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EFF to Court: Broadband Privacy Law Passes First Amendment Muster

EFF to Court: Broadband Privacy Law Passes First Amendment Muster

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItWhen it comes to surveillance of our online lives, Internet service providers (ISPs) are some of the worst offenders. Last year, the state of Maine passed a targeted at the harms ISPs do to their customers when they use and sell their personal information. Now that law is under from a group of ISPs who claim it violates their First Amendment rights. The lawsuit raises a number of issues—including free speech and data privacy—that are crucial to maintaining an open Internet. So EFF filed an amicus arguing that...

May 28, 2020
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Maine Broadband Privacy Law Passes Early First Amendment Test

Maine Broadband Privacy Law Passes Early First Amendment Test

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItWhen you send an email or browse the web, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) may track what sites you visit and when, as well as any unencrypted information you read or send. So requires ISPs to get their customers’ opt-in consent before using or disclosing this and other personal information. ISPs would rather harvest and monetize your data without restraint, so they filed a poorly conceived First Amendment against this Maine law. EFF filed an in support of the privacy law, along with ACLU, ACLU of Maine, and...

July 9, 2020
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Federal Court Agrees: Prosecutors Can’t Keep Forensic Evidence Secret from Defendants

Federal Court Agrees: Prosecutors Can’t Keep Forensic Evidence Secret from Defendants

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItWhen the government tries to convict you of a crime, you have a right to challenge its evidence. This is a fundamental principle of due process, yet prosecutors and technology vendors have routinely argued against disclosing how forensic technology works.For the first time, a federal court on the issue, and the decision marks a victory for civil liberties.EFF teamed up with the ACLU of Pennsylvania to file arguing in favor of defendants’ rights to challenge complex DNA analysis software that implicates them in...

February 26, 2021
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Section 1201’s Harm to Security Research Shown by Mixed Decision in Corellium Case

Section 1201’s Harm to Security Research Shown by Mixed Decision in Corellium Case

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItUnder traditional copyright law, security research is a well-established fair use, meaning it does not infringe copyright. When it was passed in 1998, Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act upset the balance of copyright law. Since then, the balance has been further upset as it has been interpreted so broadly by some courts that it effectively eliminates fair use if you have to bypass an access control like encryption to make that fair use.The District Court’s makes this shift crystal-clear. Corellium...

February 4, 2021
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No Secret Evidence in Our Courts

No Secret Evidence in Our Courts

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItIf you’re accused of a crime, you have a right to examine and challenge the evidence used against you. In an important victory, an agreed with EFF and the ACLU of NJ that a defendant is entitled to see the source code of software that’s used to generate evidence against them.The case of New Jersey v. Pickett involves complex DNA analysis using TrueAllele software. The software analyzed a DNA sample obtained by swabbing a weapon, a sample that likely contained the DNA of multiple people. It then asserted that it was...

February 4, 2021
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Protecting Your Rights to Understand and Innovate on the Tech in Your Life

Protecting Your Rights to Understand and Innovate on the Tech in Your Life

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItEvery three years, the public has an opportunity to chip away at the harm inflicted by an offshoot of copyright law that doesn’t respect traditional safeguards such as fair use. This law, Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, impedes speech, innovation, and access to knowledge by threatening huge financial penalties to those who simply access copyrighted works that are encumbered by access restriction technology. To mitigate the obvious harm this law causes, Americans have the right to petition for...

December 14, 2020
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Broad Coalition Urges Court Not to Block California’s Net Neutrality Law

Broad Coalition Urges Court Not to Block California’s Net Neutrality Law

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItAfter the federal government rolled back net neutrality protections for consumers in 2017, California stepped up and passed a bill that does what FCC wouldn’t: bar telecoms from blocking and throttling Internet content and imposing paid prioritization schemes. The law, SB 822, ensures that that all Californians have full access to all Internet content and services—at lower prices.Partnering with the ACLU of Northern California and numerous other public interest advocates, businesses and educators, EFF today urging...

October 1, 2020
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EFF and ACLU Tell Federal Court that Forensic Software Source Code Must Be Disclosed

EFF and ACLU Tell Federal Court that Forensic Software Source Code Must Be Disclosed

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItCan secret software be used to generate key evidence against a criminal defendant? In an amicus filed ten days ago with the United States District Court of the Western District of Pennsylvania, EFF and the ACLU of Pennsylvania explain that secret forensic technology is inconsistent with criminal defendants’ constitutional rights and the public’s right to oversee the criminal trial process. Our amicus in the case of United States v. Ellis also explains why source code, and other aspects of forensic software programs...

August 3, 2020
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Medical Device Repair Again Threatened With Copyright Claims

Medical Device Repair Again Threatened With Copyright Claims

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItMedical providers face countless challenges in responding to the COVID pandemic, and copyright shouldn’t have to be one of them. Hundreds of volunteers came together to create the posted to the repair information website iFixit, providing medical practitioners and technicians an easy-to-use, annotated, and indexed resource to help them keep devices in good repair. The database includes documentation for mission-critical devices relevant to the COVID pandemic and as a tool for caregivers and those supporting...

June 11, 2020
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Open Innovation in Medical Technology Will Save Lives

Open Innovation in Medical Technology Will Save Lives

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItExperts from the world’s top engineering programs have come together to share knowledge about medical technology, hoping to make life-saving treatments more widely available. Importantly, they’re ensuring that patents, copyrights, and other legal restrictions don’t get between that knowledge and the people who need it most.The availability of ventilators has emerged as a limiting factor in treatment of the COVID-19 virus, prompting researchers to imagine alternatives to the proprietary machines most commonly in...

April 15, 2020
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