Krishnendu Banerjee
Krishnendu Banerjee
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Scientists Turn CO2 into Jet Fuel, Paving New Avenue for Carbon Neutral Aviation and Colony on Mars

Scientists Turn CO2 into Jet Fuel, Paving New Avenue for Carbon Neutral Aviation and Colony on Mars

In the coming decade, space agencies and private space companies like SpaceX are planning to build a base on Moon and Mars. While scientists are already building rockets for the journey, for long-term human settlements on either of them, astronauts will need fuel to carry out daily activities. Many have already proposed hydrogen as a possible solution. But a group of scientists is working on converting carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere to synthetic jet fuel. As Mars is rich in CO2 (around 96%) and lunar regoliths have a high concentration of carbon dioxide, it offers a possible...

December 23, 2020
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Is Roscosmos Planning to Leave ISS? Russia's Own Space Station May Be Launched in 2025

Is Roscosmos Planning to Leave ISS? Russia's Own Space Station May Be Launched in 2025

The International Space Station (ISS) is nearing its end. The first space station that was a result of international collaboration had its first component launched in 1998. Since then, it has grown bigger and has served numerous experiments. But the ISS is nearing its end of service which is supposed to run through 2030.However, Russia, which is a member of the ISS, believes that it may end its service sooner than previously thought. As Russia has pledged to continue its support of the ISS till 2025, it will rather start building its own space station after that.Russia's spaceflight...

November 28, 2020
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Despite Disappointing Battery Day, Musk Braces for 1,000-KM Per Charge Tesla

Despite Disappointing Battery Day, Musk Braces for 1,000-KM Per Charge Tesla

Tesla cars are already leaders in mileage per charge. Most of the models have a mileage of around 325 miles per charge. But now, Elon Musk's company is aiming to cross the 1,000-kilometer (621 miles) barrier. According to Tesla CEO, the company is developing a battery that will give a 1,000-km range per charge while a new smaller hatchback will be launched for the European market.Musk's comments came two months after a disappointing Tesla Battery Day (September 22) where he claimed that the company was developing a battery (named 4680) that would have a million-mile range and would close...

November 28, 2020
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ESA Awards Contract to ClearSpace That Will Clean Space Debris with Giant Pincers

ESA Awards Contract to ClearSpace That Will Clean Space Debris with Giant Pincers

The next-generation space race is on and it's not just the U.S. and Russia that are competing to put humans on the Moon or Mars. China, India, Japan, Europe and even private agencies are now all major players in putting satellites in orbit and sending spacecraft to the Earth's satellite and even Mars.But over half a century of space research has already culminated in huge debris that orbits the Earth, creating a major hazard for future space missions. The space junks can essentially knock an expensive satellite out of orbit or destroy them.Hence, clearing the debris is a necessity that all...

November 27, 2020
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Researchers Turn To AI-Powered Facial Recognition to Monitor Wild Animals

Researchers Turn To AI-Powered Facial Recognition to Monitor Wild Animals

Artificial intelligence has become an industry standard. The technology has been used in various industries to solve problems quickly and efficiently. Now, researchers are using the same technology to protect the environment and conserve animals. Researchers from British Columbia, Canada have implemented AI for facial recognition of bears to monitor their population.The climate change crisis is seen as a man-made disaster for various reasons. While it has impacted humans, the most affected are the animals who depend on the natural ecosystem to survive. Due to climate change, many animals...

November 25, 2020
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Filipino Student Wins James Dyson Award for His Unique Solar Windows That Can Produce Electricity

Filipino Student Wins James Dyson Award for His Unique Solar Windows That Can Produce Electricity

As the push for lowering carbon emission grows, the focus has been on renewable energy. One potential aspect is tapping on the Sun's energy. For centuries, scientists have devised plans to convert Sun's energy into electricity. While solar power is still not a substitute for conventional energy generation with its limitations, a Filipino student has invented a system that can generate electricity from windows.Called the AuREUS, it can covert Sun's ultra-violet light into electricity. The solar windows, invented by 27-year-old engineering student Carvey Ehren Maigue from the Mapua University...

November 23, 2020
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Bolt From The Blue Makes Indonesian Coffin Maker a Millionaire; He Wants to Have a Daughter Now

Bolt From The Blue Makes Indonesian Coffin Maker a Millionaire; He Wants to Have a Daughter Now

It is believed that if you wish something to a falling star, it comes true. That ancient belief hasn't done any good for most but a fallen space rock has changed a man's fortune in Indonesia. Sounds unbelievable, right? But that exactly what happened to Josua Hutagalung.In what was a lucky escape for Hutagalung, he managed to score big, by selling the rock to a collector and became an instant millionaire. The 33-year-old, a coffin maker by profession, saw a football-sized meteor crashing through the roof near his living room in August 2020.Hutagalung, the resident of Kolang (North Sumatra),...

November 18, 2020
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Scientists Discover CRISPR Gene Editing Technique for Corals To Help It Survive Climate Change

Scientists Discover CRISPR Gene Editing Technique for Corals To Help It Survive Climate Change

The destruction of coral reefs poses a threat to not only countries that are protected by it but also livelihoods that depend on it. Hence, when it was first found that corals were dying due to increasing ocean temperature, alarm bells rang.The severity of the problem was realized recently when 70 percent of total coral reefs were harmed in El Nino (2014-2017), a phase of warm ocean water. With climate change further warming the ocean temperature, destruction could be on the cards in near future.As nearly 25 percent of all marine lives are found near coral reefs which also protect the...

November 18, 2020
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Martian Dust Storms Accelerating Water Evaporation, Study Finds

Martian Dust Storms Accelerating Water Evaporation, Study Finds

Scientists have long believed that Mars' surface once was similar to Earth with oceans and rivers flowing on the Red Planet billions of years ago. Fossilized river and ocean beds are evidence of that. Mars is now bone dry and the only water exists is as ice at the north and south poles. However, scientists have now revealed the mystery of Mars losing its water.Researchers previously assumed that water vapor could not escape to space as the heavy molecules could not have traveled high enough through Mars' thin atmosphere. It had to fall back on the surface. But NASA's Mars Atmosphere and...

November 13, 2020
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Earth's Bacteria Can Help Mining on Moon and Mars, Study on ISS Shows

Earth's Bacteria Can Help Mining on Moon and Mars, Study on ISS Shows

The next gold rush is on the Moon. As private companies are getting ready to send astronauts and robots to the Moon for mining precious materials, scientists are trying to figure out the methods that can be applied to extract minerals.While using heavy machinery modified to suit the environment on the Moon is one possibility, scientists are also exploring the idea of using microorganisms for mining. Such microorganisms are already used on Earth to extract important minerals such as .A group of scientists from the U.K. dedicated a decade to developing biomining reactors that could tell us if...

November 11, 2020
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