them for us. Among the most notable guidelines, as NBC , is the charge to wear a mask while you’re exercising inside at the gym.Based on a study of a gym-related COVID-19 breakout in Chicago in the late summer of 2020, the CDC concluded, “To reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission in exercise facilities, employees and patrons should wear a mask, even during high-intensity activities (10) while ≥6 ft apart.”Considering many careful CDC rule-followers pride themselves on “following the...

March 13, 2021
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Kyrsten Sinema Was Right. We Should All Thumbs-Down A $15 Minimum Wage

Kyrsten Sinema Was Right. We Should All Thumbs-Down A $15 Minimum Wage

You might not like the optics, but Sinema was right. We all should give a $15 federal minimum wage a big thumbs down.ShareModerate Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona cut against her leftist colleagues Friday afternoon, with Republicans and a handful of other Democrats on the progressives’ attempt to include a federal minimum wage increase in the proposed $1.9 trillion COVID-19 spending bill. Not only did Sinema vote not to raise the federal minimum to $15 per hour, but she also gave the measure a literal big thumbs down.I too like to give a big thumbs-down to federal overreach that...

March 5, 2021
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Race-Baiters Have Incited More Violence Than Trump Ever Did

Race-Baiters Have Incited More Violence Than Trump Ever Did

ShareAdam Toledo is a name that has likely saturated your newsfeed over the past month. He was a 13-year-old Mexican-American boy who was fatally shot by a police officer on Chicago’s West Side not one month ago.This week, that name was overshadowed by Ma’Khia Bryant, a black teenager who died at the hands of law enforcement in Ohio. In both cases, leftist politicians and Twitter-verified “journalists” couldn’t get the story out fast enough, absent facts, video, or nuance — but the headlines wrote themselves: “Racist Cop Shoots Unarmed Minority.”Also in both cases, the stories turned out to...

April 23, 2021
