Kimberly Kindy
Kimberly Kindy
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Protesters hope this is a moment of reckoning for American policing. Experts say not so fast.

Protesters hope this is a moment of reckoning for American policing. Experts say not so fast.

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareGlimmers of hope have emerged for Americans demanding action on police violence and systemic racism in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd, the black man who gasped for air beneath the knee of a white Minneapolis police officer last month.All four officers involved in his death, a far more rapid show of accountability than has followed similar killings of unarmed black people. Massive, diverse crowds have filled streets nationwide, sometimes with politicians and law enforcement officials . Legislation and other...

June 8, 2020
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Police chiefs and mayors push for reform. Then they run into veteran officers, unions and ‘how culture is created.’

Police chiefs and mayors push for reform. Then they run into veteran officers, unions and ‘how culture is created.’

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareThe push to rethink American policing since George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis in May has quickly gained traction. Cities and states have banned chokeholds and certain other uses of force, Congress is considering legislation to do the same, and some local officials have moved to reduce police funding.But issues central to this ongoing debate — including how officers should police communities and how departments police their officers — may prove to be insulated from these policy proposals.Police and city leaders have...

June 28, 2020
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As coronavirus spreads, the people who prepare your food probably don’t have paid sick leave

As coronavirus spreads, the people who prepare your food probably don’t have paid sick leave

This article was published more than 3 years agoCommentGift ShareWhen Detroit restaurant chef Nik Cole gets sick, she pops a few vitamin C tablets, heads into work and then tops it off with Alka-Seltzer Plus so she can power through her day.She is one of nearly 7 million food service workers in the United States who is forced to go without pay if she is too sick to work. Although 75 percent of Americans receive some paid sick days, government and industry data show that only have such benefits.“I would have to have a fever and be really weak in order to call off for work,” said...

March 7, 2020
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Fatal police shootings of mentally ill people are 39 percent more likely to take place in small and midsized areas

Fatal police shootings of mentally ill people are 39 percent more likely to take place in small and midsized areas

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareThe final moments of Stacy Kenny’s life are captured on a recorded 911 call. Kenny, who had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, begs an emergency operator to explain why she’s been pulled over. Amid screaming and rustling sounds, police officers smash the windows on her red Nissan, Taser her twice, punch her in the face more than a dozen times and try to pull her out by her hair.But Kenny, 33, who legally had changed her gender but still appeared to be a man, was anchored to the car by a locked seat belt. Her life...

October 17, 2020
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He fled Congo to work in a U.S. meat plant. Then he — and hundreds of his co-workers — got the coronavirus.

He fled Congo to work in a U.S. meat plant. Then he — and hundreds of his co-workers — got the coronavirus.

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareGREELEY, Colo. — When local health officials moved to close one of the country's biggest meatpacking plants amid a major coronavirus outbreak in April, Vice President Pence and one of the nation's leading health officials pushed to keep the plant operating, against the advice of top local and state health officials, according to records and interviews.The JBS Greeley plant, which employs more than 3,000 people, closed and reopened eight days later. Since then, three plant workers have died of covid-19, bringing the total...

August 6, 2020
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These brutal police dog attacks were captured on video. Now some cities are curtailing K-9 use.

These brutal police dog attacks were captured on video. Now some cities are curtailing K-9 use.

By A half-mile from the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Ala., where police once beat civil rights protesters, Selma police pulled over an unarmed 36-year-old Black man in 2018 for a series of traffic violations that began with him rolling his white Jaguar through a stop sign. Ronald Fitts got out of the car, arms raised, eyewitnesses said, but was quickly knocked to the ground and swarmed by three White officers as a fourth White officer led a lurching police dog to his body and ordered an attack. A Black officer arrived at that moment, yelling obscenities as he demanded that the dog be...

November 29, 2020
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More than 200 meat plant workers in the U.S. have died of covid-19. Federal regulators just issued two modest fines.

More than 200 meat plant workers in the U.S. have died of covid-19. Federal regulators just issued two modest fines.

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareFederal regulators knew about serious safety problems in dozens of the nation’s meat plants that became deadly coronavirus hot spots this spring but took six months to take action, recently citing two plants and finally requiring changes to protect workers.The financial penalties for a Smithfield Foods plant in South Dakota and a JBS plant in Colorado issued last week total about $29,000 — an amount critics said was so small that it would fail to serve as an incentive for the nation’s meatpackers to take social distancing...

September 13, 2020
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